
Chapter 98: Imminent Reunion

Ramiel caught some rainbow trout, ducks, and a couple of chickens. "I got some wild mountain vegetables!" Alice found him and she was carrying a tray of different kinds of vegetables and mushrooms.

She was slightly covered in dirt with a blush on her face from the exertion. Alice had a smile and had fun in foraging herself.

"See? You look really cute right now." He brushed off some dirt from her face and she gave a rare blush.

She also stared right at him because his shirt was wet. Opting to fish with his bare hands because it won't bruise the meat of the fish.

"Uhh, thanks. Anyways, I see that you caught some pretty good ingredients too?" She looked at the protein he got. "So? What are we gonna use? I'm gonna guess the fish? Because you probably want it to be harder." She chuckled.

Rainbow trout has a delicate taste to it. And if even slightly overcooked, its flesh will turn into mush instead of the flaky meat it has.

"Yeah, won't it be more interesting like that? Duck is harder to mess up and chicken too. Come on, let's go. After I get some fire wood." He took off his shirt because it will get stained and he grabbed a pretty dry log and he split it in half with his bare hands.

Alice gasped, she could see the striations of muscle and veins on his arms. And she imagined rubbing her face on his abs. "Me likey~" Alice drooled. "Come on, stop daydreaming. You can stare later." He sighed.

They returned to the house they were supposed to cook and the girls stared right at him outside. He was shirtless and had a ponytail on. Preparing a fire. And girls loved that shit.

He vaulted from the window and prepared their soup first. "Alice, I want you to make soup from the duck and chicken we caught. You already know how this will pair with the trout right?" He counted on her.

"Umu, you can count on me." She gave a smirk and the other competitors already gave up on one upping them.

Ramiel helped her first by basically disintegrating the duck and chicken meat. It was so finely cut that it was basically a paste. They were gonna impart a nice and full bodied taste to the soup so he increased the surface area that will boil to the maximum.

"Thanks, now. A lady doesn't show her secrets at the start. Go on and cook the trout." She smiled, shooing him off.

He vaulted outside again and fire grilled the trout. Putting a nice smoky flavor to it that will pair well with the duck and chicken soup.

They finished first and served it to Hinako. "Lunch is served, this is our rainbow trout. Served with wild rice and pickled mountain vegetables. And a side of duck and chicken soup." Ramiel and Alice smiled and Hinako looked at it.

"Oh my, such a simple dish. But based on how it smells, it isn't that simple at all?" Hinako tasted the fish and she started fidgeting immediately.

Her imagination ran wild and she was a mermaid that was suddenly taken by Ramiel from the water. And then his strong hands massaged her nubile body.

"Ahhhn~! Such... Such a bold flavor to the trout! It then keeps on going, massaging my taste buds with its gentle and delicate flavor." Hinako bit her lip and she was drooling.

"T-this... This is just a basic dish. I've eaten thousands of things like it. But it's simply the best that I've ever tasted..." Hinako stared at it. The dish wasn't innovative at all. But it was the best damned thing she ever ate.

"Heh, that's how it is. Creativity is when the theme demands it. Less is more, if you want to be creative. Go to art school." He shrugged and Hinako combined it with Alice's soup.

She almost fainted. "Hngh~! I'm being caressed by the two complex flavors! The soup is light, but the essence of the duck and chicken are so balanced."

Hinako was sandwiched by Alice in the front and Ramiel from the back, the trout had a delicate, but bold flavor. And Alice's soup had more body, which the fish and wild rice carried immaculately. The pickled vegetables cleansed her palate and she experienced the threesome once again.

"Ahhhhhn~! It's so good!" Hinako turned into a drooling mess and Alice had to wipe her mouth.

"Hey, I thought you'd be going last!" Soma protested, seeing Hinako be a twitching mess. She would obviously have a lackluster reaction to their dishes.

"Sike, I lied." Ramiel didn't give a fuck and he honestly forgot about them all. He then started to relax as he sat down under a tree while Alice tried to pester him.

"The azure dragon... I'll make sure that my dish isn't any worse than yours!" Takumi started butchering their duck. His brother, Isami started it and they worked in tandem really well.

They made a salsa Verde with green onions and perilla leaves. Giving the fatty duck a refreshing sauce.

"Ohhh, making a duck based japanese dish. Using the local ingredients to make your own salsa Verde with the taste profile fit for Japanese cuisine. You pass, Isami Aldini, Takumi Aldini." Hinako smiled at them.

"Heh, how about that? Yukihira Soma? What dish will you present?" Takumi haughtily stared at Soma and challenged him.

"Ahhh, you are having a cook off? Then, if Yukihira here can make a dish of that level. I'll judge you." Hinako smiled.

"Hear that!? I hope you don't back down!" Takumi went up to Soma. "Ohhh! Bring it on!" They butted heads and were on fire.

"But the loser has to grovel on the ground and say I'm a loser three times. If it doesn't have any bets like that, then it's off." Hinako smirked and they thought it was a bit too much, but their pride is on the line.

"If you can even make one like that with your mundane ingredients. Yukihira Soma, Alice Nakiri and the Azure dragon are different breeds. You will never elevate such a mundane dish at that level." Takumi rode the coattails of Ramiel and Alice.

"Hmmm? Did I hear my name just now being used?" Ramiel didn't like that. He opened his eyes and everybody swore they glowed a bit.

"U-uhhh, it was just a figure of speech." Takumi explained as he broke into a cold sweat.

"Hmmm, you try and insult someone else with achievements that aren't even yours. How about I knock you down a peg, blonde? Let's see, you used duck breasts as your entree?" Ramiel squinted his eyes and ran to get ingredients quickly.

"You're dead meat Aldini." Alice's red eyes stared at him as she licked her lips. Ramiel looked like he was serious and he was going to give him a beating of a lifetime.

Ramiel came back in a few minutes and he started immediately with extreme efficiency and speed.

He came back with ducks, an eel, wild rice, and mountain yams.

Picking up a knife, nobody could see how quickly he dismantled everything. He then turned the wild rice into rice flour with a mortal and pestle.

The fire he made earlier was still going and he added fire wood to it. Controlling the temperature precisely.

Starting with his dessert, he steamed the mountain yams and the rice flour after he added juices of wild berries to it.

Butchering the duck, he seasoned it and marinated it in wild herbs that takes out its slight gaminess.

Multi-tasking, he grilled the duck after skewering it with some scallions. He washed the eel and steamed it as well, taking out its sliminess and making the meat fluffier.

After grilling the duck, he began with the eel and used the duck fat to give it more body.

The students watched in awe as he made a three course meal from foraged ingredients in the mountains.

He plated them all beautifully and served it to Hinako. A glossy and charred grilled duck yakitori. Fluffy and fatty wild eel that has tons of locked in flavor.

And a mountain yam daifuku with wild berry infused mochi made from sweeter wild rice flour. Served with a glaze made out of berry jam for a sweeter flavor.

"Enjoy, my three course meal from nature." Ramiel gave it to Hinako and she was delighted.

"A... A three course meal. Made from nothing but foraged ingredients in less than an hour. Finding the ingredients included..." Takumi was simply outclassed and he was starting to develop an inferiority complex.

"Nii-chan, get a hold of yourself." Isami shaked him to sober him up.

Hinako then started eating the three course meal. She took the appetizer and bit into it. "Hmmm, the duck is a perfect medium even if it was small pieces... It isn't dry at all and its slight gamy taste is gone, the herbs complimenting the rich flavor of the bird..."

She felt like a duck that was being caressed by Ramiel gently, it made her even more excited for the entree.

After finishing the skewer, she began with the grilled eel and she moaned loudly. "Ahhhn~ I'm being slithered on by slimy eels!" She fidgeted around.

"What a strong taste! It's so fluffy and flavorful. The wild rice's sweet profile then cuts it down a bit and balances it in harmony!" Hinako panted and thought she couldn't take it anymore.

She stared at the delightful looking daifuku. They shone when hit by light, the caramelized exterior on it looked irresistible.

Putting it into her mouth, she felt the crunch of the glaze and her teeth sank into the soft mochi that had the flavors of wild berries. The soft mountain yam puree then blended the flavor together.

"The intense caramelized glaze on the outside is followed by a softer after taste of berries, then the sweet mountain yam blends it all for a dessert that is going to make me cu-" Ramiel covered her mouth.

"So, how was it Hinako? Delicious?" He smirked and Hinako nodded, panting heavily as drool escaped from her mouth.

"Then, glad you enjoyed it." Ramiel stared at Takumi and snorted, he then went back to his tree and fed some to Alice as well. And they already heard her moaning like she was in heat.

"I-impossible. How... How can someone be that skilled!? A three course meal of the highest caliber that can satisfy the palate of one of Totsuki's elites!?" Takumi was having a crisis.

Soma then prepared some freshwater fish that was breaded with Hinako's snacks.

She passed them as well, but of course. It didn't elicit a reaction from her.

