
Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility

In a world called Gaia. A different timeline has emerged, a foreigner from another world has arrived. With the strength of will and a faulty memory. Will he change the world? Or lead it to ruin far faster with the villain?

Khay_Cee_Padua · Video Games
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153 Chs

Chapter 118: Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

Ramiel woke up after he felt someone sneak up to him. "Esdeath? What are you doing?" He raised a brow as she was wearing a dress shirt only and tried snuggling up on him. "Isn't it obvious? I want your children." She said frankly and he was speechless.

"You do know that Aqua is right there?" He pointed at Aqua who was still asleep, having a relaxing time for the first time in years. "It doesn't matter, no?" Esdeath didn't care and he sighed. "I'm gonna have to stop you there, no sexy time when we still have tons of things to do." He pushed her back softly.

Esdeath pouted at him and sulked. "No means no lady, if you want it. Then you'd have to take it." He crossed his arms and challenged her, but she knew she had no chance to overpower him. So she just grumbled.

"Aqua, wake up. Ventus is gangbanging Sora with two other people inside him." Ramiel tapped her on the shoulder and she woke up. "Gangbang? What is that?" She tilted her head as she yawned. "You'll know that later, ask Yen Sid or Merlin." Ramiel smirked and thought of what the reaction of the old wizards would be.

"Now that I think about it, they might not know about it. They're grand wizards after all, passing the 30 year mark excellently." Ramiel nodded sagely and Aqua didn't understand a thing he was talking about, so she just ignored it.

"Now, let's go to castle oblivion. That's where Ventus is located." Aqua was stoked and he chuckled. "Sure, seeing your friend must be your priority." He put his hands on her shoulders. "W-what are you doing?" Aqua saw him go closer and she got embarrassed.

He touched their foreheads together and she blushed an atomic red. Freezing in place. "Relax, he's just getting your memories so he can make a portal to the place where your friend is." Esdeath explained and rolled her eyes, but she was jealous.

"Okay, I know where it is now." Ramiel raised his hand and opened a portal to the land of departure. Which Aqua transformed into castle oblivion. "Ventus..." Aqua teared up as she took a long time to find her friend.

"Now, transform it back." Ramiel gestured for her to do so. But she didn't have her keyblade with her. Fidgeting in shame. "I... I need my keyblade for it." Aqua squeaked out silently. "You're useless aren't you?" Esdeath sighed and Ramiel rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you a keyblade master? Shouldn't you be able to summon it to yourself?" Ramiel raised a brow and Aqua wanted to, but she couldn't. He scratched his head and just decided to do it himself. With a wave of magic coming from him, he analyzed the illusion and transformation of castle oblivion.

He then broke the magic on it and the dreary castle turned into a castle that was brimming with light. Ramiel gestured for them to enter and they quickly went to the chamber of waking. "Ven!" Aqua ran at him immediately and hugged his comatose body.

Ramiel started checking up on Ventus and he was sure that he needed to get to Sora in order to wake him up completely. "I need some time to do this Aqua." Ramiel can feel a small connection of his soul to his heart. And using his powers as a conduit, he can manipulate that for Ventus to wake up in a short amount of time.

Though a power ranger looking squirt appeared at the top of the throne where Ventus was sleeping on and Aqua knew who he was immediately. "Vanitas..." Aqua frowned and she was basically useless right now. Her keyblade wasn't with her and it was left behind in destiny island.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A straggler that escaped the realm of darkness. Impressive, but thank you. Because of you, little Ventus here is exposed. And I can finally fuse with him once and for all." The power ranger tapped his keyblade on his shoulder.

"Shut up squirt, I'm concentrating over here damnit." Ramiel sighed and he was getting annoyed. "Should I kill him?" Esdeath had a glint on her eyes and Vanitas was an eyesore that got on her nerves immediately for troubling him.

"No, he's technically a part of this guy. And that will be a bad idea, only the 7 princesses of heart are pure light or something." Ramiel thought it was a shame that they can't just kill him and be done with it. Not knowing if something will happen to Ventus due to their connection.

"Kill me? You make me laugh, you aren't even a keyblade master. What are you gonna do to me, woman?" Vanitas taunted Esdeath, being inherently arrogant. "Show him what you're made of." Ramiel teleported with Ventus beside Aqua and Vanitas was enraged.

