
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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Ch 65 – 50 Years

(Year 15)

Fifteen years have passed, and five years have passed since Lord Braun blessed us with Chakra, and Chakra was truly the greatest blessing he gave us.

At first, we only thought we could only do simple techniques like moving dirt, igniting a fire, do illusions, but no! We were so wrong!

As more prodigies were born in our ranks and many kids come of age, we have innovated new techniques that are just purely absurd.

The most important technique was dub Shadow Clone, by fusing our chakra with our shadows, we are able to produce copies of us that wield the same physical strength and a fraction of our chakra! Do you know what that means?!

It means manpower isn't a problem anymore! Well, it wasn't a problem in the first place considering we reach adulthood in just 15 years and develop a fully functioning brain, but this is different! It means if one is a master builder, then we essentially have 3, 5, or 10 master builders from one person! It means a singular man can build a village on their own while only feeding a singular Demilaxian!

Just the sheer fact we can duplicate ourselves was absurd, but no, the true gift was the power to create! You heard me, or read me right! We can fucking create matter, elements!

You want water, bam, just move your chakra and water is there! We first thought that the matter was just temporary but no, it was real, it wasn't energy-based elements, they were rock-solid matter!

We can transform food into nearly anything we want! We can create metal, we can allow plants to grow faster, and we can do a lot of cool stuff with it!

Developments in regards to Chakra are already undergoing as I write this down, and the future with chakra only seems brighter than before.

(Year 21)

Chakra? Oh please, chakra doesn't mean shit in the face of the almighty data transferring internet and mega calculators called computers!

You heard me right, we can transfer data all around the world wirelessly using special technology we develop a year ago using the small hints Lord Braun occasionally gave us, with this, development would expand like wildfire if my estimates are proven true.

Anyone can literally learn anything by browsing through the web of data gathered throughout the world! After implementing a system that encourages the people to post their findings for feel-good points, wait… feel-good points! If we were to use this to develop something like an… artificial Demilaxian brain and develop it through bad and wrong as we do with children… then we can perhaps move to the next stage of technological development!

(Year 27)

The true long-term benefits of chakra are finally showing themselves to the general populace. A normal Demilaxian could walk on water, climb trees perpendicular to the bark, create water from nothing, illuminate a dark room by creating a ball of light, heal themselves using chakra, and disease isn't even a problem for us anymore with our absurd immune system!

Even a child could fucking lift a bed by enhancing their bodies with chakra! Shit, I have been cursing too much since attaining chakra, it did show that it sometimes riles up one's emotion due to it being spiritual in nature, but good thing each student is taught how to meditate from the very start, and from our findings, meditation does increase one's spirituality.

Also, seals, do you want to know what seals are? It basically means chakra goes "I'm basically magical bullcrap, I can do anything!" and that sentiment only grows stronger each day the more I explore it.

Like we can literally create a subspace bubble on nearly anything by implanting down a seal, seals are basically ink coated with our bullshit chakra, or heck, seals can be written with only chakra. It's basically magical words holding magical powers, and after researching it, we have come to the conclusion that the way it was written down invokes a response to the chakra to produce certain effects, with this, our development in the chakra technology could perhaps grow faster than before.

But back to the topic of seals, what can it do you may ask? Well, it can fucking do a lot of things alright! Do you want to be permanently stronger?! Just slap a body-enhancing seal on your body and bam! Seal powers activated.

Want your gun to be able to shoot bullets at Mach 10? Well, you fucking can, just slap a durability enhancer and power enhancer or something like that seal so that it can withstand the blow of the explosion, and boom, your pistol could now shoot Mach 10 bullets.

(Year 34)

Our control over the planet has grown tremendously over the past few years. From handling drought by just inducing rain, or stopping the explosion of volcanoes!

We could even control the weather, terraform the planet by using chakra, and my chakra reserves are fucking large! A child has 10 times the chakra reserve compared to a child who was born in Year 25! The development of chakra has just been terrifying really because… if we were able to achieve this in just 34 years (though we did get the guidance from Lord Braun), then what can other species outside our solar system achieve?

What about the Otsutsukis? Are there perhaps planetary-level gods among their group who can explode a planet on a whim? The threat of alien life has just been growing too strong the stronger we Demiliaxians grew, so we have decided to finally take the next step, to space!

On the planet Demilaxia, there are two moons, Demilaxia-Moon1, and Demilaxia-Moon2. Both are orbiting around our planet at relatively the same speed and are quite close to each other, relatively speaking.

If we were to produce something like a large, piston or explosive-based nozzle of sorts that will shoot a large chunk of metal to the sky, we could just use it to shoot it to the moon and use the teleporter seals implanted on them to appear on the moon in one fell swoop.

Protecting ourselves against the vacuum is also no problem using chakra, the only real problem would be if we will have enough chakra to travel from Demilaxia to the moon in one jump or a series of jumps instead, if it's a series, then its more beneficial to just create a teleporter using technology.

