

where fate plays a cupid role in bringing these love birds together again after many years, but they coming together is unlike any other couple. But what if the whole world is in the process to keep them apart??? Who will win? Fate or the world???

broken_wings37 · Music & Bands
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35 Chs

Long Awaited Call & Midnight Meeting


I was quite shocked when I heard the Dragon Lord's son say that it was disrespectful not to attend the funeral and go work. But also somewhat relieved when he said that Jeons and Kims are his closest ones.

I was missing Taehyung. I tried calling him, but he was unreachable. It was 2 or 3 days since he last messaged me saying he got to attend a business meeting.

I looked out of the window at the sky. Cold breeze blew. It was quite amazing here on this island. The Dragon Lord was sure smart and probably loved to have some peace in the midst of the chaos of the world.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.. It was JK's number. Except my parents, Suga hyung and Hobi hyung, no one had this no.

Oh wait.. How can I forget him..

"Taehyung!!" I exclaimed and ran to pick the call..

"I miss you." Was the first thing I heard as soon I recieved the call..

I could imagine his face when he said that. His words made a way in my heart like a sword. It hurt. Maybe he was hurting too..

"I missed you too. How are you? Are you alright?" I asked him and there was a pause.

"Hm. I am fine. Tired. Coming back home tomorow. Where are you? Are you alright?" He asked me.

I had only one thing in mind. He is going back home tomorow, so I have to be back by tomorow.

"I am alright. I am here on this deserted island. The Dragon Lord is dead. Your aunt didn't tell you? They called me too.. I mean JK, you know." I told him.

"I know, I read her text. I couldn't come. How's it over there?" He asked me..

His every word was filled with tiredness. Why was he tiring himself out?? I wanted to teleport right away and hug him and take away all his tiredness.

"Are you sure, you are alright? Please, tell me. I am getting worried. Taehyung. Let's meet tomorow. I am coming back tomorow too.. Okay?" I pleaded him and he agreed.

Just then there was a knock at my door. I got it while phone on my ear.

"The Dragon Lord has called for a meeting." The person said and bowed.

"I'll be there. Thanks." I replied to him.

"Alright love, although I hate it, I still need to go now. Will call you tomorow, okay?? Its late too.. Have a good sleep. I love you.." I said and he paused again.

"Jungkook, i love you too." He replied and we hung up...

It was half past midnight and this person called for a meeting. In the middle of the night?? I shook my head and pulled around my jacket before leaving.

As I entered the room, I saw my parents and Taehyung's aunt sitting together. My father waved to me. And i went and sat besides them..


I asked Elijah to call everyone to the conference hall for a meeting and then called up Jungkook. I knew by the time, the news reached him, I could have a talk with him.

I was missing him so much, that it hurt me now. And somehow it was taking a toll on me. I smiled to myself when I heard him say that he has to go for a meeting which meant I was about to see him again even though under a different identity.

Again, the reason for calling a meeting at this time?? I wanted to leave here as soon as the meeting got over so that no one knows who I am and where I go. As also, I didn't want to let Jungkook even get any suspicions about my identity like how recklessly I revealed my Hunters identity last time.

I entered the hall with Elijah and everybody stood up and bowed. Nobody dared sit until I asked them to. I took my place at the head of the table and signalled everyone to take their respective seats as well.

"First of all, I am sorry. This is obviously not the time to call for a meeting. But, I have some urgent issues to deal with. I don't know if you guys know that I was in America all the time till a few days ago when I got a call about my father. I will be settling down here permanently as my father's heir and the new Dragon Lord. Therefore, first I need to finish my overseas work as soon as possible." I explained to them.

"I wonder what you are, My Lord. The previous Lord never felt the need to explain himself no matter what he did. We usually got a mail notifying us about whatever happened." Said one man who was in his 50s or 60s maybe. 

I turned to look at him and he quickly put his head down. I had to make sure they don't take me lightly. I won't at any cost will let my father's reputation go down the drain.

"Well, he's dead. So his rules don't matter anymore." I sternly replied earning some murmurs of shock from the ones present.

"I know your type very well. It won't be long before I throw you out in the ocean for the sharks to feast on. You better know your place or else I know how to." I said looking at that man who dared not look up.

"Also, I am not my father. My father is dead. I am right here alive, so everybody for the last time. It's time to change some rules and set some new boundaries. While I am away, decide what you want. If you still want to be a part of me, then follow me or else if I throw you out, it won't be good for you." I said looking at everyone.

"Except for Jeons and Kims, rest can go back. You will be notified for further meetings or changes. Those who are still yet to pay the debts taken from my father, i will give you 7 days. If by the end of week, it's not clear, then I won't give a notice. My men will take over your gang and all your estates, property, and businesses which will go under my name for making up the debt amount. Don't worry, i will leave your house to you. I won't let you or your families come on the streets. That's a promise. You can leave now." I said and waved my hand.

"Please. This way." Elijah said and showed everybody way out.

I got up and went to the window. I wanted to take off my mask and clothes. I wanted to leave here.

"My Lord, why did you want us to stay back?" Mr. Jeon asked me.

"Your son, Jungkook and Taehyung." I said turning back and looking at my Aunt and Jeons.

Jungkook quickly looked up as soon as I said his name.

"What about them?" My aunt asked.

"Well, I want to meet them. But separately. Not together. Since I am taking over, I think it's time to let the younger generation handles things. So I have heard about how they handle things, so I wish to take their suggestions too." I explained myself and they were happy.

"Also JK, isn't it? Walk with me, please." I said and I got up and started walking out and I saw him follow me.

"Ah, Mr and Mrs. Jeon, and Ms. Yoona, thanks for coming over. Please have rest. You can leave after breakfast tomorow morning. I have ordered the staff to prepare a good breakfast for all.. Good night." I said and walked out.

Jungkook followed me. As I stepped out, all the guards rushed to their positions, behind, in front and besides.

We were quiet all along the way. It was becoming awkward. So I decided to talk first.

"So, JK, what are your thoughts on this system? Do you think we should do some changes to it? I have heard a lot about you. Of course the Jeons and Kims are the closest to me. You will be too." I asked him and he nodded.

"Well, my Lord. I really don't know how to answer this. But yes, I agree with you on the earlier part. Like things should change. I haven't heard much about the previous Dragon. But I know that he was respected and feared by all. But now that you are taking over, people should know who you are. You can't be kind or soft with them. Especially the ones like that earlier asshole. You were very right in shutting them off. I would suggest that you better check everyone and everything once before you actually start. Because the human mind, is the most scariest of all. You never know who's thinking what. I, myself and Jungkook and Taehyung will help as much as possible in any way required to help you get rid of these moles. You can trust us on that." Jungkook was sure very dependable.

I once again fell all over again in love with him. I shook hands with him.

"Thanks, and much appreciated. Good night JK." I said and walked out.

I had to leave as soon as possible now.