
Five Game Addicts Creating Their Own Country In Another World

One day five guys, with different game specialization, from different parts of the World woke up in a room. In order to live they will have to create their own country and raise their rank, only then will they have the chance to find out whether it is still possible to return back to their former world. A game developer who specialize in battle and board games. A fireman who specialize in adventure and simulation games. A businessman who specialize in Dating and Sex games. A comic artist who specialize in anything that is about "Shoot the enemy" games. And a former mafia gang member who specialize in mystery and detective games. What kind of country will five jackasses make? ___________________________________________________________________________ English is not my first language so I apologize in advance if there is any error in the story. PS: Image is not mine and is credited to the artist. PS. There will be many song lyrics that will appear in the story and are credited to their creators. I cannot guarantee an everyday update but I will make sure to update at least seven chapters every week. [Warning: There are some things in the story that readers may find disturbing or uncomfortable]

ClaireSantos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Chapter 30: Crisis

"What do you want!?"

Aldo entered the building in a fit of rage after receiving Leon's threats.

"Sit down... besides, its not my fault you are not letting anyone enter your tower"

He sat as he calm himself down.

"You want partial control over Olad?"

"Yes. From now on, I will be taking care of all the administrative work and will enforce laws and policies here in the city"

"Do you want full control of the database?"

"Of course!"

"Fine. Just make sure you don't tire him out. Olad"

"Yes, father?"

"From now on, his authrotiy will be two levels higher compared to othes"

"Understood. Sir Leon will now have a level seven authorization"

"Happy doing business with you~!"


Despite his attitude, Aldo was happy that he was able to pass the menial but time consuming job of the city's administration to someone else.

Now, he will be able to focus on his experiments even more.

A few hours later, Olad finished explaining how data is being stored inside a memory storage device, a magic stone bought from the <Market>, and how he and Aldo are the only ones with authority to change, delete, and put new information inside the memory storage device.

"Thanks. That will be all for now"

Olad disappeared after bowing once.

[The mission <Reinforce (2)> has been completed]

[The three players will receive <500> points]

[Intimacy with merfolks has increased]

[Initmacy with sea folks has sligthly increased]

"About time... wasn't the operation scheduled last night though?"

Ignoring the question that cannot be answered right now, the three <Players> within the city went back to their tasks.


[127th day]

A certain someone finished their experiment.


[Announcement to <Player: Aldo Achterberg>]

"... Huh?"

[You are one step closer to receiving a personal title. Please keep up the good work]

"Personal title? What's that?"

[Will you use a <Question ticket>?]


[A personal title is an alias of a <Player> granted by the system]

[This title will give you benefits and is base on what you have accomplished, your methods for completing missions, overall skills and knowledge regarding your class and overall character]

[You are prohibittted from telling others what this is about]

"That is fine with me. It's not like I have the time to chat with them anyway"

The skeleton man lying down on the bed woke up.

"Can you hear me?"

".... Yes..."

The skeleton man replied.

"Good. For now, rest up. I don't want you destroying yourself after all the things I had to do in order to complete you"

"Who... are... you...?"

The man asked with a hint of desperation.

His mind was in a state of confusion, not knowing who he was or why he was there.

"Let's just say I am the one who created you. And from now on, your name will be Roman"


Roman's eyes slowly closed as he fell unconscious.


The magicians who were able to familiarize themselves were now at ease after a few days.

Unlike their previous prejudicial thoughts, they opened up to the demi humans and other races within the city after spending time with them.

One of the things that made them love the city was the convenience.

In terms of sanitation, order, and technology the city that is currently being built has already surpassed Ghalvhir in many aspects.

Especially the toilet.

"Who is that guy?"

"He seems serious and cold... but, the amount of mana he has... is someone who belongs to the fourth stage!"

The magicians bundled up together

After mustering up the courage, they all walked up to the man with a cloak who also had a mask covering his face.

"May... may we know senior's name?"

One of them asked with a shaky voice.

"I am Roman... Roman Achterberg"


The magicians were shocked to hear the magic tower's last name.

"Are you... perhaps... the magic tower master's son?"

"Yes. I am"

Once more, a wave of amazement and shock went through the magicians after verifying their thougths.

"I have to get going now... let's talk again some other time"

"Yes... do please go on your way, senior!"