"So, Isui-senpai. Who won?" Soma had to ask and Takumi was broken out of his stupor.

"Hmmm, the fresh water deep fried fish has never been done before." Hinako spoke and Soma was excited to win.

"No, no. The duck with Midori sauce and salsa Verde was really delicious and impactful." Hinako gave hope to Takumi.

She then received a call and her senior chided her for being late. "Ahhh, Senpai. We're on the way!" Hinako panicked.

"Isui-senpai, who won?" Soma asked again and Hinako put her finger on her chin. "Hmmm, the winner of this bout. Stays with me~" She smiled and ran away to the bus.

"Ksksksk, nii-chan. She gave you false hope." Isami laughed at his brother and Takumi grinded his teeth. "Shut up! Yukihira Soma! You will be defeated by me! Just you wait, until we meet again." Takumi went to the bus dramatically.

But when they boarded the bus back to the main hotel. They got seated together. He blushed in embarrassment and hung his head low.

"Yo, we meet again!" Soma had a shit eating grin on his face. "Bwahahaha! And you gave such a dramatic parting speech earlier." Isami laughed his ass off.

They returned to the hotel and Ramiel gave Soma a thumbs up. "Good work out there."

"Ohh, thanks man. You're pretty awesome aren't you? That was wild, making an appetizer, main course, and a dessert from nothing." Soma gave a wry smile, thinking he was a monster.

"Eh, you just have to look." Ramiel shrugged. "Ohhh, Soma! You and Megumi passed!" Yuki and Ryoko greeted them.

The two then bowed when they met eyes with Ramiel. "Ahhh, the azure dragon... So what did you do for your dish, sir?" Yuki was weirdly formal, so he waved her off.

"Call me Ramiel, I made some grilled rainbow trout. It was really fresh too." He smiled and Soma snorted.

"And then he made a three course meal out of nowhere, this guy's a damned monster I tell you." Soma outed him and Ramiel sighed.

"W-wow... What an amazing chef you are..." Ryoko was in awe. "Hey, how about you come to our party and drink some of my homemade sake with us?" She invited him.

"Ahh, I have a promise with Hinako-chan. She'll be coming to my room tonight for some drinks, maybe next time?" He winked and they froze.

"S-Soma... Did he just tell us that he seduced chef Hinako Isui?" Ryoko was shocked. "Yeah, he did..."

"That guy even flirted while doing all of those things? What a superhuman. Anyways, we can finally enjoy the hotel! Luxury food, baths, rooms..." Yuki started imagining it.

But when they entered the lobby, they were met with muscle heads that were flexing all over the place.

"Agh! Who the hell are those people?" She deflated immediately.

"This is the bodybuilding department of a nearby university. We will be joined by the rugby and wrestling club later too. Tonight's menu will be steak and rice. Every single one of you has to make 50 portions in an hour." One of the alumni gave them another task.

"W-we have to cook again?" Soma raised a brow, but he still have a lot of energy left.

"Ummm, p-proctor? How about our own meals?" Yuki asked with hope. "Hmm? You make it yourself after you finish here of course."

Yuki's heart broke and Ryoko started rubbing her back.

"Yo, everyone. Let's finish this up in what? 10 or 15 minutes?" Ramiel called out to his group.

"Yeah, that seems good enough. I want to take a nice bath with you." Samus shrugged. "Hmm, that sounds nice. I read that naked skinship is the culture in this country." Yuna smiled.

"We go in with towels Yuna." Lulu disapproved and Yuna puffed her cheeks. "Fine."

They started an intense service. Ramiel and co. finished the 50 portions for theirs and the customers were having a brawl for the limited stock.

It was chaos, but they quickly left and went to the baths. Dipping in the warm water, they all sighed.

Samus went between his legs and leaned on him. While Yuna went for his right arm. "Come on Lulu, don't be shy. This is our bonding time~" He chuckled and Lulu shyly went to his left side.

They gave a satisfied sigh and enjoyed the bath after an exciting day of running around and cooking.

They stayed in the women's bath a bit too long though and one pair of cousins arrived. "R-Ramiel!? You're in the women's bath!"

Erina shouted out after she dipped into the bath. With his long hair, they thought he was another girl in the water.

"Hmm? Erina, Alice. Come on, the water is nice and warm." He invited them in and they stared at his position.

He was surrounded by beauties at all sides. Though they were using a towel. "Come on Erina, just use a towel too. It's not like you're gonna flash him." Alice rolled her eyes and they entered the bath as well.

"So, you guys never visited us again at the club." Ramiel raised a brow at them and they chuckled nervously.

