
Flash Marriage:99 Days

"I will take responsibility for you" On the night of breakup, Vani met Ansh. Her heart was bleeding and he was the medicine. How did a passionate night change it all for them? What will happen between these two now? To know the answers, read "Flash Marriage:99 Days".

Istilldo · Urban
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12 Chs

Chasing after Wife



The man suddenly slammed on the brakes, turned his head towards her, with two clusters of flames burning vigorously in his eyes.

Vani was taken aback by his sudden fierceness, she shrank her shoulders and approached the car door.

"My name is Ansh!" The man looked at her coldly, as if he would jump over and tear her to pieces if she dared to be disobedient.

Vani swallowed a mouthful of saliva, carefully stretched out a finger and pushed him back, then sat up straight and straightened his clothes, "I see, you, you drive."

The man's eyes were so scary Ah, she was really worried that if she angered him, would she be dragged to some remote place to get something before killing her? !

The car restarted, Ansh's face was still tense. Because she was afraid of offending him, Vani didn't dare to open his mouth.

The atmosphere in the car was a little condensed for a while!

"What did you think about what I said yesterday?"

Just when she thought the man would not speak again, this sentence suddenly came from the side.

Vani frowned in distress, carefully covered her arms and turned to face him, "Mr.Ansh, I think I made it very clear yesterday. I don't mean to just anyone, and I don't think it is necessary for you to marry me. If you go to a bed once, you have to pay for that with rest of your life. Mr.Ansh, this deal is not worth it."

"Marry me , do you think it's very casual?" Ansh took the time to look at her face while driving, and asked indistinctly.

Vani was speechless, "Our only communication is to roll the sheets for no apparent reason. Other than that, we are strangers. You came to me and told me to get married, isn't it casual?"

People say that marriage is the grave of love. . But in a tomb without love, she is not stupid, why should she live in it.

"..." The man pursed his thin lips tightly, and didn't speak any more. She couldn't see his emotions clearly between his deep eyes. But those eyes are like hiding a galaxy, and the shredded stars are on and off, making people unconsciously sink into them.

After being silent for a while, Vani felt that the man had probably given up, and when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she suddenly heard a low and pleasant voice intertwined with a wisp of laughter, "It's okay, anyway, I don't think it's okay to marry you. Not casual."

So, what logic is this!

Vani was so angry that she lost her language, and she didn't bother to say a word to this rascal, so she simply turned her head and looked out the window.

She always felt that being broken up by Raj was miserable enough. Now it seems that what is even worse is that after being broken up, she will be entangled by a psychiatric.

Ansh took Vani to the hospital. Her scald was a little serious. After she was bandaged with medicine, the doctor said that she should not touch the water until the wound was healed. Otherwise, it might cause the wound to become inflamed and fester.

Vani walked out of the hospital while worrying about how she would take a bath without getting wet on such a hot day. Who knew that just after taking a step, she was taken back again.

"Why?" Vani turned back angrily.

The man took her by the arm and dragged her upstairs with ease, "The gastroenterology department is upstairs, take a look at your stomach!"

I still remember that the first time I saw her, it was because she fainted from stomach pain and patted her unconsciously.

He didn't want the next time, because of this misunderstanding.

"..." Vani's heart suddenly jumped, and her struggling movements stopped.

I didn't expect this man to be very careful!

When Vani went in to check her stomach, Ansh asked her for sick leave on her own initiative.

In addition, Janvi and the others had already given lady Devil a vaccination as witnesses after they returned, so she didn't feel too embarrassed.

The test results came out soon. Fortunately, it was not a big problem, but it was caused by the uneven diet for a long time. The doctor gave some precautions and prescribed some medicine.

On the way home, Ansh looked at the woman sitting in the co-pilot lightly, "You can't eat spicy food, why did you eat so much before?" The doctor said that her stomach was more easily irritated and she couldn't eat too spicy food. But her previous eating habits didn't seem to pay attention to this, so every time she had a stomachache, it was so serious.

Vani lowered her head, her long eyelashes casting a large shadow under her eyelids. There was some mist lingering in the big dark eyes, and although she didn't speak, it made people feel a faint sadness.

Ansh really couldn't bear to see her like this, so he grabbed her head and kissed her fiercely.

Vani was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, pushing him away, and raising her hand was a slap in the face.


The crisp sound is especially loud in the narrow compartment.

Ansh moved his face, this woman was really cruel, he felt his face crooked.

"Ansh, you bastard!" The one who was beaten didn't say anything, but the one who beat up was the first to take the lead.

Vani's eyes turned red, and tears fell uncontrollably. She covered her face and turned her head, as if she didn't want to be seen in a mess, she bit her lip and refused to cry.

Ansh didn't speak any more, just stopped the car at a random spot on the street, and watched her cry quietly.

Although her tears made him feel inexplicably at a loss, but seeing her finally look a little angry, he was very happy.

At first, Vani was silent, her eyes were full of gray emotions, and her whole person looked like a poor cat left on the wasteland.

That feeling, like a boulder pressing on Ansh, made him feel so bored that he wanted to lift the roof of the car to take a breath.

I don't know how long it took, but when the suppressed crying stopped, the big stone seemed to fall.

"Are you finished crying?" The man's lingering breath approached, reaching out and poking her soft bodyr.

Vani's body slid down with his movements!

Ansh hurriedly stretched out her hand to catch it, only then did she see clearly that this stubborn and stubborn woman was so tired from crying that she actually fell asleep.

Shaking his head, Ansh's thin lips curled into a smile. He reached out and scratched Vani's nose, with a tone of indulgence that he had never noticed before, "You annoying little goblin.

" The dark circles under the eyes covered by the foundation were exposed, and the black and blue color made Ansh feel a little pain.

When they got home, Ansh carried Vani back to her bedroom. Just after she settled down, the phone in the living room suddenly rang.

"Mr.Ansh, I have already sent you the information you asked for." The voice of the person over there paused, and then hesitantly said, "The chairman asked, when will you bring your granddaughter-in-law back to him?"

Ansh turned on the computer, clicked into the mailbox, and carefully read the information sent by the other party, "Tell him, if he really wants a granddaughter-in-law, don't disturb me chasing my wife." After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and left.

"How is it? What did that kid say?" The gray-haired old man couldn't help but ask, dissatisfied with the assistant's reaction like a log.

The assistant opened his mouth, and it took a long time to find his voice, "The president said, he...he is chasing his wife!"

Ansh spent half an hour flipping through the information in the mailbox several times.

As he expected, Vani was a very simple woman, so simple that apart from a man named Raj, there was no extra existence in her life.

For eight full years, this woman has really given up.

However, the woman he took a fancy to, couldn't have another man in his heart.

That Raj, he must find a way to erase him from Vani's heart.

A certain man is sitting in the living room, rubbing his chin, thinking about how to get the woman in the bedroom to agree to marry him.

It is rare to meet a woman who makes him tempted, how can he let go easily.

In a marriage function still trying my best to update..