"Give him back here, we were meant to be one." Vanitas pointed his keyblade at them. "No, and that's gay as hell dude. Not to mention that will be selfcest no?" Ramiel grinded his gears. Esdeath then tapped the ground lightly with her foot and the whole castle turned into ice.

Aqua was prepared to use magic at least, but she didn't expect Esdeath to have such amazing powers. And she didn't even sense any magic that was used. "You dare come here and be a hindrance to my master?" She was pissed and the tattoo on her chest started glowing.

"Who are you? We don't know any keyblade wielders like you..." Vanitas was having doubts as Esdeath channeled her newfound powers, growing stronger by the second. "It does not matter, cretin. I will end you!" She stomped on the ground and two pillars of ice appeared below him and above.

Vanitas dodged immediately and he almost got squished by the pillars of ice. Esdeath immediately charged in like a wild beast, her keyblade emitting an icy black aura as her darkness coated her blade.

"Darkness!? That's impossible!" He noticed the control she had on it and was shocked. Even the members of his team, organization XIII do not have that much power over darkness. Esdeath dashed and turned into pure darkness.

She went through Vanitas' body and he started freezing immediately. His blood ran cold literally and figuratively as he felt her presence behind his back. Raising her keyblade to dismember his limbs from his body.

He teleported away and conjured dark firagas on himself to thaw his body. But spikes of ice suddenly skewered his legs and arms hundreds of times, making him scream.

"An animal that is out of control, you only need to be hunted down by me. Weak." Esdeath walked up to him and kicked him on the face, shattering his black helmet. Showing the face of Sora, but with black hair and different colored eyes.

"Are you a hidden trump card? Master Xehanort must have asked for your help. Yes, that's right." Vanitas was in denial and thought that she was a part of organization XIII, it was impossible for a wielder of darkness like her to be in the realm of light.

"Shut your mouth, cur." Esdeath put her hand in his mouth and pulled his tongue, she then gave an uppercut at his chin that shut his lower jaw right on his tongue, cutting it off. Vanitas then knew that he was going to have a bad time there and started falling on a portal of darkness.

Esdeath was about to grab his hair and pull him out of it, but Ramiel shook his head. "Let him go, we do not need him. But he will be useful for the formation of what we need later." Ramiel ordered and she let go of Vanitas.

"We'll meet again later squirt, and I'll show you the consequences of getting in our way." Esdeath grinned at him and Vanitas disappeared in the portal while breaking into a cold sweat.

"I didn't know that Vanitas was waiting for someone to change back castle oblivion." Aqua frowned and sighed in relief that Ventus is alright now. "Don't be too shocked on what I do alright?" Ramiel plunged his arm inside of him and started rummaging around for his connection to Sora.

Aqua went wide eyed and thought it was freaky, though she went quiet because Ramiel was concentrating and she trusted that he will do something about Ventus' coma. After a few minutes, with his knowledge about souls, he found a small connection with his heart that does not go away from the body until it is destroyed.

"Gotcha, Ventus will wake up for only a few minutes Aqua. We must find Sora, his heart is there." Ramiel poured in some of his powers and made the connection stronger, making Ventus glow as he started to open his eyes.

"Ven!" Aqua held him tightly and she apologized that she took so long. "Aqua? Where's Terra?" Ventus was still groggy and the thing that first come to his mind was Terra.

"Terra... Terra's not with us right now, but don't worry. We'll find him later, especially with them around." Aqua pointed at Ramiel and Esdeath. "Don't lump us in with you Aqua, we have our own goals. You people do not need excessive help, or you will be reliant on us." Esdeath rebutted and she winced.

"T-thank you for waking me up." Ventus got a bit scared by Esdeath's icy demeanor and dangerous feeling. "Then let's find Sora immediately, he's a keyblade wielder now right?" Aqua remembered Ansem's words at the realm of darkness.

"But that won't be fun, I've got another idea. Let us see the 7 princesses of heart." Ramiel smiled and wanted to absorb the light from their hearts to balance his darkness that he got from the heartless in the realm of darkness.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let us go now." Aqua was getting impatient and she saw Ventus started to fall asleep again. "Not gonna ask why?" Esdeath was surprised that Aqua just wanted to go with the flow, even though she's a bit pushy which is understandable.

