
Two of me?

"What are you worrying about?" Even he is surprised at the gentleness in his voice. The girl in his arms evoke feelings within him he was not aware of.

"A lot." She replied shortly.

Still not letting her go, he wrapped her tighter in his arms.

"If we don't have to pretend, will you willingly accept it then?" He sighed. Will she?

Lara not understanding what he meant look up to him in confusion. Is he taking back the proposal now? She felt regretful. Troublesome as it is, however, she was surprised with the feeling that hit her when he took it back.

Alex studied the emotions that crossed her face. Frustrated that he is unable to decipher what is she thinking. Not used to not getting what he want, he blurted out.

"I'm asking you, if we get married for real, will you say yes?" The look in his eyes is so deep Lara could drown in it. Her own eyes widened with the question.

'What is this devil talking about? Married for real? Isn't he already married?!'

Anger rose in her heart. It doesn't mean that she's poor that he can play with her feelings, alright?! She angrily struggled out of his arms. Surprised that she's furious all of a sudden he let her go.

"I'm not accepting any of your absurd proposals, Mr. Liu!" Her eyes narrowed in anger looking at him. Pretend to be the wife or accept being a mistress. What the hell?!

"Tsk, Lara, we are back to square one isn't it. Then let me remind you, you are in an island with no way to leave except through me. And I refuse to accept no for an answer." He offered her his name, yet she still say no? What is her problem?!

They glared at each other, no one wants to give way. While they haven't even realized they aren't even on the same page. Lara turned around towards the house. There's no use arguing with this devil. She just have to resist until he get tired of his own game.


"Lara, what are you doing out there?" An old lady called her out.

She stubbed the cigarette that is halfway burnt. She has to rid of this habit of hers soon. She knew "Lara" doesn't smoke. Turning around, she saw the old woman dressed plainly in a long skirt and white blouse. Though simple, she is neat. She smirked inside.

Her father's family is average, but compare to what she is accustomed to, they are poor. How could her mother have chosen this life? If she married Andrew Liu, wouldn't she be living princess style by now? She even left her behind. Carefully hiding the disdain in her eyes, she smiled at the old woman.

"Auntie, when I miss my parents, I like looking out to the night sky…" Her voice trailed off, sadness is evident in her eyes. Thank God she studied acting out of whim. Otherwise how could she even act as a simpleton as Lara.

The old lady named Carol put an arm around her shoulder as she guide her back to the house. Crystal has to control herself from shoving Auntie Carol's arm away from her. She felt filthy.

"I'm sure they are looking down from the heavens to watch over you, sweetheart."

'Ha! They should have watched over me when they were alive. They only loved Lara. They have forgotten about me!'

She smiled sadly at the old woman. And then she went to her bed. Turning off the lights, her eyes glimmer with hatred in the dark.

'I'll get back what is meant to be mine, Lara. Just you wait!'


oh i swear my brain cells are depleted despite catching up on sleep.

do you know, i write because i enjoy it. and even when my readers are small in comparison to the famous novels, my heart is warmed just thinking that someone is reading my work.

i hope you leave comments, nevermind the stones or gifts. i just want to know your thoughts.

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts