
Five Game Addicts Creating Their Own Country In Another World

One day five guys, with different game specialization, from different parts of the World woke up in a room. In order to live they will have to create their own country and raise their rank, only then will they have the chance to find out whether it is still possible to return back to their former world. A game developer who specialize in battle and board games. A fireman who specialize in adventure and simulation games. A businessman who specialize in Dating and Sex games. A comic artist who specialize in anything that is about "Shoot the enemy" games. And a former mafia gang member who specialize in mystery and detective games. What kind of country will five jackasses make? ___________________________________________________________________________ English is not my first language so I apologize in advance if there is any error in the story. PS: Image is not mine and is credited to the artist. PS. There will be many song lyrics that will appear in the story and are credited to their creators. I cannot guarantee an everyday update but I will make sure to update at least seven chapters every week. [Warning: There are some things in the story that readers may find disturbing or uncomfortable]

ClaireSantos · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 32: Resolve

[134th day]

After all the preparations were finished, Charlie, Leon, and Anise were about to head out for the coast of Ghalvhir.

"You bougth this, Charlie?" (A)

"I did. It looks amazing, right?" (C)

Some of the demi humans magicians who saw the commotion were intrigued by the chunck of metallic carriage they saw.

"I have to give it to you, the guns I Tony bought surprised me but this... this is just on a whole other level. How does this thing would even work here?" Marco curiously asked.

They all looked at the shiny silver off the road SUV truck.

"How much was it?" (L)

"It cost me three hundred points. But it has a battery that lets you charge it with mana so it was worth it" (C)

Just then, a burning desire was set abalzed within them.

The others thought of "Should I buy one?" as they looked at the shiny vehicle, tempting them to use their points for their own use, except for Aldo who currently has no points.

"Hey... Charlie, can I drive it?" (L)

"No. You can drive it when we come back" (C)

Rejected, Leon felt sad after not being allowed to drive the vehicle..

For someone who spent his money to buy all kinds and brands of cars back in Earth it was frustrating for him, but he had to held it in or he may not have the chance later on.

"We're going now! Take care everyone!" Anise said as she waved her hands.

As Charlie and the others go, the three stayed behind until they were out of sight to see the SUV's performance.

"It's rare seeing you outside of the tower, Aldo"

"No matter how busy I am, I need to gather information from a vehicle bought from the <Market>. That's right, this is all for gathering information"

"Whatever you say"

Hearing the name 'Aldo' the magicians became frantic and looked for the person who said that name.

They then saw Marco talking to someone whose name is 'Aldo' and went up to them slowly in excitement.

"E-excuse us... are you perhaps the... the tower master?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes, I am. You guys must be the magicians the my friends recruited"

The magicians squealed in joy after finding out that the one in front of them is the magic tower master.

"Starting from the left is Helbert, Julianne, Dana, Frederick, Haxon, Mavin, Amelia, and Iris" (M)

As he looked at the magicians who were looking Aldo in awe as if they were worshipping their very existence, he thought of a good way to make use of the magicians.

"Two days from now, I will be having an entrace test for my tower. If you want to be a part of it, you must pass my test.

If you pass, then good, my son will be teaching you lot magic from now on. If you fail, try again next year"


The magicians said enthusiastically.

"Junior, give each of them a copy of <Beginner Chemistry Book For Magicians>, <Beginner Magic Circle Theory>, and <Understanding The Basic Elements>"

"Yes, father"

Aldo junior led the magicians to the magic tower for them to receive the books they will have to study in just two days.

Contrary to what Marco expected, the magicians were happy and their pride became fuel that made them eager to learn everything that will be given to them.

Knowing that the magic tower master was the one who created these books, they all were expecting to learn many eye opening things that could give them a deeper understanding in the path of magic.

"Why do you look like that?"

Marco asked Tony who had an expression that looked like he was constipated.

"What do you guys think of Charlie?" (T)

"What's wrong with him?" (A)

"That's not what I meant. What I am trying to say is... Aldo is building a school. Anyone within your magic tower and instructors in your school will soon be pledging their loyalty to you.

The same thing goes for you, Tony. As for Leon and I, we both have our own plans in expanding our forces to better earn points. But Charlie doesn't have any" (T)

"Now that you put it that way, he really doesn't have anyone else other than Anise. He didn't said anything about building his own force" (M)

"There is no need to think so hard about this" (A)

"Why not? Charlie will have a hard time earning points in the future if he doesn't do anything now!" (T)

"It's Charlie we are talking about, I am sure he has his own plans. Besides, even if he doesn't make his own force, it will eventually form by its own" (A)

"What do you mean by that?" (T)

"I think he is talking about the people in the city. Although you guys have interacted with them much longer, Charlie became closer to them without using any tricks like how the four of us usually would do things" (M)

"So like... he has this air around him that makes people trust him?"

