
Flaming Desire

Getting chased by unknown figures and being captured wasn't something Arie ever expected to happen to her, but it did. Arie must find a way out of the mysterious and strange confines she's in,but what happens when the darkness and obsessions from her past is connected to the very place she's trying to escape from. Will she be able to handle the truth about her origin and past and let go of all the hate she harboured, or is the desire for revenge too strong that it threatens to shatter every other obsession? When the crucial time awakens for her to make a choice,will she choose the intense love of the now, or the flamming revenge of the past? Which is a stronger force: Love...or Revenge! -------------- "Make a choice Arie, your people,your family,your race,all Artians....or him, the enemy!" Arie's mind was in chaos as she looked around her; people she loved and cared about were fighting for their lives...for her. And she had the power to end it all,but whatever choice she made came at a cost; a huge price which she could never unsacrifice. As the screams around her got louder, reminding her that time was running out for her to make a choice,she finally made a decision. "I...I choose...."

Blackwolf4509 · Urban
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20 Chs

Not So Vulnerable


The words I wanted to say refused to come.

"You what?" He asked with a raised brow as he neared me.

I didn't realize I was instinctively moving backwards,and when I did realize, it was too late; I was trapped between him and the closet.

How I wished I could teleport right now!

I forced my brain to come up with some excuse,any excuse, but all I managed to say in the end was...

"I..was looking for you."

I faced palmed myself in my head.

I think I just made things worse for myself. Seriously? Upon all the lies I could think of, 'I was looking for you' was the best I could come up with?

I tried not to look at him but it was hard not to; considering the way he looked at me and the fact that his chest was bare.

His brows were furrowed as he looked at me.

Then his gaze shifted from my face and to my shoulders,and further down.

Suddenly I remembered how the sleeve of my dress got ripped earlier when I was in the closet.

Oh no! I felt so vulnerable right now.

Is that why he's starting at me? Why isn't he saying anything?

Then, he let out a chuckle; a menacing one.

I got even more confused now.

Nothing's funny. Why was he chuckling? And why did his chuckle sound so minacious?

"I finally get it now...",he said as he leaned his face closer to mine.

" When all his other plans failed, he sent a woman..."

His face was now very close to me, his lips were just a hair's breadth away from my ears as he continued to speak.

"...to try to seduce and finally kill me." he whispered the words into my ear.

What! This- this stupid Devil thinks that I'm here to... that I was sent to..that I..huh?! What the hell is happening right now?!!

"So tell me... what do you intend to kill me with? Socery? Poison?"

I froze when I felt his fingers on my neck,as he slowly travelled to my shoulders.

"What... what are you doing?Let go of me!"

I tried to push him away but it didn't work.

"What's wrong? Your plan is working... isn't this what you want?"

He said as his hand continued to travel down.

I panicked, and my reflexes kicked in.

I kicked him in the side,and when my hand was freed, I slapped him,hard.

His face moved with the impact,and he let go of me.

I didn't wait for him to react to the slap.

I pushed him away from me and quickly bolted out of the room.


Zilan stood there,still finding it a bit difficult to believe what just happened.

Did she really just slap him? And kicked him as well?

No one ever dares to hit him but this Artian girl just did.

She had guts and courage,he had to give her that credit.

He was supposed to feel angry,but strange enough,he wasn't.

Rather, he was amused,and a gratified smile formed on his face.

Her actions intrigued him.

He wondered how long she could keep being brave.

How long would it take him to tame and crush the courageous front she was putting up?

Whatever she and Raiden were planning,he would figure it out.

Finally regaining his composure,he walked to the closet as he opened it and took out a shirt.

He was about to close the closet door when he noticed a piece of clothing caught up in the hinges of the closet door.

He pulled it out and examined it.

It smelled like her; honey and flowers.

Then he noticed the key to her tracker was no longer on the table he left it at but on the marble floor.

"So she came in here to steal this and not to..."

Maybe he was mistaken.

"I need to have a talk with Ethan and ask him what info he managed to get about her."

He wore a shirt and left the room soon after.


I was now back in my room. My back was against the door as I kept panting. What just happened?

Did I piss him off by hitting him?

Honestly I don't care if he is. He shouldn't have touched me like that.

I run my hand down my neck and shoulders as he remembered all that he did.

Why did the places he touched feel like lava against my skin...it sill tingled.

My head was spinning due to the million and one questions and the intense heat I felt.

l just made my way to the bed as I slumped on it.

Well that plan was a total flop.

Guess I'm stuck here for tonight.

I just hope I don't fall asleep and have nightmares again.

I sighed as I sat up.

I turned to see the book I brought in earlier lying on the bed beside me.

Well I might as well continue reading it since I wanted a distraction to stay up for a while and not sleep.

I opened the book and flipped the pages.

This time I was on a page which had 'Varnix History' written above it.

Wait how many of these mythical creatures are there?

I started to read.

According to the book Varnix are like witches,but unlike them they don't need spells to perform magic.

They are good illusionists, and they are known to be deceitful and hypnotic creatures.

Cool, I wish I were one. If I were one I could easily get out of this place.

Too bad they were only myths.

Wait... the Artian one...

I turned back to the page where I saw the mark that looked like mine.

I still couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was exactly the same.

How? Wasn't this all supposed to be a folklore and a myth?

I run my hand through the picture of my mark in the book and touched it.

Immediately I did wind blew into room, forcing the window open.


The pages of the book then started flipping by them selves, maybe because of the wind.

Then it stopped on an empty page which had a hollow depression in the middle that was shaped like a hand.

Curious, I put my hand into the void,and it fit perfectly.

Then my hand went deeper into it, and I tried removing my hand but it was as if my palm was glued to the book.

Suddenly the book started glowing,and I felt a tingle on my hand and my neck,where my mark was.

Slowly my palm started to glow and spread to my entire arm, as strange marks started to form on them.

I couldn't see it properly but my mark started to glow as well.

I felt a tingle in my eyes as well,and even though I couldn't see it, I felt it was also glowing.

Suddenly it felt as if someone else was in the room with me,and I heard a voice in my head, which called out my name!

"Arie" it called out again.

What the...

I tried and finally I was able to free my hand and take it away from the book.

It instantly stopped glowing,and so did I.

Then suddenly the book closed shut, BY ITSELF!

Well that was really freaky, wierd and paranormal,so much paranormal!

I was scared of the book now.

Not wanting to have physical contact with it, I wrapped the blanket around my hand and used it to pick up the book from the bed and unto the bedside table.

I fell back on the bed.

Well thanks to the book I'm wide awake now. And hopefully I'll stay awake till morning so I don't have to have those dreams again when I sleep.

I sighed. Did all that just happen,or am I dreaming?

But if I'm dreaming right now,why does it feel so real?

I turned back to look at the book,it seemed normal now.