"You're going to check up on them because they'll be targeted by Xehanort's cohorts right?" Aqua naively spouted out. "Yeah, sure. Let's go with that. But I actually need them, my heart is injured. And seeing Ventus' similar situation didn't quite help." He explained still, but Aqua got worried about him instead.

"Wow, this woman is quite naive Ramiel. What if you were out to take their hearts or something and she'd be helping you with your endeavors?" Esdeath pitied her naivety in life. "That's just how it is in this place, it's all about the power of friendship and love Esdeath. Something that doesn't really work in real life." He shook his head and he thought of how to get to the princesses of heart.

Just going to the oceans between worlds and winging it will take a long time for them to land on a place where there is a princess of heart. "Let's visit a friend of yours then? I think it's time to meet one of them anyways." He put his forehead on hers once again and they went to the mysterious tower to visit Yen Sid.

Ramiel noticed that there is a pretty strong barrier on Yen Sid's tower and he breached it with his darkness. Corroding the time and space barrier and they appeared right in front of the wizard's room.

"Hello there, old man. I just wanna talk, don't be too hasty." He silenced his magic that he was just about to throw and Yen Sid was shocked. But then he saw a person that he didn't quite expect. "Master Aqua, you have returned from the realm of darkness... But how?"

Mickey and Riku were looking for her in the realm of darkness using the corridors of darkness and there she was, appearing right in front of him with suspicious individuals that were teeming with darkness.

"I have, master Yen Sid. These people helped me get out of the realm of darkness." Aqua introduced them with a smile. "Yo, old man. I need a map, can you give them to us?" Ramiel asked and Yen Sid was still suspicious of them. "Why do you need it?" He interrogated them and Aqua answered for them.

"Ramiel's heart is injured, we need the help of the princesses of heart to repair his. And then we'll go to Sora to retrieve Ventus' heart." They left him in castle oblivion again in order for them to keep him safe. And after what they did to Vanitas, they were sure he won't be lobbying around there.

Yen Sid was forced to do so because they only seemed to want to help Aqua retrieve Ventus' heart. And they just gave them an easier time to complete the 7 warriors of light for the next keyblade war that Xehanort is planning.

"May I speak to young Aqua here in private please?" Yen Sid asked of them and they didn't really thought it was an issue. "We'll be waiting for you outside Aqua, take your time. The old man seems to have a lot of questions for you." Ramiel waved and they went outside the tower.

"Master Aqua... Not to be rude, but those individuals are terrifying. Even more so than Xehanort." Yen Sid warned her immediately. "I know, they are insanely dangerous." Aqua nodded at him and remembered what they did to Vanitas. It was like a normal monday morning to them, which is something that even the forces of darkness weren't doing, and that says a lot.

"Then why do you trust them so? Even with Ventus' life?" Yen Sid was baffled and Aqua didn't appreciate that he was being too suspicious of the duo. "They might be scary and different from me. But the two of them helped me with everything they could. I can't say the same about Mickey, you, and Merlin." Aqua squinted her eyes and she still had left over resentment.

Yen Sid was speechless and he tried explaining that going down to the realm of darkness wasn't possible really possible. That they didn't even know she was there in the first place. But the words died on his throat as ten years passed and they didn't really look for them. Not until now when they were needed.

Aqua snatched the map from Yen Sid and she immediately went away, a little angry with them because it seemed that they didn't really tried to save the way finder trio.

"Hey, I'm here. I've got the map, let's go." Aqua waved to them and the two of them noticed that something was wrong with her, but she didn't seem to want to talk about it.

"Hmm, if I remember correctly. They have already given their powers and let the new princesses of heart inherit their powers. And I only know 3 of them, where to go, where to go." He was thinking of what world to travel to.

"Ramiel, I'd like to go this place." Esdeath pointed somewhere and it was a place called Arendelle. "I see, this place is kind of like your home. Especially with what we have to deal with there." Ramiel nodded and thought why not.

"What is this place?" Aqua looked over the map in curiosity. "It's a world where three princesses of heart are actually located. Two are sisters and the other one is their relative in just a neighboring kingdom." Ramiel explained and remembered Frozen, as well as Tangled. Though he didn't know more than that.

Ramiel opened up a portal and they started their journey to the northern european countries. Starting with Arendelle for efficiency. Flying in the ocean between, Aqua was mesmerized by the space around them that twinkled. Looking like the place was dotted with stars and constellations.

