
Flash Marriage:99 Days

"I will take responsibility for you" On the night of breakup, Vani met Ansh. Her heart was bleeding and he was the medicine. How did a passionate night change it all for them? What will happen between these two now? To know the answers, read "Flash Marriage:99 Days".

Istilldo · Urban
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12 Chs

Living with Ansh


When Vani woke up, it was already dark. She didn't know how long she had slept, but she just felt a little dizzy.

Rubbing her head and sitting up, she reached out to touch the switch beside the bedside table, but she felt nothing, and instead found a strange model-like thing.

A strange feeling came to her, and Vani realized that there was a completely unfamiliar smell in this room.


The light in the room was turned on, and the man with a water glass in his hand saw her sitting and smiled, "Awake?"

"Ansh, why are you here?" She looked around the room and changed her words, "Why am I here?"

Ansh looked at her with interest, and the corners of his lips were rather playful, "I don't know who it is, but I'm so big that I'm sleeping in a strange man's car, and I can't wake up even if I call. Take you home, or take you to the police station?"

This man's heart is really smaller than the tip of a needle!

Restraining the twitching of her brows, Vani reached out and grabbed the water glass in her hand, then lifted her head and drank the water.

The man's cool voice sounded, "Aren't you afraid of me poisioning you?"

"Mr.Ansh, I'm sorry to bother you for so long. I'm sorry to say goodbye."

Vani jumped off the bed and wanted to leave, but Ansh grabbed her wrist, "You don't have a bathtub in your house, and your arms can't get wet. How do you take a bath when you go back?"

"It's none of your business...how do you know that my house doesn't have a bathtub?" Did you stay for a while? Could it be that his eyes can see through and he saw through the bedroom? !

Ansh sat down on the sofa chair beside the bed, folded his slender legs, and said casually, "Oh, while you were asleep, I took the keys from your bag and went to visit your house. Then, I did help you pack by the way. I bought some daily necessities."

His fingers tapped a small suitcase beside the bed, his posture was as graceful as a prince, but the words he said made people want to be rude.

"Ansh, who would allow you to enter my house without my permission." Is this man a bandit? He doesn't feel any guilt when he casually enters other people's houses and rummages through other people's things.

Ansh probed, "I asked you."

"When?" Why didn't she remember this.

"When you fell asleep," the wicked smile gradually widened on the man's face, "you didn't speak, so I understand it as a default."

Vani wanted to kill him with a slap!

This man is really the worst person among all the men she has ever met.

On the beige marbled dining table, there are several delicate side dishes, which are not rich, but they look delicious.

Vani was startled, "What did you do?" This ruffian man didn't look like he knew how to cook.

"I've never served someone like this before , you are the first." Even their old man didn't get this treatment.

"Thank you so much!" Vani lowered her eyes, she didn't care about this kind of treatment at all, okay?

Vani really wanted to say that I'm not hungry, but her stomach let out an untimely cry and betrayed her without any room. She could only aggrieved herself to take a bite, and then... she was amazed!

She has always been confident in her cooking skills, at least Raj has always liked what she cooks.

But now she found out that there are people outside the world. She was completely defeated under this man!

"I didn't expect you to actually cook!" And it was so delicious.

Ansh glanced at her hastily, and didn't seem to think that this was a big deal, "If you are a human, you need to fill your stomach!" This understatement made Vani's chewing action stop, and an inexplicable and complicated feeling arose in her heart. mood.

The reason why she learned to cook at the beginning was because Raj loved to eat, and she was willing to wash her hands and make soup for the sake of her beloved. But what about him, and why?

A man like Ansh with an eight-meter light effect must have no shortage of women around him. As long as he is willing, I don't know how many people will be willing to cook for him one after another. Moreover, he is domineering and indifferent, and he doesn't seem to be studying for someone. He said it was to fill his stomach, could it be...

Vani sketched in his heart the scene of a young man with a miserable fate struggling to survive on his own, and then looked at Ansh with a hint of sympathy.

Her eyes were too strange, Ansh raised her eyes, her thin lips pursed into a frivolous arc, "Why, you decided to marry me because of my handsome looks?"

"..." Vani felt that she must be The ghost that is obsessed, otherwise how would she feel pitiful.

He's obviously a devil, and he's also very vicious!

After dinner, Ansh neatly cleaned the table, threw the tableware into the dishwasher, tidy up the kitchen, and came out of the kitchen to find Vani rummaging around in his house.

"What are you doing?"

Vani didn't lift her head, "Nonsense, of course I'm looking for the key to my house." She knew he should have changed the combination lock in the first place, so that he wouldn't be in pinch.

Too bad she knew it sooner.

"If you're sleepy, take a shower first and then go to bed. There is a bathtub in the bathroom of the master bedroom,.

Irrelevant conversation made Vani frown.

But thinking that the key was still in the other's hand, she wisely suppressed the flame, "Mr.Ansh, I..."

if she didn't have a bathtub in her house ? Not rich enough to buy a bathtub, okay?

"I've put some of your daily clothes in the first closet of the wardrobe, and the pajamas are also there. You can find it yourself. If it's inconvenient to wash your hair, you can call me, and I'll be happy to help." The man took care of himself Since he walked to the sofa and sat down, there was a bad smile on his face.

There is no room for negotiation about staying at his house.

Vani felt that the good temper she had was gone at this moment, and she almost turned into a shrew in seconds, with her hands on her hips and her voice on her shoulders, yelling at him.

But seeing someone leisurely pick up the remote and turn on the TV, concentrating on watching the news, she suddenly became a little discouraged.

I'm afraid that even if she screamed, this man would have the ability to pretend he didn't hear it.

At this moment, she suddenly felt depressed.

Forget it, since she really doesn't know how to take a bath when she gets home, but she can't sleep without taking a bath, let's just... compromise for the time being!

After the same, Vani turned around expressionlessly and walked slowly towards the master bedroom. After walking a few steps, she stopped and turned to look at the man who was watching TV intently, "How on earth are you willing to return my keys?" Her voice was cool, but it sounded very comfortable, "I am a single woman who lives in In the house of a strange man, it is worth noting your reputation."

"I am your future husband, not a strange man."

Vani pursed her lips. , turned and entered the bedroom.

After filling up with hot water, Vani took off her clothes and stepped into the bathtub, burying herself in the warm water. A sense of comfort that penetrated into her pores made her sigh and let out a sigh. She raised her eyes and swept, and sure enough, she saw all kinds of bodysoap,scent in the cupboard above her head.

Let me rest in peace ✌️✌️