
Flash Marriage:99 Days

"I will take responsibility for you" On the night of breakup, Vani met Ansh. Her heart was bleeding and he was the medicine. How did a passionate night change it all for them? What will happen between these two now? To know the answers, read "Flash Marriage:99 Days".

Istilldo · Urban
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12 Chs

Meeting Riya

  Vani thought that Ansh must be angry. This man has a great temper. If he is really angry, even if she is not swept out of the house now, she will be in the future.

  So when she saw Ansh preparing a hearty breakfast the next morning, she couldn't help but have a thought, "This shouldn't be the last meal".

  During breakfast, neither of them spoke. Vani took a look at his expression secretly, but couldn't see anything.

  After breakfast, Vani hesitated for a long time, but she was the first to speak, "I'm sorry about what happened last night. That... I'm going to work."

  Ansh paused while cleaning the table, then turned around and put the dishes away without saying a word. into the dishwasher.

  Her nails pinched her palms hard, Vani felt a little stuffy about his lukewarm attitude. Forget it, how did she have anything to do with him she was just the object of a one-night stand, and sooner or later they would go separate ways.

  She turned around and went back to the room to change her clothes. When she came out with her bag, Ansh was no longer in the room.

  Vani pouted, changed her shoes and went to the elevator.

  When she walked out of the building, a low-key black SUV parked in front of her, and just as she was about to avoid it, she saw the window rolled down to reveal a familiar face.

  The man opened and closed his thin lips and spit out two words, "Get in the car!"

  Vani hesitated for a while, her hand was injured and it was inconvenient to drive, and Ansh had both the car key and the door key in his hand and it was a waste of money to take a taxi.

  Forget it, save it if you can!

  "Company address!"

  "Middle section of NH Road, R-10 Plaza!"

  After a brief conversation, the inside of the car fell into silence.

  The atmosphere is very quiet, it can even be said that it is a little strange. The man's aura was too strong, so Vani had to turn her head to look out the window at the fast-reversing street scene, hoping that she could use this to make herself not care.

  The car quietly shuttled through the early morning traffic, and soon stopped next to R-10 Plaza.

  Vani raised her head and glanced out. It was indeed where she was working. She said lightly, "Thank you!" and was about to open the door and get out of the car.

  Her arm was suddenly grabbed, and when she turned around, the man's thin lips pressed down. It was cold with a hint of sweetness like morning dew, which made Vani feel a little stunned.

  With a touch, Ansh resumed his previous sitting position without any haste, his low hoarse voice had a hint of coldness, "I really don't know whether you are smart or stupid!"

  "..." Vani gritted her eyes, the corners of the man's lips twitched into a smile, and there were clear ripples flowing in the bottom of his eyes.

  His eyes are very good-looking, like a galaxy flowing in the sky, and it is easy for people to fall.

  Vani looked away, pushed the door to get out of the car in a panic, and ran into the building like a thief with a guilty conscience.

  It wasn't until she squeezed into the elevator with the crowd that she noticed that her cheeks were a little hot.

  What is she doing to be easily fooled by that man's masculinity. She should have slapped him hard and scolded him for his behavior, but why did she flee by herself, still blushing here.

  When she entered the office, assistant Jhanvi immediately greeted her when she saw her, "Morning manager!" When she noticed the strange redness on her face, she asked strangely, "What's wrong with you, manager, do you have a fever? Why is your face so red? How is the injury, is it serious? Could the fever be caused by the inflammation of the wound, in that case you should..."

  "I'm fine!" Vani stretched out her hand to cover the endless mouth of her assistant, Balabala, and entered in the office with a headache , and slammed the door.

  Jhanvi stood at the door in a daze, looking at the closed office door in front of her, what happened to the manager, she was just expressing her concern, and the reaction shouldn't be so big.

  It was inexplicable, another little flower from the administration department rushed in, saw Jhanvi standing at Vani's door, and immediately grabbed her excitedly and lowered her voice mysteriously, "Guess what I just saw. ?"

  "What?" Why was everyone so strange early this morning.

  "I saw the handsome guy who picked up the manager in the restaurant yesterday and sent the manager to work. I bet something's going on between them."

  Jhanvi covered her mouth, so her face was so red just now, not because of Fever, but because of... shyness? !

  In the office, Vani was facing the computer. She clearly wanted to work, but her brain was like a bowl of paste.

  While she was staring at the computer in a daze, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

  The unfamiliar number stung her eyes.

  Vani didn't want to answer, but after thinking about it, she picked up her phone and swiped, "Is something wrong?" The phone was quiet for a while before a soft and delicate voice came, "Vani ," Riya's voice was the same as before. As weak as she needs someone to protect her. "Can we see each other?"

  "We...seem to have nothing to say."

