
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

icia · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 10

(Dahyun's POV)

5 years ago.

I was covered in blood. Cold and dirty blood. It has been splintered all over my shirt as I gaze at my father's eyes. 

"Swear to me my daughter, you will find the heirs of Yuki and Homura." My father managed to say even if he was on the brink of death. I hate this. I don't want this. 

"Promise me Kim D-dahyun."

He then coughed a lot of blood. It's too late. 

"I... I promise. I love—" 

I didn't get to finish as I saw my father being unresponsive. I closed his eyes and silently cried at the scene before me. Scattered around me are the corpses of my family and relatives. Today was supposed to be a happy day we were celebrating my day. It ended in tragedy.

I hate this.

But I made a promise and I intend to keep it.


"Girls, I present to you your newest member, her name is Kim Dahyun." the black-haired woman told the few girls in front of me. 

They looked young but definitely not younger than me. I scanned my eyes through them. They were all battered up and bruised. I think they were training before this woman introduced me. All of them were smiling at me except for that girl who looks emotionless. I tried my best to muster up my smile.

Even just for once.

They introduced themselves one by one. I was zoning out on them not until this girl spoke. 

"Hi, Dahyun-ah! My name is Sana. Minatozaki Sana! Take a look at my sword! It's as white as you are!" she chuckled slightly at her joke. 

It took me months to realize. That Sana-unnie owns one of the swords that my father promised me to protect. 

I won't leave her side. I'll be the one to protect her. Always. 


Present day.

This is the second day that Shiho is still sleeping. The morning shift was Chaeyoung, the afternoon was Tzuyu, and lastly, the night shift goes to me. In the past years, I easily found who is the heir to Yuki but as I was losing hope in finding the other half, then the person who owned it appeared before me. 

I tucked the loose hair strands on her face as I admire her beauty. I've been searching for you, my lady. I sighed deeply and went to the window to see the sunset. It's breathtaking. Just like the person laying down there. I chuckled lightly.

Now that I have found the heirs, what am I supposed to do now dad?

I know they're important to this new government but how are they that important that our family members has to die? I went back to Shiho's side and caressed her cheeks and looked at her face intently. 

She really does look good. I found my eyes lowering down at her lips. It looks so kissable. Those plump pinkish lips. I leaned down to her level. In just a few centimeters I could already kiss her.

"Let me have one kiss Shiho," I whispered and eventually claimed her lips. Finally, I'm already a step further from the other girls. I broke our well one-sided kiss. 

"I hope when you wake up, there would be a chance that you'll be the one to kiss me Shiho," I whispered at her ear and went to the couch, and sleep eventually took me. 

Goodnight my lady. I promise to protect you and Sana-unnie.