
Final Summon of Warcraft

In a world full of dangers and opportunities, what would you do with a high-level artifact of the outer plane? Is it to be free and easy on the mainland, fighting swordsmanship, killing people in ten steps? Or silently farm and develop in the borderlands, and occasionally go out and pretend to be a pig? Or to revive the ancient arcane, to restore the glory of the arcanist? Or... become a great god and control the fate of mortals? This is the history of Donald's struggle in another world.

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasy
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30 Chs

target cemetery

Before the two summoned creatures disappeared, Donald had the protection of the infantry Clinton, and successfully hunted two second-level monsters and five first-level monsters. At this time, it was ten in the afternoon, and it was getting late, and Donald was ready to go home immediately.

Even with such a powerful force as Clinton, who can fight head-on with the third-level monsters that are equivalent to the strength of the black iron, he would not dare to stay in this dangerous forest at night. You must know that no matter in the past life or this world, most wild animals basically choose to be active at night, especially those carnivorous creatures.

Following the direction from which he came, Donald returned to the town's old house in a hurry before night fell. Butler Codd, who had been worried for a day, immediately greeted him.

"Master, you are back!"

Donald smiled and comforted a few words, then pointed to the infantry soldiers behind him and said:

"This is Clinton, the knight attendant I took on the road. Cod, go and clean up a room. From today on, Clinton will be a retainer of our family!"

Although the butler could not tell the strength of a warrior, but the man in front of him wrapped in steel armor with a weight of at least 300 ropes, and he moved so freely, his strength should not be weak.

The only thing I worry about is the loyalty of this guy. No matter it seems that the young master has great confidence in him, then it is not easy for him to object. Let's observe it for a while and then talk about it. After all, the strength of their Melina family is too weak now, and having such a powerful warrior in front of them would be a shock to those Xiao Xiao.

However, Codd still took Clinton to cross-examine his origins carefully. However, Clinton was originally a character created by Donald, although it is basically no different from the human beings born and raised in this world in essence, and can even combine with women in this world to have children.

But the difference is that since he was born, he has been most loyal to Donald in his soul, and will not blink an eye when his master dies. When the book of truth created him, it only gave him basic common sense of life. And a strong sense of battle, as for other aspects, naturally will not waste energy to give it boringly.

Therefore, this conversation seems to be a little naive. Apart from the master and battle, he has little enthusiasm for other things.

Codd cross-examined for a long time, but couldn't find a reason, or Donald made a promise, so he put down his doubts and went to prepare dinner.

The secret of the Book of Truth, even to the closest person like Cod, Donald does not intend to reveal it. After all, the reason why the secret becomes a secret is that no one knows it. The more people know it, the risk will only increase, not what benefits.

As a knight attendant, he is already qualified to dine with the master, not to mention that this person has that strength. Clinton followed Donald's orders on the dining table and put the food in front of him into his mouth.

Even if Donald opened his mouth, he would only reply with words like "yes" and "yes". It was absolutely no fun to eat with someone like that, and Donald quickly finished his dinner.

The housekeeper came up to clear the dishes, when the bell rang twice in the town outside.

"It's late at night, young master, take a good rest, I'll prepare the bath water!"

"Go! Kede, you also have a good rest. Tomorrow you will sell the monsters we hunted!"

Donald nodded, knowing that it was the night watchman in the cemetery outside the town ringing the bronze bell, reminding the townspeople that night had come and that they should not leave the town at will. This world is often dangerous in the wild at night, especially in a town like Red Maple Town, which is close to the outskirts of the Green Mantle Forest. Therefore, most towns and villages will set up alarm bells to remind people.

Thinking of the night watchman, and thinking of the cemetery outside the town, Donald suddenly clapped his hands excitedly.

"Cemetery? By the way! How could I not have thought of this!"

This world, like his previous life, does not practice cremation, but hopes that the deceased can be buried in peace and the soul will return to the kingdom of the deceased.

Therefore, whenever someone dies in the town, the only pastor in the town will be invited to pray and bless. Then the king was buried in a cemetery outside the town. This creates a situation where the corpses in the cemetery are vulnerable to the erosion of negative energy, resulting in the emergence of undead and undead.

In general, the local lords will pay for the priests of the church to go to the cemetery to preside over the ceremony every year, to appease the undead and purify the cemetery, so as to avoid the appearance of mutated undead creatures and harm the people.

The altar in Red Maple Town is only stationed by an elderly junior priest, a cleric who is responsible for conveying teachings to the people in the town and the two surrounding villages. Others also preside over funeral ceremonies, treat patients and so on.

The church institutions in this world are divided into two types: temples and altars. Except for the main temple, which is usually built in the holy place where the true God who believes in the true God first came, other temples of different sizes are distributed in the large and small towns of each parish. Donation or the lord to fund the construction.

The altar under the temple is an altar engraved with the holy emblem or statue of the god. It is simple to build and does not cost much. It also has the function of part of the temple, so it is generally built in small towns and villages.

