
Flash Marriage:99 Days

"I will take responsibility for you" On the night of breakup, Vani met Ansh. Her heart was bleeding and he was the medicine. How did a passionate night change it all for them? What will happen between these two now? To know the answers, read "Flash Marriage:99 Days".

Istilldo · Urban
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12 Chs

I Broke Up

"I know a newly opened restaurant. It is said that the environment and taste are first-class." Nina immediately raised her hand.

Everyone had no objection, Vani and Janvi drove a car alone, carrying a few fresh flowers from the administration department, and went straight to the restaurant recommended by Nina.

The restaurant is really as Nina said, the decoration is elegant, and it is very high-end. It's just that Vani never thought that as soon as she entered the door, she saw someone she never wanted to see at this moment.

The man in a straight suit sat quietly on the light gray sofa, his white hands and ten fingers were slender, and the posture of holding a knife and fork was extremely simple, but it showed an elegant and noble taste for no reason. Not Raj, but who else?

Next to Raj, sat his partner, Vijay. The same excellent facial features, different from Raj's indifference and refusing others thousands of miles away, Vijay seems to always have a smile on his mouth, as warm as a spring breeze.

Opposite Raj, there was a girl wearing a short-sleeved chiffon skirt. The girl turned her back to them and couldn't see her face clearly, but from the familiar back, Vani could tell at a glance that it was Riya.

Only she can only show a back figure, which already makes people feel amazing.

Raj did not expect that he would meet Vani here. However, he just glanced at it lightly, then withdrew his gaze and continued to elegantly cut the steak in front of him.

Vijay is Raj's senior, and he knows everything about him and Vani very well. Seeing Raj's attitude at this time, he couldn't help but laugh.

The man made a gesture of cutting the steak, and frowned slightly, as if he had remembered something, his face became gloomy, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

Vani wanted to pretend that she didn't care, but when she saw Raj's face suddenly sinking, her heart throbbed uncontrollably.

He said to let her disappear forever, so seeing her now should make him very angry.

In particular, Riya was also present.

Looking back, Vani suppressed the surging pain in her heart, "Let's go, we have a lot of people, let's go to the bakery inside."

Vani's colleagues have seen Raj from a distance, and their manager asked to avoid this. Hearing her say that, Janvi said strangely, "Vani, won't you go and say hello to Mr. Raj?"

"No, I should...don't want me to disturb." She didn't want too many people to know about the breakup. Although it is not a shameful thing, she is still not used to receiving other people's strange eyes, even if it is caring or sympathy.

Nina glanced at the girl who turned her back to them, and asked cautiously, "Vani, who is that girl?"

"..." Seeing their worried eyes, Vani sighed helplessly, the scene she didn't want the most It still appeared. Forget it, although these little girls are young, they are all quirky and not so easy to fool. She simply tells the truth to avoid them doing any shameful things in the future.

Vani's eyelashes moved, and she raised her eyes with a smile, "I broke up with Raj, that's his current girlfriend."

"What?!" A group of little girls exclaimed, and Janvi even more She grabbed Vani's hand with a worried face, "Vani, what's going on?"

Vani smiled, "What's the matter, you guys are so gossipy, you still can eat or not.

Vijay, who was watching the movement here, stretched out his hand and rubbed his chin, the corners of his lips curled up, looking down at Raj, who was eating quietly, "I didn't expect that she loves you so much, but she can let go so casually. "

Looking at her smile, she seems to have not cared about it at all, and said the breakup with a smile, if you don't really care, then the camouflage is really old-fashioned.

Raj raised his hand, took a sip from the water cup beside him, his eyes seemed to be squinting at the person at the door who was talking to his subordinate with a smile, his pupils swayed, and the strength of his fingers increased.

That day, he went to the airport to pick up Riya, and when he came back, he found that all traces of this woman in the house had been cleaned up, and the spare key she took from him was lying quietly on the bar outside the kitchen.

At that moment, he suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart.

Now, seeing that Vani didn't smile in any strange way, this strange feeling became more and more obvious. It was as if a piece of weed grew out of his heart, entangling his heart and making it so suffocating.

"Eat, of course, we must have a big meal today." Seeing that Janvi was still talking, Nina poked her secretly, and then made an exaggerated gesture.

Unexpectedly, a waiter happened to pass by with the prepared soup, and when she reached out, she knocked over the tray in someone else's hand. The hot soup was poured down, and all of it was splashed on Vani's arm, who was standing beside her.


Vani let out a pained cry, clutching her arms and sucking in the air, the burning pain from her hands made her face pale and pale as paper.

"Vani..." A group of little girls were terrified and rushed over to care.

The waiter was also terrified. The restaurant had just opened. If there was a scalding of customers, it would have a serious impact on the restaurant's reputation. She couldn't afford this responsibility. "Little Miss, are you, are you okay?"

"It's okay! Vani gritted her teeth and squeezed out a smile at the little waiter who was paler than her, but the expression on her face couldn't deceive anyone.

Damn, she was obviously in pain to death, okay?

This change has attracted the attention of many people in the restaurant, especially a beautiful woman with a delicate appearance and outstanding temperament who was scalded. Many men couldn't help but want to show up.

Raj rubbed against his body, as if he couldn't help but get up and go over. A warm and soft little hand stretched out and covered his hand, softly and with a pleading voice, "Raj..."

It was like a needle, poking directly at the tip of Raj's heart, holding him in place. .

What is he doing, the woman he loves is in front of him, what is he thinking? !

Ansh had just come out of the party, and there were a few people around him. At a glance, he saw the woman in the middle of the restaurant, covering her arms with a pale face and gasping for breath.

His eyes swept slowly, and he instantly understood what was going on. The smile on his lips froze, and a thin sigh of anger flashed through his eyes. Is this woman an idiot? What is the waiter talking about? !

With a long leg, Ansh strode towards the center of the chaos.

"Mr.Ansh, we... Hey, Mr.Ansh, where are you going..."

Vani was in severe pain, but the little waiter looked like she was about to cry, so she had to comfort her first, " I'm really fine, actually not much...hs..." Before She could finish speaking, a huge force suddenly grabbed onto her scalded arm, Vani couldn't help but let out a pained cry, tears bursting out. She raised her wet eyes and stared at it, and when she saw who the culprit was, her body immediately stiffened.

Ansh frowned, with anger in his eyes, staring at her indifferently and complicatedly, "You will die if you try to be brave?"

The dissatisfaction in Ansh's tone deeply stimulated Vani's nerves that became very fragile when she saw him, plus he was grabbing his arm in public, and she felt a little embarrassed for a while, "Let go, you and I... Ah ... Her feet suddenly went up, and the weight loss made her grab the nearest thing.

When she reacted, she found out that she was being held by the princess in his arms, and she was still holding someone's collar in her hand.

"Hey, what are you doing, let me down."

Vani let go and struggled, but unfortunately someone stubbornly hugged her and strode out the door. When passing by the restaurant manager, he coldly said, "That idiot waiter , don't let me see her again."

"..." Is this person a bandit, and he actually dares to show off his power on other people's territory. It was the first time that Vani had seen such an arrogant person after a meal.

A lot of eyes in the restaurant were focused on the two of them, and many of them were scorching hot.

"Janvi, who is that person...?" Nina pushed Janvi's arm. She was Vani's assistant and knew a little more than them.

Janvi shook her head, she hadn't recovered from the shock just now, "I don't know either, but..." With her hands folded, she looked at the others with star eyes and exclaimed, "So handsome!" The princess hug, Moreover, the anger was mixed with distress, and the icy cold eyes filled with fiery concern. It was simply a real-life version of an overbearing president!

"Yo, it looks like a new lover has appeared." Vijay poked Raj's arm, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, "You can rest assured!"

Raj wiped it gracefully. At the corner of his mouth, he stood up slowly, and his indifferent tone expressed indifference, "It has nothing to do with me!"

Is it really irrelevant? Vijay looked at the figure of him who was taking care of himself and left, and slowly and slowly raised his lips.

Opposite him, Riya's hand hidden under the table trembled slightly. She almost tried desperately to contain the anger in her heart. She frowned slightly and looked at Raj's back as she left.

This was the first time that Raj had forgotten her existence and left alone.

In the past, he was always reluctant to look at her less, and even if he sent her back to the dormitory, he would have to stand downstairs and look up for a long time.

it's all because of her!

Riya bit her lip, trying her best to make her expression look calm as usual.

"Hey, where are you taking me?" Being held by the man, Vani couldn't break free, so she could only accept her fate and be stuffed into the car.

Ansh concentrated on driving all the way, and did not look at her, her tense profile showed a look of anger.

Is this man angry? What the hell is he so angry about?

So how are your feelings about this novel should i continue..
