
Flash Marriage:99 Days

"I will take responsibility for you" On the night of breakup, Vani met Ansh. Her heart was bleeding and he was the medicine. How did a passionate night change it all for them? What will happen between these two now? To know the answers, read "Flash Marriage:99 Days".

Istilldo · Urban
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12 Chs

Forcefully kissed in public

Vani's face turned cold in an instant.

  "Without Riya, I would not be with her". So what is these years, a joke?


  She called out his name in a calm tone, but the heart of the originally furious man trembled, and he raised his eyelids to look at the woman with his hands clenched into fists. She is actually very beautiful, beautiful and delicate, confident and stubborn, usually gentle as if she has no temper, but if she is really angry to the extreme, she also has a temperament that will not look back when she hits the wall.

  So she loved him for eight years. But after he said the words that made her disappear, she packed up everything that belonged to her without saying a word, and threw it into the trash can.

  Vani looked at Raj quietly, her dark apricot eyes stained with a cool smile.

  She always knew that Riya's shadow was engraved in his heart. It's just that she didn't know that her self-righteous companionship turned out to be so ridiculous in his eyes.

  "Do you know how stupid you are now, so I don't even have the strength to complain about you?" Her lips curved up, "The two of you, together makes me so sick to think.

  "If you want to show your love, go back and close the door and show it slowly. Why do you have to choose to be the clown jumping in front of me." The fingertips sank deep into the flesh of the palm, and there was a slippery damp heat spreading in the palm. Her ink-smudged brows and eyes were full of mockery, "But, are you really so loving? One was lonely and found another woman as a substitute because his sweetheart went abroad. Why did you choose to come back? You really don't want to know what happened to each other over the years? They are both so dirty, so why pretend to be Righteous.

  Yes, in Raj's eyes, she is at best a substitute for Riya. But so what?

  In the end, she held a sincere heart, and she endured it when someone smashed it. But these people still have to step on it and crush her feet, do they really think that she is a muddy person and has no temper?

  Raj's handsome face was so gloomy that it almost dripped with water. After spending so many years together, he never knew that Vani's mouth could be so vicious, "Vani, did you forget that you are no longer high above? You are no longer the daughter of the Rathore family, but an ant that anyone can easily trample to death?" With such a ignorant appearance, it is no wonder that people are swept out of the house.

  Raj's words stinged Vani's nerves, but she hadn't reacted yet, and more ruthless and nasty words followed one after another!

  "Provocation can arouse a man's desire to conquer, but don't forget that getting a man by this means usually only has the fate of being played with. Vani, it turns out that you are already so lowly."

  Vani bit her lip tightly, looking at the slightly distorted handsome face that was full of rage, her eyes gradually turned red.

  She always thought that even if she couldn't talk about love in Raj's heart, at least she was a friend who had been with him for many years. Even if they are separated, they can nod and say hello when they meet each other. But now she knew that she had always been so unbearable in Raj's heart.

  Yes, in the eyes of men, what they can't get is the best.

  She thought that she was clear enough and aware of the reality enough, so she could pack everything about Raj into a corner in her heart, and then be calm in front of outsiders. She can't do things like stalking, and her pride makes it impossible for her to do such a thing.

  But she forgot that no matter how well she pretended to be, there was always a scar in her heart.

  With the cruelest gesture, Raj tore open the scar fiercely, exposing her most unbearable past in front of her eyes, so that she could not even hide it.

  The heartache was so extreme that Vani let go of the silver teeth that were biting her lips, her apricot eyes suddenly turned into two crescent moons, 

  "If you have the ability, you will hold the woman who has been with you for eight years, but if you want to leave, then leave. Live the rest of your life happily, I wish you. Otherwise, I will wait for the day when you will be abandoned again, and you will be drunk on the side of the road and no one cares."

  Raj's dark and furious pupils suddenly trembled, and a very complicated emotion flashed away.

  Feeling the change in his mood, Riya quickly held his hand, her soft and delicate voice trembling a little, "Raj, don't quarrel with Vani, I'm sorry for her, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have come back. Yes, I really shouldn't have come back."

  Raj glanced at the woman on the opposite side who was obviously trying to support him, his mouth moved, he wanted to say something, but he swallowed it back inexplicably.

  He still remembered that when Riya had just left, he searched the whole city but couldn't find any trace of him. During that time, he became extremely decadent, using alcohol to drown his sorrows every day, and fell drunk on the side of the road countless times. It was Vani who picked him up again and again and took care of him.

