
Final Summon of Warcraft

In a world full of dangers and opportunities, what would you do with a high-level artifact of the outer plane? Is it to be free and easy on the mainland, fighting swordsmanship, killing people in ten steps? Or silently farm and develop in the borderlands, and occasionally go out and pretend to be a pig? Or to revive the ancient arcane, to restore the glory of the arcanist? Or... become a great god and control the fate of mortals? This is the history of Donald's struggle in another world.

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Getting Started with Mage (1)

With the harvest of this trip, the four of Donald quickly returned to their home.

From the first time he brought back the prey he hunted, in just five days, the old house of the Melina family had changed.

The old yard was swept clean and looked brand new after spending a few silver months hiring a gardener to decorate it. The house has also been basically repaired, and a set of simple but still exquisite furniture has been added.

These days, old Codd not only bought a lot of food and daily necessities, but also several small packets of expensive spices!

He also hired a commoner woman as a cook and maid. Although the aunt's cooking skills were not very good, she was more diligent in her hands and feet and cleaned the house and yard very clean. It is also worthy of the two silver moons that old Kod paid for that month.

Gods are above, his body has not tasted the delicious taste of grilled lamb chops with salt and pepper and potato soup with lost fragrance for nearly ten years!

Now that there is plenty of money, some of the conditions that nobles should have should also be prepared. Power, status! All will be available in the future!

"Master, you are back!"

Back home, the housekeeper Cod greeted him immediately and reported today's expenses.

Donald waved his hand and said:

"Okay, Cod, you can make up your own mind about these households, just tell me at the end of the month!"

Cod's grandfather and father used to be the housekeepers of the Melina family. They can be said to be loyal servants for generations. He is only a few years older than Donald's father. So it looks a lot older than it actually is.

In the etiquette of master and servant, Codd, who is loyal to the Melina family, has always had his own persistence. Although Donald has always treated him as an elder, he has not relied on his elders regardless of his servant status.

"The young master has grown up and has finally become a real noble. I will die with Ke De! I will return to the kingdom of God in the future. After meeting the old patriarch and the old man's wife, Ke De can also say that he will live up to their entrustment!"

Talking and laughing to kill Codd, who had been in a state of excitement for the past few days, Donald took a few steps excitedly and returned to his room.

In the master bedroom with a new bed, Donald sat on the bed, followed by the bright crystal light on the bedside table, and carefully opened the sheepskin book.

Elements and Meditation, this is a basic mage tutorial written for elemental masters five hundred years ago. Many of the theories in it have been admired by later generations of mages, especially the element mage has regarded it as a classic.

Of course, the book Donald bought was not the original, but a copy of the next-generation mages. However, for him, who was in urgent need of getting started with mages and becoming a formal apprentice, this book was considered comprehensive enough. If you want to learn more advanced or extensive knowledge, you need more mage books or the teaching of real mage.

"Hehe! That's it! Meditation is a way to make oneself fall into a state of emptiness and to achieve the use of spiritual power. The breathing rhythm and visualization state are very similar to the methods of refining Qi and Zen in Taoism Buddhism in the previous life!"

Seeing this, Donald couldn't help being a little excited. He had to know that a young man of his age in his previous life had no martial arts dream, and the education he received from childhood was even more heroic.

In the past, when I dreamed, I also imagined that I would get an adventure, learn the peerless magic, punch the Quartet, punish the evil and promote the good, and become a generation of heroes praised by the world!

When I was a little older, I was impacted by game novels such as Fantasy Xianxia, ​​and I was even more yearning for magic!

Now that the real magic introduction was in front of him, how could Donald hold back the excitement and excitement in his heart, and then he did not continue to read the outline of the magic theory at the back of the book, and decided to understand the meditation first.

Donald, who was mentally prepared, put down the parchment book, sat cross-legged on the bed like a cultivator in his previous life, then closed his eyes and meditated, breathing shallow and deep, trying to enter a state of meditation.

Time passed by little by little, half an hour passed, and Donald, who had not found any feeling, began to feel restless.


"what happened?"

"Why can't I find that feeling?"

After holding on for another ten minutes, Donald let out a long sigh and reluctantly gave up and continued the experiment.

Knowing that perhaps his spiritual aptitude was limited, or that he could not calm down to achieve a state of meditation, he began to seek the help of the artifact, the Book of Truth.

As an auxiliary high-level artifact, it is limited by the highest authority of the refiner. Although the Book of Truth cannot communicate with its host face-to-face like an intelligent creature, it is similar to the electronic intelligence of the previous life, detecting items, logical calculation, query data, etc. The ability to actively or passively help the owner solve some problems and doubts, but it can still be done.

It can be said that the existence of the Book of Truth is similar to the computer in Donald's previous life, with wisdom but no self-consciousness.

After the communication, for the situation that Donald could not find the feeling to enter a state of meditation, the Book of Truth detected Donald's body, quickly came up with its own analysis, and gave a relative solution.