(Year 40)

We have successfully obtained the two moons without any problems, though there were some deaths, we just used some special techniques to revive them from the dead and we essentially made them living undead. Infinite stamina, infinite charka due to infinite stamina, could live forever, etc. They were basically a perfect lifeform, but what about physical development you may ask? Fool! We have the power to alter biological bodies using chakra, I can already lift more than 1,000,000 kilograms with pure biological might alone!

But we don't have the plans to fully transform all Demilaxians into undead considering the limitations we found, but we expect to transform all Demilaxians into immortals in a decade, is it fucking absurd? OF COURSE, IT'S FUCKING ABSURD! Just a few decades ago we were struggling and now we have plans to, I don't know, make everyone immortal!

Sigh, chakra is just really bullshit, what next, there's a better form of chakra that holds more bullshit properties like destroying matter altogether? Total destruction? Or that we can reincarnate and have another form of immortality? Or fuck, even create life?

But besides that, we are already planning to move to the next stage by optimizing our planet to the max, like creating floating landmass all around the world to not disturb the sea level, making underwater cities to accommodate more Demilaxian life, having more people move to the moons and so much more that it's making my brain hurt having to plan all that out, but that's the duty of being the king of the Demilaxians.

(Year 46)

AIs oh AIs! I fucking love AIs!

You know what they can do? Do a single task, better than any Demilaxian out there on that single task.

Now there are some worries about the AIs overthrowing us with their superior intellect once they grew enough but we're not that stupid, we know what we need to do!

Besides, there's still the final resort called Angels.

But besides AIs, technology has boomed since six years ago, like fusion power now powering most of our electrical appliances, the study of the undead is going splendid and we might even fuse our living and undead bodies into one to get the best of both worlds, the adulthood age of an average Demilaxian has also been lowered to just 13 years old, the whole world and the two moons are also basically under our full control.

We can reshape the continents, control the weather, transforming uninhabitable locations into habitable ones, the whole underground of the planet is also under us holding countless infrastructures that are hidden just below the outer layer around the whole world. We expect to transition into a Type 1 Civilization in just a few years already and attaining immortality for everyone is also near, just a few more years and no more Demilaxians shall die.

(Year 50)

All around Demilaxia, everyone's eyes were closed as an important event was current unfolding that will decide the fate of the Demilaxians as a whole, for their God's Cube have opened once more, descending into the middle of the building where their almighty king Zurik resides along with the 10 Sages of Demilaxia.

"I could see that you have done well, Zurik," Braun said, his crimson red eyes and abyssal black hair staying still like a calm lake, an invisible pressure exploding outwards of his body that made Zurik and the 10 Sages around him have their hearts palpitate.

"Yes, my Lord. We Demilaxians have successfully become a Type 1 Civilization in just 50 years under your guidance, and we definitely couldn't have done it without you," Zurik said, kneeling on one knee while bowing his head to Braun.

His body has now radically changed from the first time they met, his wild golden hair still remaining the same while his fluffy tiger ears were pointed upwards to the sky, a black suit covering his whole body but even his mere veins bulge through the tight suit that covers his large muscles modified through the power of chakra and science, you could even say Chakra has transformed them into demigods.

"Good, good," Braun said, his body floating to the air as the countless Demilixians all around Demilixia and its moon saw Braun flying through their modified brain connected to the internet all the time.

As Braun floats to the air at a rapid pace, they all watch his body disappear in a flash of crimson light that made the Demilaxians confused about what he was doing, but as they suddenly look up to the sky, they saw a sight that they wouldn't be able to forget their whole lives.

In front of their yellow star, they saw their God, Freidrich Braun now many times the size of their solar system's star, holding the star with translucent, pale-white hands that covers the star as a whole.

"The next step for you, Demilaxians…" Braun said, his crimson eyes suddenly turning towards them, paralyzing the Demilaxians with fear. "Is to reach for the stars."

"The next step for Demilaxian evolution is to harness the power of a star, just like what I am doing with the palm of my hands," Braun said, his hands toying with the star, and everyone was shocked that the natural orbit of the planets in their solar system hasn't been disrupted yet, showing Braun's might in all its glory.

"Work well, and you shall attain the abilities I wield, for the power of Gods are within your reach," Braun said, his body wishing away like a trail of crimson light to only appear right back in the middle of the King Zurik and the 10 Sages.

Snapping his fingers, the eyes of the people around him roll back as Braun nods his head.

"I wish you the best of luck, Demilaxians." With that, Braun starts to walk back towards his cube, for the Demilaxians have now been shown the next path, the path towards the stars!

AN: This is 2077 words, you're welcome.

Writing is mega fucking hard, so send me some powerstones ya little leech.

(June 23, 2022 – 2011th day of writing)