
Flash Marriage:99 Days

"I will take responsibility for you" On the night of breakup, Vani met Ansh. Her heart was bleeding and he was the medicine. How did a passionate night change it all for them? What will happen between these two now? To know the answers, read "Flash Marriage:99 Days".

Istilldo · Urban
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12 Chs

Consequences of a kiss

  "Man, man, man, I-I'm not dazzled, is that person, is that Ansh?" Piyush almost bit his tongue several times after saying a word.

  Ansh abruptly got off the car just now, and the green light at the intersection just happened to be on. Piyush had no choice but to drive the car forward a little, park on the side of the road, and then back up. Who knew that as soon as he came back, he would see such a boiling side of wolf blood.

  Who is that, Ansh who has never had any contact with any woman except Neha.

  But what he saw, Ansh actually took the initiative to kiss a woman, and he still kissed her forcibly.

  Oh my god, this world is so magical.

  Compared to him, Neha's reaction was much calmer, and even more excited, "It's him, you read that right, it's Ansh the iron flower."

  Now she just wanted to kick Ansh away and see Who was the woman he kissed. She bet that woman must be the one who stayed at his house last night.

  When Raj, who was chasing from the tea shop, saw this scene, he was stunned in place as if struck by lightning.

  The eyes that were still stained with worry were instantly filled with cold anger, and a sneer of disdain and ridicule climbed up the corners of his lips to the corners of his eyebrows.

  She just pretended to be deeply hurt, and when she turned her head, she actually kissed a man on the street. He was so blind that he couldn't see her true face, thinking that what she said just now was too serious.

  Now, it seems that not only was he right, but he wasn't even saying enough.

  "Raj, ah..." Riya, who followed along, saw the scene in front of her, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation, as if she couldn't believe her eyes, "Is that...is that Vani?

  Raj snorted coldly, grabbed Riya's hand and turned around coldly, "Let's go!" 

  Riya followed behind him obediently, and before leaving, she looked back again, her eyes swayed slightly, her lips A faint smile on the corners slowly faded away.

  Vani, you are killing yourself, you can't blame me.

  Turning around, she followed Raj with a sweet smile and walked away quickly.

  Piyush inadvertently turned his head and glanced in the direction Raj had left. When he saw Riya's back, his eyes froze for a moment. After a moment, he shook his head again. He must have misunderstood. How could that person be here.

  No matter how hard Vani struggled, she could never escape Ansh's control. In the end, she simply gave up and let Ansh do whatever she wanted.

  At first, the man deliberately wanted to tease her as she looked lifeless.

  He just didn't expect that her taste was so sweet that he was overwhelmed and just wanted to taste it again and again. Originally, I just wanted to taste it, but in the end it became a entanglement of lips and teeth.

  While blindly asking for it, he suddenly tasted a hint of salty liquid, Ansh quickly withdrew, and a small face full of tears fell into his black eyes.

  "You..." The woman's tears, crystal clear like pearls, smashed into Ansh's heart one by one, making him a little overwhelmed.

  "Enough?" The woman lowered her eyes, more tears rolled down, but her tone was calm.

  Ansh frowned, a little displeased, "I'm not playing with you, I'm just..."

  "I've had enough, let go." She pushed the man who was standing in front of her hard, she didn't want to hear anything now, only wanted to be quiet.

  Whether she was embarrassed or not, she couldn't control that much at the moment.

  "Va..." Ansh was furious just looking at her. He wanted to stop her and give her a good lesson, but someone grabbed his sleeve and turned back.he faced a playful smile..

  Neha shook her head, "Women hurt by love need to be coaxed, Ansh!" 

  He took steps to chase after Vani.

  Now she finally knew why Ansh had only been in love once despite his age. And based on his beauty and capital, he was still to the point of being dumped.

  In the past, she still held grievances for Ansh, but now it seems that he deserves it.

  Obviously the girl was injured, but he adopted the most rude way, if he was not dumped then what?

  Ansh froze on the spot, such a woman who doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, simply needs to be cleaned up.

  Besides, why should he coax her, it's not him who made her look like this.

  "Forget it, leave it to a man, she's still a woman after all." Piyush patted his friend's shoulder and reassured him.

  Ansh shook his hand in dissatisfaction, "It's none of my business!"

  Piyush was stunned for a moment, and there was a hint of gloom in his eyes. After so many years, it was the first time he saw Ansh have such a big temper.

  Even the woman from before, never let him go to war like this.

  Vani tried her best to walk steadily step by step, but suddenly someone tapped her shoulder. She thought it was Ansh again, and subconsciously turned around to start scolding, but when she turned around, she was scolding someone with a bright and delicate smile on her face. The words were suffocated back, almost suffering from internal injuries.

  "Hello, my name is Neha." The smiling woman extended her right hand in a friendly manner and blinked, "I'm Ansh's friend!"

  This voice sounded familiar, Vani frowned to distinguish it, she held her fair hands, "Hello, my name is Vani. Are you... the person who called last night?"

  "Wow, beauty, you have very smart ears!" Neha exaggeratedly exclaimed, and then she held Vani's hand like a good friend she had known for many years and continued, "Yes, the person who called last night was me. We were about to go out of town to play CS, but when we got to the intersection and waited for the red light, Ansh suddenly jumped out of the car and ran away. We thought what was going on, so we came over to see. But beauty, This is the first time I saw Ansh's face paralyzed so nervous."

  Facing such an outgoing and cheerful beauty, Vani really finds it hard to feel disgusted, even if she is not in the mood at the moment, her good professionalism still makes her hang up With a polite smile, "If you don't mind, just call me Vani. Actually, I'm fine, you don't need to..."

  "I'm not here to comfort you!" Neha waved his hand and chuckled, " I just had enough fun with a bunch of stinky men, so I just wanted to change my taste."

  Vani was stunned for a while, then smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I only took a half-day leave, and now I have to go back in a hurry. Going to work."

  "Then... can I play with you in the future?" Neha blinked her charming eyes and gave an innocent smile.

  Such a smile made it really hard for Vani to refuse, "Of course!"

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