  At that time, she silently stayed by his side and said nothing. She picks him up when he's drunk, and cooks for him when he's hungry. He watched as she never knew how to cook and became a master at cooking.

  Raj was suddenly a little annoyed, what he just said really hit her sore spot.

  "Raj, what you said that day, I will return it to you as it is."

  Vani turned to leave without looking at him again.

  The noisy street made her more and more embarrassed. But she still gritted her teeth and tried her best to straighten her back. Even though her feet were deep and shallow, she still walked smoothly.

  Just after turning the corner, she couldn't bear it any longer, she slowly bent over and squatted down, holding her head.

  She is probably really crazy, the person who was reluctant to say half a heavy sentence before, but now she said all the serious things again.

  She didn't want to make things like this, she wanted to leave a good impression on each other, so that they could get together and leave. If you can't be a lover, at least you have known each other for so many years, and you are still friends.

  She has loved Raj for eight years, and has long been accustomed to maintaining the most graceful appearance in front of that person, just because Raj once said that what he likes most is her grace.

  But... how did it become like this!

  In the shop, Vani's last words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Raj hard in his heart.

  What he said that day, he said let her disappear forever in front of him.

  The hand hanging by his side tightened suddenly, and Raj subconsciously turned to chase.

  A tender warmth suddenly appeared in her palm, and Riya leaned up softly, "Raj, I'm so afraid, will Vani never forgive me again?!"

  "..." Raj was stunned for a moment, then gently broke free of her hand, "I'll go take a look..."

  After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the shop quickly.

  Ansh was sitting in the car, looking at the woman holding her head on the street corner with a gloomy expression on her face.

  This woman was arrogant and stubborn in front of him, but when she turned her head, she squatted on the side of the road so uselessly.

  "Ansh, what are you looking at, so fascinated?" Beside Neha curiously stretched out a head.

  She was dying of curiosity about the woman who spent the night at Ansh's house last night. It's a pity that this guy's mouth is really hard, and she can't even pry it open.

  It's a pity that Neha hadn't seen clearly, but Ansh suddenly opened the car door and stepped out of the car with long legs and walked forward.

  "Hey, Ansh, where are you going? Hey..."

  Ignoring Piyush's clamor behind him, Ansh only felt a fire in his heart.

  What the hell is that dead woman feeling sad about, squatting there with a lifeless look, like to be surrounded by people? !

  "Vani," Ansh pulled away the person blocking the way and stood in front of Vani, squinting at the motionless woman on the ground, "Is there any money on the ground? I can't bear to get up after squatting for so long.

  " Vani was a little stunned by the clear voice that came down, and looked up to see the man's facial features that were more and more radiant in the sun, "You...why are you here?" Did n't he invite a friend to play? How can it suddenly appear here.

  Ansh glanced at her and sneered, "I don't need you to worry about where I am, but you, what did you do to make yourself so embarrassed?"

  "..." Vani bit her lip, "It's none of your business!"

  The bad tone made Ansh's already gloomy face even more gloomy, "It's really unsightly for you to squat here like this!"

  Seeing her like this made him angry, and he always wanted to stab her and see her stubbornness. The way she challenged him seems to be more lively and interesting.

  The man grabbed her wrist vigorously, and regardless of her wishes, he forcibly dragged her from the ground, and looked around with warm eyes.

  The indifferent and hot sharp eyes inexplicably caused the backs of the onlookers to chill, and subconsciously stepped back to make way.

  "Ansh, let me go."

  Vani struggled desperately, but unfortunately Ansh didn't want to let go at all, just dragged her forward, regardless of whether she could keep up with him.

  The man is tall and has long legs, and every step he takes is big. Wearing stilettos on her feet, the woman stumbled and nearly fell several times in pursuit.

  "Ansh, what do you have to do with me? meddle in your own business. Let me go, let me go."

  Ansh threw Vani aside with a flick of his hand, who staggered a few steps and leaned against the glass of the shop on the street. The window stood firm, and before she could react, a heavy shadow was pressed down.

  The domineering and enthusiastic kiss made her off guard. Vani wanted to resist, but the man easily controlled her hands on top of her head. His strong physique suppressed her so that there was no room for resistance.

  On the streets where people come and go, this sudden intimate scene made many people stunned.

Ansh is taking steps..

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