"Yeah. He has the charisma and the personality that makes other people depend on him. Aren't we the best example of that?

He is reliable and dependable most of the time, if not all the time"

"Rigth. Sigh~ I guess I should go back and do my own job then"

"I'll go as well! I still want to spend time with Lexi!"


In the Crinnad empire, the most powerful force in the eastern continent, a meeting was held by the imperial family of Crinnad with their most trusted aides and high ranking arsitocrats.

"Is the west attacking us? Or perhaps the south?"

"The Witch of the West and the Lunar Moon of the South teaming up is not impossible... but we cannot act as long as we do not know what exactly is happening"

"If you think about it, a rebellion army being formed in Ghalvhir is also not impossible. They discriminate other races despite being so weak themselves"

They all shared their own opinions as to where these humans from the rebellion army came from.

Are they an elite small force made by the forces from the west or south? Are they a crimminal organization who wants to cause havoc? Or are they a bunch of elite cast away or betrayed from their country with the intention of taking revenge?


The sound of laughter reverberated, causing the building to shook lightly.

"I have to say, you lot sure have balls of steel to say such things about me"


The emperor, the imperial family, the high ranking aristocrats, and powerful figures of Crinnad empire quickly bowed down to the woman who appeared.

"Say it again. I want to hear it once more just what sorts of accussations you lot were saying just now~"

She said in a sweet tone that sent all of them into an intoxicated state.


A white lotus appeared out of thin air that negated the mental effect casted on the others as a man appeared.

"That is enough, Pandora" The man said.

"Pacifist! How wonderful it is to see you! As far as I remember, the last time we met was about a hundred and fifty years!

As for what is happening, how about a no?"


The two released their power causing the mirros to shatter instantaneously, the walls and floor cracked, and pressure enough to paralyze everyone else present in the area.

"Please stop this"

Two more appeared out of nowhere.

"I didn't expect you to be here as well, Seer. And, you are... the Lord of the Skies, Ythocra"

"The man bowed as he said, "It is an honor for me that the famous Witch of the West knows of this humble one"

"Enough about this... what are you guys doing here? As far as I know, you both don't have any reason to be here"

The Witch said as she sat down.

"The same thing goes for you, Pandora. Leave while I am still tolerating your actions"

"Oh, believe me, I have all the reason to be here. Since you are their ancestor, how about you give them a lesson, Pacifist"

She said as she radiated an immense amount of bloodlust.

"Is that a challenge? If so, I wonder what makes someone who never won against me oh so confident. Do enligthen me if you made some progress"


With a wave of her hand, the Seer swapped the Pacifist and the Witch's location.

"I am here to inform you all not to touch the castle between the western and the eastern continent"

"What made you think I would do that?"

"If you both did not had any intention of listening to me, you both would have resisted what I did just now"

"Seer, you are one of the few individuals whom I wholeheartedly respect as a fellow one of the oldest mortal in existence in the world.

You will have to say your reason first as to why you are protecting this small castle before either of us agree to your request"

The Pacifist said as he sat down on air.

"Protecting? Surely you jest.

I am not protecting them, rather, I am only doing my duty that was bestowed upon me"

"Are you saying that those weaklings are one of the few irrgularities in the world capable of destroying a predetermined destiny?"

Pandora asked as she calmed down.

"Indeed. And... as the Eyes' of the God with the duty of maintaing the balance of law and energy in the world, I ask you both not to touch that castle. At least for the next ten years that is"

"This is the first time I am seeing you act like this. Are those people truly that special?"

"Yes, Pacifist. And if you two insist on involving yourself, even if it means I have to burn away my life, I will stop you two"


While the 'Seer' is the only one among the Nine Heavens who do not know how to figth, her ability to kill by re-writing their destined death and fate is someone who is known as a neutralist.

A well respected individual who is known for her golden heart and unyielding resolve just declared that she would risk her life in order to stop the two if they were to get their hands in this matter.

"If you say it like that, then I will make sure Crinnad will not touch that area. That is, for as long as those people do not hurt my own"

"That much is enough. What about you, Lady Pandora?"

"I only came here to ensure that these toddlers!" She pointed at the aristocrats and the imperial family, "Won't think that I was the cause of this. Now that I have resolved this, I don't care what thos ants do! Of course, I can't promise you anything if they have come to me themselves"

"Thank you for your understanding. Now that this matter has been resolved, I will now be taking my leave"

The Seer and Ythocra disappeared as they went back to their land.

"Wait for me! I will soon take that head off from your neck and smear it on the very land you watch over!"

The Witch left after saying her threats.