"Hmm, this place is quite amazing." Esdeath looked around as well and Ramiel was thankful that it wasn't as hostile as the void. It was like a calm lake that just ferries you to new worlds. "Come on girls, you can look as much as you can later when we finish our jobs." He flew them to the world of Frozen and Tangled.

The trio arrived in the country of Arendelle and were currently in the outskirts of the place. There, they found a blonde woman with weird hair that was loitering around suspiciously. "Make a move and I'll kill you." Esdeath stopped time immediately and pressed the blade of her weapon at her throat.

"This person has a lot of this energy called magic Ramiel. She seems suspicious, the black cloak isn't helping much either." Esdeath squinted her eyes and pressed the blade harder on her throat. Wanting to slice it open for a grand spray of blood.

"Keep her right there Esdeath, so... The organization has been loitering around here for that long already huh?" Ramiel smirked at her and the woman knew who they were from Vanitas' report.

"Tell Xehanort and all his norted clones that we will be having the chi-blade. The true Kingdom Hearts wills it. We are the agents of her desires." Ramiel opened up a portal and sent her to the ocean between.

"Who is that exactly?" Aqua squinted her eyes and thought that they might be having some unsavory plans for the princesses of heart. "Not really important, she's just a half hearted member of the organization of Xehanort. Her name is Larxene, oh she can clone herself just like what you did earlier. I wonder what kinds of kinky plays that can lead to." He thought about it and nodded in satisfaction at the plays.

"K-kinky plays?" Aqua went red in embarrassment and Esdeath snorted. "You are an adult woman, stop being so clueless." She whispered to her and Aqua almost steamed from the things that Esdeath told her.

"You can teach Aqua about sexual preferences later Esdeath, come on." They entered Arendelle and it seems that Elsa already went on a rampage. There were ice everywhere and the place looks like a harsh winter is coming.

"Hey, we just arrived here in Arendelle for the queen. What happened here?" Ramiel struck up a conversation with a local. "It is terrible, the queen has caused this. She apparently has magic and it ran amok." The lady woefully explained and he started setting up shop.

They gave some free soup and hot meals to the people of Arendelle and Aqua questioned his motivations. "Why are we giving soup and food to everyone again?" She was apprehensive of his actions and Esdeath rolled her eyes. "You still do not understand his greatness Aqua. Everything he does has a purpose."

"Then what is it? He could explain it to us instead of you know. Giving soup to the people, which isn't necessarily a bad thing." Aqua grumbled, impatient about their mission. "Ahhh, you see Aqua. There is thing called reputation and politics everywhere. And this place is a kingdom, don't you agree?" He smiled and she nodded, but she still didn't understand the reason.

"If we do this now, the people will think highly of us. And the peasants are a force to be reckoned with. They are uneducated and put down by the nobles for a reason, that's because they can do everything if they tried hard enough. Even execute the royal family and plunge the kingdom in anarchy. Just wait, I will show you just why we are doing this." Ramiel smirked and started to leave the relief efforts to the soldiers that happily did so.

"Listen, give it to everyone in my name. I am an emperor from the far east, we came here because Elsa gave us an invitation. We had ties with her father and daughter. Tell the citizens of Arendelle that we will give the people food and supplies for the cold." He made clones of himself and an entourage came with massive carts of food and supplies.

"I don't quite understand why you are doing this, but fine I guess." Aqua was ignorant of scheming like that and Esdeath added another thing on her list to teach her about later.

They then started travelling to the mountain where they noticed the concentration of ice magic. "I hear a woman singing?" Aqua pointed at the direction where Elsa was singing her dreaded song that parents all over the world heard for thousands of times.

"Ugh, I remember all the kids singing that song with their crappy voices. At least it's not tone deaf." Ramiel sighed and reminisced the times where Frozen was the craze. Being a massive cashgrab by disney.

"She does have some impressive control on her powers no? Look, she's making intricate stairs of ice and a castle." Esdeath nodded at her abilties. "It is, especially because this is the first time she's using it like that in her life." Ramiel gestured for them to go and they arrived at the castle's gates.

Marshmallow was guarding the place though, a pretty big ice golem that had strict orders to bar all people from entering the castle. "Yo, can we get in? We promise we just want to talk." Ramiel used the hood classic.