  "I know you definitely don't want to see me now, after all, I once said I'll never come back, but I went back on my word." Riya's tone had a hint of guilt, "But Vani , I still want to meet you in person and explain it to you."

  Vanismiled, "You don't need to explain to me, the person you need to explain is..." The

  name seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything.

  "I know, I've made it clear to Raj ." Riya smiled sweetly, "I don't want to lose a good friend, so I'll wait for you at the shop where we used to go . ."

  After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone without giving Vani the slightest chance to react.

 Fragments of sunlight came in from outside the window and fell on Vani's body, her curled and thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and a mocking smile slowly climbed up her cheeks.

  She informed the devil lady and said that she was going to see the decoration company, and after stopping a taxi downstairs, she hurried to the place Riya said.

  The car stopped in a familiar place, Vani paid the fare and opened the door to get off. As soon as she looked up, she saw the quiet and tranquil figure sitting on the side of the street.

  Just sitting so quietly, like a beautiful scenery, attracting the eyes of many passers-by.

  Vani tightened the bag in her hand, and had to admit that Riya really had the capital to make men fascinated.

  Losing to her is simply no suspense.

  After calming down, Vani walked to the door. When the door was opened, the wind chimet hanging on the door rang sweetly.

  The woman sitting by the window turned around as she remembered, with a smile that was as elegant as the breeze, bright in the sun, "Vani, you're here!"

  For a moment, Vani thought that the time had returned to eight years ago, not long after school started.

  It was still such a sunny day, she and Riya were still good friends who talked about everything, and they made an appointment to drink tea at this shop.

  She traveled all over the City to find the book Raj needed, and it was a little late. When she opened the door, I bumped into the wind chime hanging at the door, and the sound caught the attention of the girl sitting on the seat on the street. She turned her head and smiled like a breeze, and then said brightly to herself, "Vani, you're here!" 

On that day, she was full of joy because she helped Raj successfully find the book he hadn't found for a long time.

  On that day, she was shy and sweet, took her hand and said that she was in love and wanted to introduce her boyfriend to her.

  Then the wind bell rang again, and when she turned around, she saw Raj bathed in sunlight, smiling and walking towards her. At that time, she was still at a loss, thinking that he finally understood her intentions and wanted to try his best to put on the most perfect smile to deal with it. But she saw that his hand slowly stretched out to the opposite side of her, and then held the girl who was as delicate and beautiful as a cherry blossom.

  And her smile, in that bright sunshine, was instantly frozen into ice.

  Memories are like a tide, almost drowning her. Vani took a lot of effort to suppress the surging pain, then walked over calmly and sat down opposite Riya.

  The smile on Riya's face was still the same as before, and she pushed a cup of tea on the table in front of her, "Mum, your favorite tea."

 Her eyes swept across the tea, Vani's flat tone contained Indifference and politeness, "Thank you, I have not been drinking tea for many years."

  "Yes, is it?" Riya's face was hurt, and she glanced at the cup of tea with some desolation, "I thought, Your taste is the same as before."

  Vani smiled slightly and said calmly, "When people grow up, they will always change." After a pause, she was not in the mood to waste time with her, "You called me here, what do you want to say?

  " Vani, you have been taking care of Raj, so I want to thank you." Riya smiled gently, like a petal floating in the breeze, exuding a romantic beauty, "And I also want to thank you, The things you did for me. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

  Today's Riyais already a well-known fashion designer, and she has won many designer awards abroad. The best among the designers.

  Coupled with her unique appearance, it adds a lot to her fame.

  Vani laughed, as if she had told a funny joke, "Riya, you called me out just to show off your power in front of me?"

  She really underestimated Riya's attitude towards Raj so she lost. Since she lost, she would let go. But this does not mean that she can endure these people stepping on her dead love and coming to her to bring harm.

  "Vani, you misunderstood, that's not what I meant." Riya's pink cheeks were brushed off the color, and she hurriedly explained, "I really want to thank you, and Raj and I can still continue. It's all thanks to you for being together. Without your help back then, I..."

  "Since you're so sincere, why don't you give him back to me!" The clean voice was soft and soft, and the corners of his mouth raised a slanted arc, as if She looked at the woman opposite with a smile.

  Riya's face turned pale in an instant, and she was on the verge of falling, looking very lovable, "Vani, you..." Gritting her teeth, the crystal tears were in the bottom of her eyes. I know clearly that if I have to choose between Raj and you, I will definitely choose you.

" It's really touching!

  "Vani!" At the door, a furious voice shot like a skating knife, the man's handsome face was full of sullenness, he strode over, and protected Riya behind him, "You know how much she cares about you, why? To force her like this. I tell you, even without her, I wouldn't be with you."


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