
Sealed with a kiss

Dinner was a happy one. Both men seemed to have left their worries back in the study when they went out for dinner. Alex made everyone sit at the dining area, and Lara liked that he treats the old couple as family.

It also seems that they missed taking care of a child as they took turns in spoiling Luke, while the child is happy himself with the attention.

Lara watched Luke getting pampered and she got teary eyed. If her parents were alive, Luke will be spoiled rotten, as was her growing up. Her father Charles would have loved a grandson so much.

"Hey, you okay?" She turn to find Alex beside her. Either he moves soundless as a cat or she was too consumed with her emotions just now. She nodded but he still gave her a disbelieving look.

"How about we take a walk. You don't have to worry about Luke." He offered but he didn't wait for her reply as he took hold of her hand and pulled her outside.

Ha! He might have suggested but the devil that he is there really is no option. Thinking of his proposal her worries returned.

"Tell me something about you." He said as they walk slowly outside. The wind is salty and cold, but she shivers not because of it. This man makes her nervous.

"I wonder if Mr. Liu has not found everything about me yet." It's impossible that this devil has not had her investigated yet.

"Hmmn, my assistant did sent me your background." No point in denying there. Anyone would want to know under the circumstances, it just so happen he is capable in finding about it. He frowned at the name she used on him.

"So you must know, I'm nowhere near to qualify for your proposition, you might as well take it back." She find him too dangerous for her. She becomes meek in his presence. What if she goes beyond pretending? It won't end well for her and Luke.

"I thought we had already agreed on that part." He narrowed his eyes as he look at her.

"When did I agree?" Her eyes widened in surprise. Did she?

"Also, didn't I tell you to call me by my name? Do you really want to be kissed badly?"

Whaaaaaat?! Unable to retort she stomped her foot in frustration and she turned to go back to the house. It's no use talking to him! But he held her back surprising her. In a moment she found herself wrapped in the devil's arms.

"Mr. L—" Her eyes widened in shocked when her lips were suddenly sealed with his. It's her first kiss! How dare he stole it! But she felt him pull her closer. His kiss deepened and she felt electrified to the roots of her hair.

She is well aware of his strong arms around her, of his vanilla scent mixed with a faint scent of cigar. Of his thin lips in hers, the warm breath on her face.

Her thoughts gone with the wind.

When it ended she cannot look at him, however he refused to let her pull herself away. Alex stared at her face, her cheeks flushing furiously. For someone who has a son, she doesn't know how to kiss eh? And she blushes like a virgin. Hmmmn, interesting.

"Alex let me go." She pleaded which only earn her a chuckle.

"So you would really remember to call me by my name if I kiss you?" She gave him a look that could kill and he smiled. She looks like a cute angry kitten. He stole another peck on her lips.