"Ahh, yeah. We don't go there regularly, but we never heard you visit again. Even Ikumi." Yuna was curious too.

"They must've been busy Yuna, they don't have the necessary skill for time management yet. It's an acquired skill." Lulu concluded.

"Yeah, we... We were busy." Alice replied and Erina kept on giving them subtle glances.

"Listen to this, Erina. Ramiel created a three course meal just to show a guy a lesson." Alice started telling stories about their task.

"I... I see." Erina thought it was nice, but her pride prevented her from asking for a taste. Gritting her teeth in envy because Alice was describing how it tasted.

"Maybe you can let Erina try it sometimes, Ramiel?" Alice asked for a favor because she noticed her jealousy.

"Hmmm? Sure." He agreed nonchalantly and Samus who was just enjoying their bath opened her eyes.

"People are coming, we need to go back to our room." Samus stood up and she took off her towel, slapping it on her shoulders.

The Nakiri cousins stared at her super tight, but oozing with sex appeal bod. "W-wow. She's hot." Alice blurted out.

"Thanks, Ramiel loves it." Samus smirked and she exited the baths. They then followed suit. Returning to their room.

"Hey, you think we can look like that?" Alice asked Erina. "S-shut up." Her cousin blushed, remembering his back that was super defined.

"Heh? You were staring at his crotch weren't you? It had a super big bulge after all~" Alice licked her lips and teased Erina.

"W-wha!? No! You lewd girl! I was looking at his back!" Erina blurted out and she noticed that she still lost. "Kukuku, so you like his back eh?"

They started quarrelling and the once estranged cousins got a bit more closer again.

"Ohh, I'm gonna have a guest girls. How about we play poker with the five of us?" Ramiel reminded them and they soon heard a knock.

Hinako then entered with her casual clothes and the three of them stared at her massive tits. "So... She's a shortstack huh?" Samus squinted her eyes at him.

"A... A short stack?" Hinako was shocked being called that. "Hey, Hinako. Come on, let's drink some sake and eat fried chicken!" Ramiel let her sit down and they played poker.

"And this is a pretty interesting poker too, losers strip a piece of clothing." Ramiel smiled and the girls blushed.

"Strip poker? Awawawa." Hinako's heart beat got faster. But after they got drinking a bit. They simply had a lot less inhibitions.

"Ahhh, I'm in paradise." Ramiel feasted his eyes on their naked bodies as he burned the sight into his mind.

"What's with these giant milkers?" Samus went behind Hinako and groped her. "Ahhh! W-what's the problem with them?" She blushed in embarrassment.

"They're too big! But they're still nice and perky. It's soft and elastic, not having sag on them at all. What the hell are you eating Hinako?" Samus examined her breasts with great interest.

"Samus, you're sexually assaulting our alumnae." Lulu sighed and pried her off. "But I'm interested too, how can they grow that big?" Yuna stared at them.

They had some naked fun, though they kept it wholesome still.

Everybody then went to sleep and Ramiel received a message from Alexandra. "Hmmm, so they managed to return to Gaia now?"

He immediately sent his soul into the void and navigated the streams back to their Gaia. Ramiel entered the universe and Alexandra propped up immediately while she was talking with everyone in Midgar.

"He's here! He's finally here!" Alexandra shouted out in joy. They then saw an apparition of Ramiel appear.

"Hello everyone, I'm not really a ghost. My body is just left behind." He greeted and Lucrecia started crying with Tifa and Alexandra.

"Brother!" Alex immediately put a connection on their souls so she could pin point thei location later.

"Hmmm, long time no see handsome." Ramiel heard a voice from behind and he froze. "S-Scar?" He turned around and saw Scarlet.

"The one and only... Lazard managed to get to me after I held back the breach in our barrier." Scarlet sighed and she tried hugging his ghost form.

"Sorry, you have to find the original body... But I'm glad. You guys are fine and dandy." He smiled softly.

"Ramiel-nii... We thought you died." Tifa stared at him and was convincing herself that he was real.

"Heh, I'm enjoying a nice vacation here. Come quickly, let's enjoy a peaceful few years." Ramiel made them hurry.

"Oh we'll come alright. Expect us after a few days." Aerith cheered and Alexandra nodded.

"I love you, brother. We'll be coming, you can count on that." Alex smiled and she waved him goodbye.

"I love you too, Tifa, Scarlet. I'll be expecting you, Samus and the others will be stoked to meet you. I've been telling stories about you guys." He waved and returned to his body.

"Okay... Let's prepare our travel to the world they're in!" Alexandra was excited to her core.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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