Like Hongfeng Town, the most fringe territory of North County, although it has developed well, it has only built a shrine. The cost of building a shrine is too high. Even a small shrine is more than five times that of building a lord's mansion in Hongfeng Town. The red maple baron, who has not changed his stingy character in both generations, could not have spent all his money to build it. According to Donald's understanding, that businessman aristocrat did not believe in the true god, but the great King Sol!

For this reason, the temple of the Stone City and the old priest in the town were somewhat dissatisfied with the attitude of the merchant noble. The former was dissatisfied with Baron Red Maple's attitude towards the temple, while the latter was dissatisfied with being assigned to this stingy lord.

"I remember that the last time the cemetery was cleaned was before the autumn harvest festival last year. With the attitude of old Clifford towards Baron Red Maple, it is estimated that the cleaning will not be so clean. So after nearly a whole year, there should be some changes in the cemetery. I get Just go inside and have a look!"

It's not that Donald cares about the safety of the cemetery. His purpose is not to purify the undead, but to collect the fire of the souls of the undead, and destroy them only incidentally.

So he quietly instructed Clinton a few words. After the silver moon rose in the air and most of the people in the town fell asleep, the two of them, carrying the housekeeper Cod, quietly left the old house, climbed over the wooden wall, and headed towards the cemetery outside the town. go.

Humans' fear of the dead is the same no matter which world they live in. The huge Red Maple Town Cemetery is only guarded by an elderly night watchman, so Donald, with Clinton's help, easily avoided the night watchman in the gatehouse. , sneaked into it.

The atmosphere in the cemetery was quiet and gloomy, giving Donald the same feeling that he had encountered in a wasteland of undead in the woods.

"It seems that the possibility of undead creatures is not small, Clinton, the two of us are going there. If you encounter undead creatures, just defend and try not to shoot!"

"Yes, Master!"

With the Clinton infantry, Donald walked cautiously towards the older cemetery area.

The two generations of lords of Hongfeng Town have been established for more than 50 years, and it is still a young territory. However, it can be traced back to a hundred years ago, when Hongfeng Town was just a small village. Despite this, there are too many tombs in the cemetery area. Many civilians have no tombstones after death, but are simply buried in earth caves. Most of the deceased have decayed over time.

With the help of the book of truth's induction of energy, Donald found a place with the most abundant negative energy. There was only a small broken tombstone here, as if it was a mass grave, which was the earliest cemetery in the cemetery.

"It's here!"

Donald took out a first-level magic core and opened the summoning list of the Book of Truth.

"Come out! Sandworms!"

A two-foot-long khaki creature appeared at Donald's feet.

This thing is wrapped under a layer of soft and tough leather armor, with a hideous head and a body like an earthworm, like a combination of a cobra and an earthworm.

This is the wild creature dune bug that appeared in the Warcraft expansion, referred to as insecticide. This kind of creature living in the desert area can be said to be a kind of beast. It can spray sand and stone to attack, and its attack power is not very good, but it has a strong ability to dig into the ground, and it is an excellent expert for sneak attacks.

Donald called it out, and it was this guy's ability to dig the ground.

If he wants to test whether there are undead creatures here, he can't dig people's graves himself, right?

Watching the sandworms dig around in this old cemetery, throwing one or two rotten bones from time to time, Donald thought silently in his heart:

"No wonder, no wonder, you have been dead for so long, your souls should have returned to the kingdom of the dead, maybe they have been reincarnated. You don't need to care about these bones!"

Don't tell me, after a lot of tossing with sandworms, an undead creature has really been drawn.

It's just that this undead creature looks too miserable. The skeleton with only a half-body skeleton just crawled out of the soil, and it lost two ribs and almost fell apart.

Under Donald's sympathetic gaze, Clinton stepped forward to dismantle the skeleton, leaving only the skull with soul fire for his master to collect.

After receiving this broken skeleton with only twenty units of soul power, no matter how the sandworm tossed it, there was no more movement in this cemetery. Donald had no choice but to leave.

"Forget it, I didn't have much hope at first. Tomorrow we will go to the cemetery outside the boulder city, where the resources must be richer than this!"

Take the initiative to disperse the sandworms, let the book of truth recover the remaining energy, and then Donald plans to return home with Clinton.

When passing by a newly-built tomb, a dark and cold aura suddenly came. The sneak attack was very fast, and Clinton, who had been vigilant, was not satisfied with the reaction, and slashed towards the shadow with a sword. If it is a normal creature, it is estimated that it has been split in half by Clinton now, but after the shadow was hit by Clinton, it was divided into two, and then unharmed, it merged into one, and continued to attack the target.

This accident made Donald unavoidable, and he only had time to dodge the front, and was passed by the other party on the left shoulder.

"damn it!"

After being attacked, Donald only saw the true appearance of the enemy, which turned out to be a vague figure floating in mid-air, ready to go.

"It's a ghost!"

Unexpectedly, the search for undead creatures did not have the expected results, but now a ghost appeared unexpectedly.