The spiritual potential of the host Donald is indeed lower than that of ordinary people. Even after integrating a soul, this state has not changed much.

Moreover, as an otaku, his thoughts are messy, divergent and erratic, and he has not undergone systematic training. It is difficult for him to calm down in a short period of time and find the feeling of meditation. This requires a long time of training and trials to be able to do, otherwise the mage would not be such a rare profession.

After learning about his aptitude through the communication with the artifact, Donald couldn't help but smile and said:

"I thought that I could become the favored son of heaven after crossing the border, and I could grab any magical artifact! I didn't expect that in this life, I would still be a waste!"

After a moment of decadence, Donald regained his strength.

"Haha! Fortunately, I have the heaven-defying artifact, the Book of Truth. As long as I have energy, these difficulties are not a problem! Any genius will be trampled under my feet by the young master!"

The solution given by the Book of Truth is to increase the potential of mental power, and you can exchange several items in the list from Warcraft games, such as the cheapest small purification potion, which can restore a small amount of magic value, that is, mental power, and also It can purify a little negative state and improve a little spiritual cohesion.

The most obvious effect is the cultivation book, the book of wisdom, which can only be bought in special stores. Similar to the function of the book of strength and the book of agility, after learning the book of wisdom, it can directly improve the user's soul potential, including the speed of thinking and the strength of mental strength, upper limit and recovery speed.

There are more advanced magic items, energy pendants or magic pendants, etc., which can be worn to increase the upper limit of mental power.

However, compared to the improvement brought by the use of equipment, Donald is more interested in the book of wisdom that permanently improves his own strength.

Donald looked at the exchange price for the Book of Wisdom.

Book of Wisdom +1, which increases the user's spiritual potential by one level, including the speed of thinking, as well as the strength, upper limit and recovery speed of spiritual power. Equivalent to 40% of the current level potential. Requires both energy and lower element spar.

Moreover, there is a strict limit on the number of times this kind of strengthening. According to the rules of this world, each user can only use the Book of Wisdom to strengthen once in his life if his life status does not change. This is a limitation given by the rules of the world and the endurance of the user's body and soul. Otherwise, if it can be strengthened infinitely like in the game, then you can overthrow the gods and become the creator god yourself!

When the host has the opportunity to use the Book of Wisdom for the second time to strengthen, the energy required is ten thousand times that of the previous time, and it will also increase with the strength of the main body. It is at least 20,000 cubic meters of low-level element spar.

In addition to the crystal core of Warcraft, Donald spent 30 gold sols to purchase the introductory books for mages in his hand, not counting the management of Butler Kede, and now there are 20 gold sols left in his hand. On the other hand, the market price of a low-level element spar is five gold sols, which means that he can also buy a quartet of low-level element spar. The Quartet low-level element spar is only enough for him to exchange the Book of Wisdom to strengthen it once, and he can also choose to strengthen other attributes of the same level.

"It seems that the gains of the past few days will not last long! The Book of Truth is indeed a big money-burner, and I still work hard to make money. The key is to use the special ability of the Book of Truth to earn a lot of money!"

Speaking of this, Donald suddenly remembered an idea, got up and left the bedroom, found the housekeeper Cod, and handed the Golden Sol in his hand to the other party, and asked him to go to the town to exchange for the element spar. And go buy a carload of iron ore back.

The housekeeper Cod was a little unclear, so he asked questions and said:

"Master, what do you want elemental spar and iron ore for? There is no place for spar in our family. Do you want to abandon your noble status and become a vulgar blacksmith?"

Donald was speechless for a while.

"Why am I going to be a blacksmith? How much money can a blacksmith make?"

Thinking that some of his secrets should also be revealed to his loyal butler, Donald turned straight and said:

"Ked, don't you wonder why I, who was originally weak, could enter the green cloak forest many times and hunt down so many beasts?"

Butler Codd didn't have the curious questioning response that Donald expected, but smiled gratified.

"When the young master grows up, he naturally has his own secrets. Cod is just a servant, so don't go back and ask if he shouldn't!"

Donald's heart warmed when he heard the words, and he said softly:

"Ked, you are my only relative in this world. I always treat you like an uncle. Of course, if you have any secrets, I need to let you know!"

Then he said again, confidently and powerfully: "Not long ago, I encountered danger in the forest, and I unexpectedly awakened the potential of the mage, and it is a rare summoner among the mage, this is the truth of which monsters I can hunt! "

Cod listened, but his tall body trembled.

"Master..., you have really become a mage!"

Donald nodded solemnly.

"Of course, otherwise why do you think Clinton and his three powerful warriors chose to follow me? They also saw my potential and quasi-noble status, so they would be willing to be loyal to Melina's retainers!"

"Haha! Great, our Melina family is going to have a mage, and my young master will also become a nobleman among the nobles!"

With Donald's explanation, the worries that Codd had been suppressing for the past few days were completely dissipated.

Seeing the always stable Cod dancing happily there, Donald couldn't help but laugh for a while, and felt the warmth of affection in his heart.