They said enthusiastically.


Just in time for their weekly meeting in order to catch up and share information with one another, Charlie and the rest arrived back to the city.

As Tony and Charlie entered the boardroom that has a pentagon shaped table at the center, Aldo junior took Persephone, Veronica, and Luca to give them a tour and a brief summary about the city.

"Since we are all here, let's begin shall we" (M)

"Yeah. Seeing that Aldo was the first one who got here, something important must have happened" (L)

Aldo then told the others about his findings. That the land filled with mist all the time in the north is actually a place rich in divine energy, which is divinity.

"You guys bought mana breathing methods from the <Market>, right?" (A)

"Yes... and are you saying that it is the best time for us to go there?" (T)

"Yes. I have already verified the safety using golems there and created a small wall. Just make sure you lot won't go in too far" (A)

Hearing this amazing piece of news Leon, Tony, and Charlie became excited now that there is a way for them to slowly accumulate their own divine energy.

"Wait, you are a magician who never felt what divine energy is... so how come you know that the mist itself is divine energy?" (C)

"Roman, take off your mask" (A)

"Yes, father"

After he took off his mask, everyone in the room were bewildered as they saw a skeleton.

"While you guys were away, there were low difficulty missions we took so... I had enough money to buy one from the <Market>. A skeleton from the undead race" (A)

"That is good and all but how does he... know that the mist is divine energy?" (C)

"Remember the time I went to the desert? I crystalized some evil spirits into a small orb and extracted their memories after purifying it with Jarianne's help and transfered said orb into him. Strictly speaking, he is a half golem and half skeleton

Anyway, he remember's what divine energy is like so that's that" (A)

"..... You're not doing any shady things, are you?" (C)

"Of course not. What do you take me for?" (A)

"I was just asking" (C)

Clap, clap.

"Now that we are done with that, let's go to another topic: This city's overall order" (M)

"Aren't I the one who is taking care of that?" (L)

"Yes. That is good and all, but what we are making here is a country. We need something to pull in people. Aldo is making a school and none of us can possibly stop him since he is the best regarding that field. Academically speaking, he is the smartest among us" (M)

"Go on" (T)

"We have a school, order, and a soon to be good looking city that is far more advance compared to other nations in this world. But we lack culture and tradition. I need you all to think of foods and habits we can apply to the city. One of them is the church I am making" (M)

"Religion to control the common people in the future?" (A)

"Yeah. Starting it earlier is better. That way, the believers we will soon have will be able to persuade those who will migrate to our city as time goes on" (M)

"That does sound good" (C)

After brainstorming for an hour, they all finished writing down their own culture and traiditions that can be applied to the city they are making in order to add more colors to their currently empty city.

Food. Festivals. Holidays. Work system. Value of currency. Tradition.

The hardest ones were the festival and and holiday creation.

In this world where there is a total 840 days in a year, 70 days a month which is 10 weeks, their sense of time was muddled as there is a difference from what they were used to.

After debating and agreeing things through, they merged their opinions into one.

"With that, I'm done with my issue" Marco said as he relaxed himself after being able to overcome the problem weighing on his shoulders.

"What about public order?" (T)

"Don't we have others to take care of that?" (A)

"We need to train others for this. We can't just let them become dependent on us. We also need them to figth back for dangers when we aren't here" (T)


After overcoming one of their problems, they went silent as they pondered for the other problem they were going through.

"How about creating a Knight academy? Of course, you will be the one who will take over that" (C)

"I'm a marksman though..." (T)

"That doesn't mean you can't learn how to figth. Besides, when it comes to systematic fighting, aren't you the best here?" (C)

"What about me?" (L)

"You're more of a practical figther though?" (M)

"Rigth, rigth..." (L)

After thinking about the pros and cons of creating an academy, Tony agreed and decided to do his best.

"Though it will hinder my training I also need points, so nurturing some brats who would partake mission on my behalf would be good"

"Okay... now, we need to talk about the biggest problem we have" (L)

All of them became anxious as they all knew what Leon was talking about.

"We need a name for our country and for this city"



(A) = Aldo

(C) = Charlie

(M) = Marco

(T) = Tony

(L) = Leon

I will be using this style when they are having a conversation to let the readers' know who is talking.

Same thing will be applied to other characters when the convesation is too long.