
Flaming Desire

Getting chased by unknown figures and being captured wasn't something Arie ever expected to happen to her, but it did. Arie must find a way out of the mysterious and strange confines she's in,but what happens when the darkness and obsessions from her past is connected to the very place she's trying to escape from. Will she be able to handle the truth about her origin and past and let go of all the hate she harboured, or is the desire for revenge too strong that it threatens to shatter every other obsession? When the crucial time awakens for her to make a choice,will she choose the intense love of the now, or the flamming revenge of the past? Which is a stronger force: Love...or Revenge! -------------- "Make a choice Arie, your people,your family,your race,all Artians....or him, the enemy!" Arie's mind was in chaos as she looked around her; people she loved and cared about were fighting for their lives...for her. And she had the power to end it all,but whatever choice she made came at a cost; a huge price which she could never unsacrifice. As the screams around her got louder, reminding her that time was running out for her to make a choice,she finally made a decision. "I...I choose...."

Blackwolf4509 · Urban
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20 Chs


I panicked when I heard the door opening.

I quickly put the book back and hid behind one of the shelves.

I made sure to not breathe too loud,and to be as quiet as a mouse, hoping that whoever it was didn't hear or spot me.

I heard the footsteps come in, and I peeked to see it was.

All I saw was a woman,a maid probably, holding a duster as she cleaned the shelves and the books.

I took a breath of relief. I was dreading it was that Zilan person who entered,but thankfully it wasn't him.

I remained at my hiding place in silence, waiting for her to leave.

I tensed up again when she spotted the book I was reading earlier and walked towards it.

Oh no,if she comes too close she might spot me,so I tried moving to a safer hiding place.

Is this what it has come to? Crawling around and avoiding people. How did my life come to this; I feel like a spy right now; an unprofessional and clumsy one,who was about to get busted.

The woman was now standing in front of the shelf I was standing behind,and I made sure to stop breathing so she wouldn't hear a thing at all.

"This book is out of place, did someone temper with it? Because I don't remember leaving it like this."

She said as she looked around her.

Oh God! Why did this woman have such a good memory. I mean how does one remember how one left a book in a huge library such as this one; did she remember how she left all the other books here as well,or just this one?

I'm glad I didn't touch the other books and that it was only this one.

She picked up the book,cleaned it, and then put it back, almost the same way I left it.

I rolled my eyes; what was the big difference between how she arranged it and how I did it?

She went on like this for a while; picking up books, cleaning them,and then putting them back.

I was getting uncomfortable by the second.

God this woman! Is she ever going to finish?!

I was literally suffocating right now!

Is she getting paid in gold or what?

Why is she taking this cleaning thing so seriously?!

When I felt I couldn't continue being in this uncomfortable position anymore,she finally left.

Thank heavens! I thought I was going to die from squatting so long?

My legs felt like they were on fire right now!

Standing up, I checked to see if the coast was clear for me to go; and when I saw no one enter again, I walked out.

I still wanted to read more of that history book,so I took it along with me.

It was a bit heavy though,so I decided to to send it to my room first before continuing. Well, it's not technically my room,but I decided to call it that for now.

I continued to walk about, still looking for the key.

It felt like I'd been roaming for hours and still no key,so I decided to go back and try again tomorrow,but then I stumbled upon a large black door.

Judging from the how expensive and royal- like this door looks, I'm thinking it's probably that Devil's room.

'Should I enter?' I thought to myself.

I put my hand on the door knob and for some seconds my hand just remained there.

I mean it makes sense that the only possible place I'd find that key is in his room right?

So I should just enter... right?

Part of me was hesitant; giving my brain reasons why I shouldn't enter. Reasons like what if he's in there and I get caught? What if I enter and can't come back out?

However the greater part of me; the part which was optimistic about freedom,kept giving me reasons why I should enter.

Reasons like if I find that key I'd be able to get out of here,and I wouldn't have more of those nightmares.

Choosing optimism over my better judgement, I turned the door knob and slowly opened the door.

Strange, the door wasn't locked...is this a sign that I should go back?

No. I had to get that key.

I peeked inside and when I noticed no one, I entered.

Again I was left in awe at the splendor of the room.

The floor was made of grey marble and the walls of a black one.

A huge king-sized bed was at one side of the room,with white and grey duvet sheets covering it.

They matched perfectly with the silky blue black curtains draped over the wall- sized windows.

Now I'm convinced this is his room; only room that belonged to him would have just grey, black and white.

The room looked like a black and white painting...a really cool and magnificent one though.

Who knew black, grey and white were the perfect blend to making a place look this beautiful.

Anyway I don't have time to admire the decor.

My eyes darted around the room, searching for one thing; the key.

And my eyes almost popped out when I saw something like it on top of a coffee table at the side of the bed, near the closet.

I had to blink twice to be sure I wasn't hallucinating or imagining things...is this a dream?

It wasn't. The key was really there!

I hurriedly walked to it and picked it up.

Is this actually it? I was having doubts about all this.

I've never been this lucky...why now?

Or is this the part where something bad happens after I get too comfortable and happy with all this?

I waited... nothing happened.

I had really done it! This wasn't a dream! Finally! Luck has found me!

I smiled as the realization hit me.

I'm so happy right now I could-

I couldn't continue my happy moment because I suddenly heard the door knob turning.

Seriously this again?!

I knew this was too good to be true.

I put the key down and quickly hid inside the closet.

First I was in an uncomfortable position in the library and now this place too!

I sighed. Can't things ever go my way for once?!

I heard footsteps come in through the door,and then I heard the sound of the door opening and closing again. After that I heard the sound of splashing water, and then I heard nothing at all.

After some minutes, I still didn't hear anything. Is it safe to come out now?

I tried to move,but the sleeve of my dress was caught on something, and when I tugged on it , I heard a ripping sound. I looked down to realize my entire arm, shoulders,collar bone and part of my chest was exposed.

Just great! I wanted to curse,but I decided not to.

Finally free I pushed the closet door open and came out. But I didn't even walk two steps forward when I suddenly hit against something tall,and stumbled backwards.

I tensed,and I could hear my heart beating so loudly that I thought it was connected to a speaker...

I recognize this chilling aura,and I closed my eyes as I dreaded.

Was it time to curse now? Hopefully not.

'Please don't let it be him please don't let it be him' I prayed in my head to whoever was listening,but...

I opened my eyes first to meet a naked torso displaying a chiseled chest and rock hard abdominals,and I blushed...and as my gaze moved upwards, I met those familiar dark, cold green eyes glaring at me.

This was the right time to curse,but I was tongue-tied, not because he was half-naked...well it was partly that,but mostly because he looked at me as if he was an assassin and I was the one he was hired to kill.

"What are you doing here?" his voice was cold and emotionless.

I regretted not listening to my conscience earlier when it said I shouldn't have entered this place.

Oh crap! Finally, I was able to curse,and I just wished I could vanish so I don't have to be in this awkward position.