
Five Game Addicts Creating Their Own Country In Another World

One day five guys, with different game specialization, from different parts of the World woke up in a room. In order to live they will have to create their own country and raise their rank, only then will they have the chance to find out whether it is still possible to return back to their former world. A game developer who specialize in battle and board games. A fireman who specialize in adventure and simulation games. A businessman who specialize in Dating and Sex games. A comic artist who specialize in anything that is about "Shoot the enemy" games. And a former mafia gang member who specialize in mystery and detective games. What kind of country will five jackasses make? ___________________________________________________________________________ English is not my first language so I apologize in advance if there is any error in the story. PS: Image is not mine and is credited to the artist. PS. There will be many song lyrics that will appear in the story and are credited to their creators. I cannot guarantee an everyday update but I will make sure to update at least seven chapters every week. [Warning: There are some things in the story that readers may find disturbing or uncomfortable]

ClaireSantos · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 31: Decision

After being transferred into this world with the mission of creating a country, they all knew what they had to do.

During their talks through the nigth and trivial chats while it was only the five of them, they all knew what role to take and what to do to help each other while maintaining the power between them balanced to prevent any betrayal.

And now, their biggest problem ever since they arrived into this world has been put up.


They were all silent.

While they all have already made possible names that can be use, each of them have their own reccomendation for the name of the first city that is being built and for their country.

"Empire can be defined as a group of countries or regions under the rule of one person or one government... An Alliance would be too distant and may cause unnecessary trouble along the way by our people.. Using the word 'Federation' won't be good for the names we thought of" (A)

"Then.. let's go with an empire. But we can still have our meetings like this every now and then once we manage to expand our territory" (M)

"If it is like that... then I will be taking the desert" (A)

After hearing Aldo's words, the four became happy now that they do not have to take care of a land that they do not know how to process into a habitable one.

"Since Anise is a naga, I'll take the south and build a coastal city" (C)

"No problem here" (M)

"Same here" (T)

"If so... can I take Ghalvhir's land?" (L)

"You want to expand through there?" (T)

"Yeah. Controlling the information spreading through the common people would be easy for me" (L)

"I will take the south west then. I already have started business with the demi humans and the wine is a hit among the rich. Expanding the business there will be for the better" (M)

With all four of them choosing their own future lands, that leaves one more.

The four of them looked at Tony with nervous eyes as there is only one more land that has yet to be claimed.

"Don't worry, I want the northern land for myself anyway"! (T)

The five of them became at ease after peacefully claiming their own desired lands.

"We're getting side tracked here! Let's go back to choosing a name, yeah?" (C)

"Since we have decided for an empire, let's have majority vote. We will be including Persephone, Veronica, Aldo juinor, Anise, And Lexi for this" (M)


The four said in unison.

The other five who are legibile to vote for the name soon arrived.

After getting an explanation from Charlie, Lexi, Anise, Persephone, Veronica, and Aldo junior voted.

Their votes were added to the votes the <Players> had and an answer rose.

"In the end... the winner is... Sir Leon!

From now on, the city will be named as Heaven Blaze city. The empire will be named as Immortal Star Empire"

Roman, the third party who is responsible for tallying the scores, announced to everyone.


[Congratualations. The city you are building now has a name]

[Each <Player> will receive <50> points]

[Congratualations. The country you are building now has a name]

[Each <Player> will receive <100> points]


Leon jumped from his seat and celebrated for a short while.

"What about the others? Who voted for who!!!" (T)

Roman immediately burned the papers in order to keep confidentiality.

"You damn martial arts webnovel addict! What's up with those names!" (M)

"We all had a fair vote. Why so grumpy? Hah, right, you lost! Hahahaha!!!"

Leon said mockingly as he laughed.

"Sigh... Now that things here are done, we can go now, right?" (A)

"You can go now" (C)

With all their current problems now solved, they all went back to their work after Charlie stopped the two who were complaining about the name of their city and empire.


"I feel like... I'm floating in the sea" (C)

A few days later, as order and the daily life within the Heaven Blaze city stabilizing, three individuals succeeded in feeling divine energy.

"How does it feel like for you?" (C)

"It feels like there's a bunch of slime or goo covering my body... but it has a relaxing sensation" (T)

"Its warm and a bit... hmmm... a bit liberating!"

The three who bought a breathing method from the <Market> were happy as they felt their improvement.

"Sir, I will be taking my leave now"

Roman said with an exhausted expression.

"Sure, sure! Be careful on the way!" (L)

As Roman walked back to the magic tower to rest, the three of them looked at his back with gratitude as it was him who helped them create their Divine heart.

"Rigth... Tony, you're going to make an academy. What name are you planning-" (L)

"Don't even think about it!" (T)

"Hahaha! I wasn't trying to give it a name... just make sure you take care of the forte while we are gone" (L)

"What?" (T)

"We are planning on going back to the coast to settle on some things with the merfolks while Leon will build his base about ten kilometers away from here" (C)

"That's not what I meant... I get that Charlie is acting like this because he is the mature one here, but what are you acting so smug about like you are the oldest brother?"

Tony said in annoyance.

"Huh!? You bastard, I'm worrying about you guys and that's what you say?" (L)

"Wanna figth? I'll call you big bro if you can beat me!!!"


A few seconds later...

"You two are a bunch of imbeciles!"

Just as they were about to figth, they released too much divine energy unconsciously and are now laying on the ground, unable to move a finger after exerting all their energy.

"We're sorry"

The two said.

"The next time you guys plan on figthing make sure to do it somewhere else"

Charlie carried the two on his shoulder as they all went back to their home.