
Final Summon of Warcraft

In a world full of dangers and opportunities, what would you do with a high-level artifact of the outer plane? Is it to be free and easy on the mainland, fighting swordsmanship, killing people in ten steps? Or silently farm and develop in the borderlands, and occasionally go out and pretend to be a pig? Or to revive the ancient arcane, to restore the glory of the arcanist? Or... become a great god and control the fate of mortals? This is the history of Donald's struggle in another world.

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Create an infantry escort

The harvest of a trip to the cemetery plus the remainder of the previous creation of Clinton, the soul power of these more than 500 units made Donald very excited.

However, it would be a few hours before dawn after returning home. Afraid that the housekeeper Kede next door would be disturbed, Donald had to resist the urge to create a new employee immediately, and tossed and fell asleep on the bed.

The next morning, a stupefied Donald was awakened by the housekeeper.

After serving Donald and having breakfast, Cod and Clinton took the harvest from yesterday's hunting and went to the town market to sell.

After the two left, Donald hurriedly opened the book of truth and summoned two human infantrymen again. And adhering to the previous practice of Clinton, named them George and Bush respectively.

It's not that Donald doesn't want to create more advanced units, but that although the soul power reserve has reached the standard for creating a third-level unit, he does not have the three-pole magic core and elemental spar as energy, so he can only create two first. Infantry Soldiers.

The strength of the second-level infantry is also strong enough for him at present. With three infantry soldiers to protect him, he is already very sure of hunting down the third-level beasts of the black iron high-level strength, and even the fourth-level monsters that can fight against the bronze-level powerhouses. He is also confident that he can defeat the level of Warcraft.

Although there are no territorial nobles, the laws of the kingdom do not allow the raising of private force, but there are countermeasures above and below, and it is still possible to hire guards to play edge balls.

Now his knight attendants only have three, but their strength is even better than the entire 12-person militia escort in Hongfeng Town.

Although his escort team is still small in number, as long as he has enough soul power and energy, it is very possible to summon an infantry army in the future!

Two powerful knight attendants appeared again, and Donald used the same excuse to play the butler. Although Cod was puzzled, he chose to remain silent because he understood the young master's urgency. After all, the coming of age ceremony was approaching. As the last heir of the Melina family, Donald was about to prepare for the knight assessment. If he failed, he would be completely lost. A chance to become an official noble.

So he can understand everything that helps the young master.

In the next five days, Donald hunted no less than twenty low-level monsters with the help of three heavy infantry guards and successive summoned creatures. Although most of the first-level monsters accounted for the majority, the second-level crystal cores also got five, and two third-level crystal cores were also hunted, that is the monster race that caused the death of the previous Donald. Wind Wolf.

Ordinary hurricane wolves do not have the powerful strength of the fourth-level monsters with intermediate combat power like the former wolf king who was driven out of the wolf pack, but the third-level magic wolf as the vanguard of the wolf pack is not something that ordinary hunters and adventurers can do. deal with.

For this, Donald had to waste three secondary crystal cores and summoned three secondary wild lightning lizards with paralyzing damage to solve the two ferocious demon wolves.

So far, Donald has hunted down a total of 21 low-level monsters, and the corpses of those prey have earned him over 150 gold sols. This is also the reason why Donald doesn't understand the market and is eager to ship. Otherwise, a shrewd businessman would be able to sell at least twice the price.

Apart from the used crystal nuclei, there are eleven remaining Warcraft crystal nuclei in his hand, two in the second level, and only two in the third level that Donald is not willing to use, so they are all kept.

The third-level monsters are hard to come across in the green cloak forest, and the two hurricane wolves accidentally ran to the outer edge to hunt for food, so the two third-level crystal cores became Donald's biggest support.

However, the source of the power of the soul has not been solved. This kept the number of his men at three infantry, without any increase.

While out hunting, he also went to the large cemetery outside the giant stone city at night, but the harvest was not as much as the cemetery in Hongfeng Town. I only dealt with two low-level skeletons that had just awakened, and earned less than fifty units of soul power. Even if he didn't take action, the two undead creatures couldn't escape the priest's purification.

This is also because the capital of the North County at the end of the Stone City has a formal temple of the goddess of agriculture, a large number of priests, and a local bishop. It is not comparable to Hongfeng Town with only one small altar.

And most of the ancestors of the noble class were buried in the cemetery, how could it be allowed to mutate?

But this is also a good situation. Melina's family cemetery is also here. He doesn't want his ancestors to mutate into undead creatures one day, and finally be wiped out, leaving no bones.

With the means of summoning creatures with the strength of third-level beasts at all times, the general warrior hunter is not his opponent at all. Even if it is a mysterious spellcasting profession like a mage, as long as the level does not exceed the third level, Donald is confident that he can defeat it.

Comparing the many creatures in the Warcraft game setting, not to mention the intelligent arms of various races, even the wild monsters have enough powerful existences for him to summon.

In front of outsiders, he has no plans to summon the humanoids of the four major arms, unless he is permanently summoned in advance. Whether it is ordinary night elves, orcs, or undead creatures that are considered taboo, they are all invisible existences.

