
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

icia · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 11

(3rd Person POV)

A man by his early 30's picked up his ringing phone. "Hello, what do you need?" The man replied not bothering to check who the caller was. 

"I need you to do me a favor." The person on the other line told him. He hummed and told the person to proceed. 

"Convince Shiho to take part in the tournament. It's time." The man then sighed deeply, "Yes Ma'am, I'll make sure of it." And ended the call.

A few minutes after the call, the adoptive daughter of the man announced herself home. 


He stands from his chair and went down to greet his daughter. "'Tou-san! Tadaima!" He only smiled at his daughter and gestured for her to follow him to his office.

Once inside the daughter immediately went to sit at his office chair not that the man mind it. "Shiho. Are you curious about who you are?" This perked the attention of the child. 

"I... I am. But that doesn't matter, I'm happy being your daughter." She then smiled happily at her father.

The man forced a smile, "Your school will soon hold a tournament, if you would win that, you could be the last member of BLANK." 

The girl's mind then wandered to 9 beautiful girls. One of them successfully managed to make her heart skip a beat. Her trance was cut off when the man told her to "Enter the tournament. Whatever questions you have for yourself will be answered in that tournament." The girl was lost for words and didn't know what to respond. 

"Think about it. It's time for you to know who you really are." The girl just nodded and kept her head low.

That's when Natsume the wife of the man went inside the office to check their daughter's well-being. 

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT? THE SCHOOL SAID YOU WER—" But she was cut off by her daughter's tight hug. 

"I'm fine. The girls took care of me while I was out cold." The mother then sighed and hugged her daughter back. The man was smiling from ear to ear at the sight.


At the other end of the city, lies an abandoned building. Currently inhabited by a man with a hooded jacket and a mask that could only cover his nose and eyes. 

"Enter that stupid tournament. For sure she would be there, for her stupid fated one is a member of BLANK. Kill her and only do so in front of her fated one." 

The servant gulped their nonexistent phlegm and nodded in agreement to their master. She then went out of the building and proceeded to go home.

"I can't kill her. She... Already suffered because of me. They would surely kill me first before I could lay my hands on her." The thought of 9 girls running after her shocked the young Shin Ryujin's mind.