
Final Summon of Warcraft

In a world full of dangers and opportunities, what would you do with a high-level artifact of the outer plane? Is it to be free and easy on the mainland, fighting swordsmanship, killing people in ten steps? Or silently farm and develop in the borderlands, and occasionally go out and pretend to be a pig? Or to revive the ancient arcane, to restore the glory of the arcanist? Or... become a great god and control the fate of mortals? This is the history of Donald's struggle in another world.

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Goblin Grocery Store

The busy crowd, mostly merchants, and some civilian adventurers in leather armor, patrol the city guards on the street from time to time, the towering castle spire in the distance, and the majestic boulder of the Church of the Goddess of Agriculture, which is as majestic as the lord's castle. City Temple.

After getting off the carriage and attaching the fare to the shop steward, looking at the scene that matched his memory, Donald sighed in front of Chengmen Street, and then walked to the most prosperous business district in Boulder City according to the location in his memory. .

The so-called business district is just a place named by Donald according to his previous habits. In fact, it is a prosperous street with almost all shops between the city where the wealthy businessmen live, outside the castle of the lord of the boulder city and the mansions of the big and small nobles.

This commercial street is worthy of being the most prosperous and prosperous area in the boulder city. Not only are there gorgeous shops specializing in the sale of aristocratic luxury goods, but there are also shops selling other kinds of goods on both sides of the street.

Although it is undoubtedly hundreds of years behind the bustling commercial streets of his previous life, this is already the most lively place Donald has ever seen in this world.

Maybe it was the reason why Donald followed the Clintons. They didn't encounter any accidents or troubles along the way. As for the scene where the nobles in their impressions oppressed the common people, it didn't happen. Although the steel armor and shield have been replaced, they are tall and strong, and the excellent long sword hanging on their waist is obviously not a decoration. The three Clintons are not comparable to ordinary warriors in terms of momentum. At least they have to go to the battlefield and kill a lot of them Only the enemy will have their fighting consciousness. Ordinary people will take the initiative to retreat when they are in full swing, so as not to get into any trouble.

Turning a blind eye to the hot shops, Donald went straight to the one at the end of the street that was closest to the Noble Quarter.

I saw that the front door of this store was empty, and there was not a single customer entering or leaving for a long time. This is undoubtedly an anomaly in such a lively commercial street. However, people passing by did not show any doubts on the face, because this store is the most mysterious goblin magic store in Boulder City.

Magic shops sell magical items and materials that are said to be used by mages. In addition to mages, only nobles and powerful professionals can qualify. Others are not welcome to enter casually, and offenders will be punished by mysterious magic.

Of course, Donald knew that this was just a rumor among ordinary civilians who were terrified of mages and mysterious magic items. In fact, this goblin shop that only sells low-level alchemy items and low-level spell materials is not as well-guarded as it seems.

Donald looked at the old facade. The dark gray wooden signboard was crookedly written with a line of goblin characters that he did not recognize. Without hesitation or hesitation, he pushed the door and strode into the store.

Entering this mysterious store, which people call it, Donald found that it was not as mysterious as it was rumored to be, just like a general country grocery store. In addition to the front side, the other three sides are also placed with wooden counters, and there is only a gap in the middle that can only allow children under the age of ten to enter and exit. The wall behind the counter is lined with rows of wooden shelves filled with labeled clutter.

Of course, unlike ordinary grocery stores, here you can find all kinds of exotic items. The feathers of birds, the wings of bats, the skin of toads, etc. are already very weird, and some crystal bottles contain many unknown things, some of which can even make most ordinary people feel creepy at first glance.

However, Donald, who was well-informed in his previous life and had never seen any horror movies, was only a little strange to these things, and he didn't have much fear.

Just as Donald was observing the situation in the store, a sharp voice came from behind.

"Where's the kid from? Old Deli's grocery store is not something that a kid like you can come in casually. Don't disturb the great goblin merchant Old Deli just to satisfy your curiosity. If you don't buy anything, get out! "

Donald looked down, only to find a green head with dry yellow hair under the counter at the back of the store.

Seemingly feeling that Donald's height advantage was taking a toll on his self-esteem, the green-skinned creature angrily climbed onto the wooden low stool and stood up to the height of Donald's chest. waving his slender hands like chicken feet to drive away:

"Leave quickly if you don't buy anything, get out of Old Deli's shop, wasting Old Deli's time is a waste of money, unless you can afford enough gold sol!"

Looking at it like this, if it wasn't for the three tall men behind Donald, the goblin boss would have driven people away when he left.

Donald was not angry, but observed the shopkeeper of the self-proclaimed goblin merchant Old Deli with interest.

The first time I saw a goblin creature, Donald's first impression was that he was short, thin and ugly.

However, this little green-skinned man is indeed a human-like intelligent race in this world. They are different from their close relatives, wild goblins and cavemen. Compared with wild goblins who only have elementary wisdom and live a life of blood and blood, and Naturally timid and weak, underground cavemen who have no other advantages except being able to farm, goblins have invented mechanical manufacturing and alchemy technology different from other races with their wisdom, and even created powerful goblin technology in ancient times civilization.

However, because their civilization violated the rules and restrictions of this world, it caused a worldwide disaster, which led to the fall of the huge goblin empire. The goblins who believe in their own wisdom and do not believe in gods cannot be blessed by gods. Most of the population was lost in the disaster, and only a small number of goblins in the underground cities survived.

Moreover, the surviving goblins have been punished by the gods because of the disasters caused, and most of them have become wild goblins with low intelligence.

Since then, goblins have generally become vassals of other powerful races to ensure their survival, except for reclusive tribes. In addition to proud elves, dwarves, orcs, and human forces have affiliated goblin groups that provide them with alchemical items and magical goblin creations.