After all, although summoners are rare and pitiful, they still exist in the current world. Whether it is the rumors of summoners or the records in books, I have never heard of summoners who can summon human beings and human-like elves, dwarves, orcs and other races in this world. . And if the human being he summoned suddenly disappeared in front of a large audience, what should be the explanation?

On the contrary, there will be no hidden dangers for the non-humanoid troops of those races to be exposed.

But it was shocking to the world, so Donald decided to be cautious, lest some evil senior professional find out that something was different, so he would be arrested and forced to do an experiment.

Donald has already thought very clearly that the reason why he has such a magical summoning ability is all brought about by the book of truth of the artifact in his mind. He will be beaten back to his original form immediately, he is just an ordinary human teenager, any strong man who has not practiced can easily crush himself to death.

So in order to better integrate himself into the world, Donald decided to choose a real combat career for himself.

The most powerful beings in this world are not the powerless nobles, or even the king of a country, but the Church of the Gods and a small number of various senior and top professionals.

Of course, some noble lords and members of the royal family are powerful combat professionals themselves. The noble groups with systematic education and inheritance basically include more than 70% of the world's senior professionals, especially the rare and powerful wizards. A profession that requires a deep knowledge base.

This is far beyond the reach of the broad masses of the common people.

According to his predecessor's memory, his grandfather, who had not died when he was a child, once took his less than four-year-old self for a career potential test with a mage in the city. The test result is that it has a good element affinity, but the spiritual potential is too low, otherwise it must be suitable to be an element mage.

But now Donald knows that mental power can be improved the day after tomorrow, this world has magical alchemy potions that can increase the upper limit of mental power, and in the item exchange column in the book of truth, there are also magic items that can improve mental power and even the origin of the soul .

Compared with the high-level alchemy potions that I have only heard of rumors in this world, the items in the Book of Truth are undoubtedly better to obtain. As long as there are enough energy spar, Donald is sure that he will be able to exchange for artifacts in the future. Not delusional either!

So Donald chose the profession for himself to be a mage. Compared with other combat occupations that require a lot of physical training and take years to achieve, a spellcaster not only has an advantage in status, but also can achieve quick success with the help of the book of truth in his hand!

According to the understanding of the previous life, mages are all professions that burn money. Donald found that although he has obtained a lot of money by hunting monsters these days, it is far from enough to achieve his goal.

In addition, the old mansion was not very big. After living in Clinton and the three big men, the space became more crowded, and he needed to prepare a separate space for the inaugural mage, and the three infantry soldiers also needed a place for regular exercise.

Because from the moment they came, they have become flesh-and-blood human beings in this world. They need to eat and sleep. Just like normal warriors, if they don't strengthen their training, they are likely to lose their strength.

Therefore, it is imperative to buy a larger place to live in. Moreover, as a noble, it is necessary to decorate the door.

When I woke up this morning, Donald, who had temporarily accumulated enough crystal cores, was no longer going to enter the forest to hunt for magical beasts. He had more important things to do.

After having breakfast, I handed over a few gold sores scattered in my hand to Old Cod to buy items to improve the family's life. It was both distressing and painful to think of the first time the housekeeper Cod saw himself pulling back two huge prey alone. With a look of joy, Donald couldn't help but warm his heart.

With fifty gold sols and a dozen silver moons, Donald rushed to Boulder City, the closest city to Hongfeng Town, with Clinton's three entourages.

Hongfeng Town is only one of the three major towns around the Stone City. Although it is rich, it is not enough for those mysterious and noble mages to stop.

"If you want to obtain the inheritance of the mage, in addition to becoming an apprentice of a mage in the mage club in the city, then you can only buy some introductory mage books in the magic item store in the city."

These are the information that Donald has analyzed based on his own knowledge and the words of the adventurers who have traveled around the town's taverns before.

Self-learning is extremely difficult for a profession like a mage, unless someone who has received a good education and has extremely talented aptitudes can achieve success.

However, Donald had to choose this method, because his secrets were too amazing. Before he had the strength to protect himself, he had contact with a powerful and mysterious mage, and it was difficult to guarantee that he would not be discovered by the other party. And with the magical effect of the Book of Truth, those magical summoning items must have a great chance to become a mage apprentice just by getting started.

Riding a carriage that entered the city to purchase goods from a shop in the town, swaying along the way, it took the four of Donald more than three hours to come to the outside of the boulder city gate. This is still the carriage of a carriage. If you walk by yourself, with the current physical strength, I am afraid that when you reach the boulder city, you will be exhausted and collapsed.

"Looks like it's time for me to buy a carriage. What the nobles need to travel is a carriage or a good horse. Some knights or great nobles take pride in being able to raise a purebred horse. How come I am a noble young master with a knight family, and I don't even have a carriage to travel, so I have to hire a car or walk wherever I go, which is really disrespectful!"

Donald thought so, and followed the carriage into the Boulder City, which he had not been to in memory for several years.