But Elsa programmed him no visitors and roared. Esdeath froze him into a snowman popsicle and Marshmallow was encased in a large pillar of ice instantly. Ramiel then knocked on the gates. "Elsa, I know you're fucking in there, don't make this difficult. We just want to make a snowman."

"Go away! I'm a monster! This is where I belong." They heard her from the terrace of the castle and Esdeath scoffed. "Please, your ice powers might have some interesting properties. But it's pitifully weak to us."

"Shouldn't we like be more careful around her? She's going through something?" Aqua noticed the distress on Elsa and Ramiel sighed. "It's because her parents are 1st rate idiots. Oh, magic. Don't use magic, that's a great idea, magic bad. Be a ticking time bomb good. And they gave her trauma for hitting her sister with the goddamned magic." He was getting more annoyed by the second.

The trio went up to her room and Ramiel knocked one more time. "Come on Elsa, we just want to talk. We can use magic too, want to see a sample of what we can do?" Ramiel explained and Elsa was still stubborn.

Icicles appeared on the door and barred entry. "Hah, then the hard way it is." He melted off the doors with a stream of flames and they entered. Seeing Elsa on her new fab outfit. "See? We have magic too you know?" Ramiel sighed and Elsa was shocked.

"Y-you're the same as me?" She stared at them hopefully and found someone relatable for the first time in her life. "Well, not really. You can just control ice, we can control everything." Ramiel created some ice, lightning, fire, water, and earth constructs on the air.

Birds, fish, and other animals walked around. Made of the elements as he controlled them with a flick of his fingers. Elsa looked at him with awe and felt an affinity with him. It was like seeing a person that can truly help her with her accursed powers.

"Yeah, we're here to help. Don't be scared." Aqua tried walking up to her and touch her. "No! Uhh, sorry. I don't think that's a good idea." Elsa was really scared to touch Aqua and Esdeath understood what he was talking about earlier.

"This is textbook psychological trauma, it seems that her stupid parents did a lot of damage to her psyche." Esdeath sighed and thought that he will be a therapist. Which is a waste of damn time.

Ramiel raised his hand and made Elsa float to him, giving a soft smack on her cheeks with both of his hands. "Calm down, quite honestly. No matter what you do, you can't even harm a hair on us. Well, maybe except Aqua. She's a bit weak for a keyblade master." Ramiel chuckled and Aqua pouted at him.

"Well, sorry for being weaker than expected!" She sulked and he patted her head to console her. "It's okay, we'll teach you how to use darkness. It will give you an edge against anything you fight, they think you're a warrior of light and then boom, you shank them with a shiv of darkness."

They bantered a bit and Elsa haven't seen such human interactions for years. Holing up in her room and holding back her powers for as long as she could remember. "Can you really help me?" She sounded desperate and Ramiel looked at her in the eye.

"Well, you've got to help yourself too along the way. This is a two person job Elsa, and this should've been done a long time ago." Ramiel sighed and poked her head. Giving her some exercises and ways to better her control on her wild powers.

"Honestly, you have great control on your powers. You are being held back by your fears and mental blocks." Esdeath commented on the side. Seeing the intricate inside of her castle. Esdeath can't do that, and she has been using her Teigu for years.

"Come on, we've got all the time in the world. Arendelle is searching for you, you know? They're worried for their queen." Ramiel patted her head and Elsa frowned. "Are they really? Anna!? What about my sister?"

"We did pass by someone that kinda looks like you. Ginger, with a white streak on her hair?" Ramiel lied as he breathed and Aqua raised a brow at him. "Yes! Is she fine?" Elsa had her as the only family member left in her life.

"She's fine, how about we take care of your little problem before she gets here yeah?" Ramiel pinched her cheek and she nodded with determination. Wanting nothing more than to get her power in control.

Ramiel then had an idea, the 7 princesses of heart had a part of the chi-blade on them. And the norted organization XIII is too powerful for the 7 guardians of light who were piss weak. So he trained Elsa well for another purpose as well.

"You'll come in handy later, maybe we'll make the events a bit more interesting? Light fights dark is too boring, isn't that right? Schwarz, Bianca." He smirked and rubbed his hands on the corner while Aqua and Esdeath teach her how to control her powers.


Thank you for reading everyone, ciao.