It is worth mentioning that after nearly hundreds of years of development, a unique profession has emerged among the existing goblins, that is, goblin merchants.

As the most extensive commercial force in the world, the goblin merchants take themselves as individuals and the tribe as the link to form the Goblin Business Federation, which spreads the shops all over the settlements of almost all intelligent races, forming a world in this world. The prototype of a huge business network. Some goblin merchants in the human domain even specialize in the business of mages and nobles.

Goblin shops have brought a lot of convenience to various intelligent races, and the low-strength race of goblins is not a threat to their own, so powerful races will allow the existence of goblin merchants. And with the protection of the Goblin Business Federation, few forces would offend these green-skinned dwarfs, and those who offend them would never be able to buy any commodity from the goblins.

Donald also has some understanding of the shrewd philistine and greed for money of goblin merchants, so he is not weak at all, and his tone is calm and confident and tough.

"Goblin merchants are the most shrewd businessmen. Can't even tell the real customer from the troublemaker? Then this goblin store is so disappointing to me. You may just be a businessman dressed as a wild goblin!"

The goblin boss, Old Deli, angrily shouted some goblin words he couldn't understand.

Then he said loudly to Donald in a peculiar shrill voice in common language:

"Human! You are an insult to the great goblin businessman Old Deli, who has opened a shop in Boulder City for fifty years, several times older than your age, but all the magic that the Celtic kingdom has Items, you can find them here!"

What Donald was waiting for was his words, and the simple and aggressive methods brought by past life experience really worked well in this world. Especially against a race like the goblins who are cunning and clever in dealing with people despite their ingenuity.

"So great goblin merchant, do you have a book for getting started with mage?"

Donald's slightly suspicious tone made the goblin merchant feel insulted. In order to prove the greatness of the goblin merchant, Old Deli screamed and laughed.

"Hahahaha! It turned out to be a mage apprentice. Of course there are great goblin merchants here. If you have thirty gold sols, you can take them!"

Speaking of which, he held out a thick parchment book. In order to avenge the ridicule of this hateful human boy, the greedy old Deli raised the price by five gold sols.

Don't know this, even if he knew he wouldn't care, Donald readily took out thirty gold sols and bought the thick book bound in sheepskin. He declined other promotions from the goblin merchant, and only briefly browsed some of the magic items and props introduced by the other party, and found that the effect and power were not as powerful as the items in the book of truth, and the value was generally much higher.

Fifty gold soles are already a great wealth for Donald, who has been impoverished for more than ten years. But if you want to buy expensive magic items, this amount of money is estimated to be exhausted by selling two most common magic items that can only cast two tricks, and it is not enough for him to spend arbitrarily here.

And if you use these fifty gold sols to buy elemental spar and then exchange it for similar items in the Book of Truth, you can summon at least five or more secondary magic items. It was a real magic item that was much stronger than the apprentice-level trick items on the shelf in front of him.

The Book of Truth divides summoned items into three levels according to the item level in the game. Levels 0 to 3 are common magic items, level 4 and above are legendary creations, and levels 7 and above are secondary artifact levels.

Among them, ordinary magic items are divided into four levels: secondary, primary, intermediate, and advanced, which only correspond to the zero-to-third-level items in the game, which are similar to but not identical to the equipment level division in this world. As for the higher-level items, it's not something that Donald can currently touch.

So Donald didn't have the urge to buy other things, because those things were useless to him. Soon the group of four left the goblin merchant's magic grocery store, and instead of hiring a carriage, they went directly to a secluded place outside the city and summoned four war horses with four first-class Warcraft crystal cores.

Although the human knights are powerful troops of the fourth level, if their horses are not armored, they are only creatures equivalent to the first-level wild monsters. The first-level magic crystal core is no longer a luxury item for Donald, and there is nothing to feel bad about using one on the road!

As an aristocrat, even a run-down aristocrat, Donald was trained in riding as a child. Although not very proficient, it is relatively easy for ordinary horses to travel.

The only downside was that the warhorse summoned by a magic core did not have a saddle. After just half an hour, when he returned to the outside of Red Maple Town, Donald felt his legs were hot and uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but scolded those TV movies in his previous life. The scenes of the galloping horses are deceiving. Although riding a horse is more than half faster than a carriage, his butt can't stand this torture.

As for Clinton and the other three, they obviously didn't have much riding skills, but their calm dispositions could be said to be Mu Na.

"It seems that buying a good carriage should be put on the agenda as soon as possible, otherwise if you don't hire someone else's carriage, you will have to suffer this crime again!"

He led the war horses to the hidden red maple forest outside the town, and recollected the four war horses silently in his heart.

This is the message that the Book of Truth conveyed to him through his mind. Through the application of the Book of Truth these days, Donald has become more and more proficient in using this artifact.

General summoned creatures can be recovered by the Book of Truth when the summoning time limit is not used up. Of course, the recovered energy and residual soul power will not be used for summoning again, and can only be absorbed by the artifact itself, gradually increasing the power of the artifact, and repairing the damage to the Book of Truth in the space storm.

As a high-level artifact, in addition to summoning, its own power should also be powerful, at least repaired to a certain extent, the Book of Truth after the power of the sub-artifact has been restored, under the action of its rules and divine power, as an artifact Hosts and contractors, ordinary attacks below demigods, can basically be completely ignored.

Of course, it takes a huge amount of energy to recover in this way, and even a kingdom might not be able to afford it!

So Donald is useless in summoning creatures, but when there is still time left, he tries to recover some energy to speed up the recovery of the Book of Truth.