Ghosts are also called ghosts or ghosts, and they are almost the same thing. They are undead rather than undead.

Although the undead and the undead both have the word undead and belong to the same camp, they are essentially different.

The ghosts belonging to the undead are different from solid undead creatures such as skeleton zombies. Most of the latter are their own souls returning to the underworld, and the residual soul imprints in the body are stimulated and mutated by negative energy. , a completely new existence. The ghost is an undead spirit that stays in the main world because of some unwilling resentment after the death of its own soul, and becomes a collection of negative energy. They have no physical and physical attack power and hate the living, and can use negative energy to capture the vitality of living beings.

Fortunately, this was just an ordinary ghost. After being attacked by the ghost, Donald only felt gloomy and cold, and half of his arms were numb. However, his ability to summon summons does not require the use of spellcasting gestures like a mage, otherwise he will be restrained by this ghost raid and basically have no ability to counterattack.

"Summon the undead banshee!"

As Donald's voice fell, a figure very similar to the ghost appeared in front of Donald, blocking the second attack of the ghost.

That figure was like an illusory light and shadow, with a dark blue and dark gloomy energy circulating around it. The originally beautiful elf face was distorted, as if suffering from endless pain.

Banshees were once beautiful female elves who were brutally murdered by demons when Kalimdor fell. Because of the inhuman torture, these dead souls still silently stay in this world, wailing in pain and resentment.

Their terrifying voices, so miserable and unending to the living creatures, were regarded as the howls of death. Later, the Banshee became a warrior of the undead legion, using the power generated by the mournful wailing to attack the enemy on the battlefield. Their horribly wicked screams could be heard from miles away.

Seeing that the banshee was about to attack the incoming ghost, Donald hurriedly shouted:

"Don't attack, keep it under control!"

The banshee obeyed, and at that time, she displayed her innate ability to occupy. The ghost figure on the opposite side was a stagnation at that time.

Whether it is a living creature or an undead spirit, except for alchemy golems and mechanical units, any non-magic immune enemy unit will be controlled by this skill. When this skill is used, the target unit will be unable to move for a few seconds. For a period of time, the Banshee will take additional damage. The banshee then disappears and occupies the target's body, but does not damage the target. Of course, occupying this skill is not invincible. It is basically useless for the existence of creatures and heroes above level 5 in the game, that is, the silver-level and silver-level powerhouses in this world. For targets below the bronze level, the success rate also depends on the opponent's willpower and soul strength.

Donald was afraid that any attack method would cause damage to the ghost, resulting in the loss of energy in the body, so it was the most appropriate to use the banshee, which is a ghost, to deal with its kind.

The ghost controlled by the banshee's skills continued to struggle. Donald summoned the book of truth and said to it in a sympathetic tone:

"Give it up! No matter what happened to you in your life, what kind of unwillingness and resentment you have, you can't do it like this. Even if I don't take action, you can't escape the purification of the priest, so let me use it as energy!"

After that, the ghost and the banshee body turned into a black streamer and were absorbed by the book of truth.

Then the communication artifact looked at the harvest just now, Donald couldn't help but said with a wide-eyed smile:

"Awesome, a ghost actually has more than 300 soul powers, and the energy contained is ten times that of the soul fire of low-level skeletons, which is much stronger than killing skeletons!"

The harvest of this ghost alone, Donald's trip is already worth the fare.

It is a pity that the Book of Truth is not a container specially for storing souls, so it cannot absorb the residual soul power in the cemetery. otherwise

Even if there are no undead and undead present, there will be a lot of gains.

In the face of this situation, the book of truth gave a hint that it can be exchanged for the soul ball of the secondary artifact to absorb the soul, not only the soul power of living creatures but also the dead undead, and even those remaining in the space. The power of the subtle soul can also be absorbed and utilized to a great extent.

In that case, as long as you find a place where a large number of creatures have died, such as an ancient battlefield or a large cemetery, and walk around there, you can gather a large amount of residual soul power. It's also easy to get a lot of soul power and use it to create creatures.

Not to mention the exchange conditions of the secondary artifact is simply out of reach for him now, even if the special equipment of the soul ball can be divided into ten soul ball fragments as in the game plot, but each fragment His level is also at the level of low-level legendary magic equipment, which is not something he can exchange now, not to mention that he still needs to endow with divinity when creating a complete sub-artifact.

After solving the ghost, Donald reluctantly walked around the cemetery several times, until he found nothing, and then left with his subordinates at night.

As for the destruction of undead and ghosts in the cemetery, no one would know if he didn't say it. It is likely that after the cemetery has been purified in previous years, there will be no mutation.

As for the only old priest who might find any traces, Donald is basically not worried!

Generally, most of the people sent to remote areas are low-level pastors who are not valued in the church, and naturally they will not work hard to fulfill their obligations. Especially the one who didn't deal with the local lord very much.

So even if Clifford knew that Donald had done what he should have done for him, the old priest would only thank the goddess for making him a lot easier, and it shouldn't arouse any suspicion.