
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 66 – A Fleeting Trio

'So it's finally the day.' A cat boy thought, his feline ears twitching over his fluffy black hair, his face showing a wide smile while his heart thumped loudly in his chest, but it quickly calmed down when he remembered his training back in the academy.

"It's the day we will be sent to Demilaxia-2 and start the first step to colonizing the whole solar system and the sun," he thought, his eyes closing and still remembering clearly the magnificent scene 15 years ago when he was still a child, the scene of Lord Braun towering over their star like it was a mere ball, fiddling with it using his bare palms.

Turning around, he walks up to a glass cylinder prop on his wall on the other side of the room and stands inside it, a flash of white light covers his body whole and he finds himself now wearing the appropriate uniform for his team.

Nodding his head, the cat boy walks in front of a metallic door and watches it slide open automatically, his eyes greeted by the sight of a white hallway and his teammate, Ambrose, the Immortal Phoenix, or that's what he likes to call himself.

His hair was long and fiery orange like the wings of a phoenix, his eyes were dyed the color of fire and he wore the same uniform as him, consisting of a simple black, skin-tight suit that shows their very slim body, but don't be deceived by their appearance as their biological strength alone is absurd, impossible even with any training out there.

"Good morning, Einhard," Ambrose said, their similar heights which were pretty short for the average Demilaxian allowed them to hold eye contact without moving their heads up or down.

"Good morning!" Einhard said, walking forward as the metallic door behind him closes on its own.

Flashing a smile at one another, their faces neared one another with a toothy grin, their hot breaths slamming onto each others' noses with the fiery vigor of youth showing itself to them.

"Eh herm!" a voice behind them suddenly appears causing them to blink, turning their head around, they saw their final teammate. A girl named Ivy appeared, having the same height and age as the two, her hair colored green and her eyes emerald, wearing the same outfit as the duo as her eyes glared at the two that were flirting with one another.

"You know we don't have time for your silly jokes, so get your asses over here already!" Ivy shouts, grabbing the duo's arms and dragging them along the hallway.

"Oh come on, this would probably be the last time we'll be one Earth while we're off colonizing Demilaxia-2," Einhard said, his arm phasing through Ivy's grip and hanging his right arm over her shoulder and neck.

"Shut up, we're already here," Ivy said, letting go of Ambrose's arm and they found themselves in an open area with a cement floor below them and four spaceships in the distance.

Walking forwards, they stood right beside three other teams, some had more members than them but that was only because the planet they were colonizing had a much larger mass and size.

"Einhard, Ambrose, and Ivy. The members for Demilaxia-2 Colonizer, mmm. Have you three already said goodbye to your parents and finished your business here on Demilaxia?" the man in front of them asked, his body towering over the three as they all nodded, resolute in their decision for they were prodigies in their own rights.

Einhard, a cat Demilaxian and has a large reservoir of chakra that and talented at anything chakra related. He is designated as the support of the group for their survival, logistics, etc.

Ambrose, a phoenix Demilaxian, has a large chakra reservoir, is a great fighter, also talented in a multitude of departments, and would be the main fighter of the group to protect them from any extraterrestrial threats that might appear in Demilaxia-2.

Ivy, a wolf Demilaxian. She has advance knowledge in regards to planets, nature, and such. She is also a master at the Life Element which is a very hard element to master, not even Einhard is a master at it. She is designated for terraforming the planet and making it a habitable place to live in.

'Demilaxia-2, a neighboring planet that is just right on the next ring beside Demilaxia. Although the same size, the lack of water and the high concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere makes it uninhabitable for us Demilaxians. We would have to first capture all potential species in there for further research, then take out the CO, and reorganize the atmosphere. Then we will use our combined efforts to produce plant growth and put the microorganisms in newly produced oceans for oxygen and other stuff. We expect this to be done in 3 – 5 years from now, so that's a pretty long time.' Ivy thought, without her even noticing due to her deep thinking, the trio was now inside the space shuttle, the people outside already preparing to shoot them to space.

"Woo, we're finally going to space!" Einhard shouts, his eyes radiating a golden glow as both Ambrose and Ivy only smiled.


As the explosion below them enters their ear, they felt their shuttle moving at ridiculous speeds towards the sky and as the trio looks outside the transparent window, they found themselves rising higher and higher, the continent below them changing from a landmass of green into something like the globe as the horizon fully revealed itself to their view.

"Woah," the trio muttered, their eyes shining with excitement at the future when they successfully conquer the star and build the mythical Solar Swarm, a series of satellites roaming around the sun and sending limitless energy throughout their solar system.

"So, how strong do you think the aliens living inside Demilaxia-2 would be? Like how did those fiery worms or fire-breathing slugs even come to exist?" Einhard said as his ears rapidly twitched from side to side.

"Maybe we'll find something like chakra, like those in cultivation novels! Or maybe a new mystical energy that we could utilize! Like… fire energy!" Einhard shouts, his eyes shining while the other two theorized.

"Hmm, what about something like Worldly Energy? Like energy stemming from worlds?" Ambrose suggested but the two only looked at him as if he was stupid.

"Really? Worldly Energy? Chakra is already bullshit and you expect that planets can create mystical energies?" Ivy said, her eyes condescending towards Ambrose.

"Oh come on, you gotta think big to get big!" Ambrose responds.

As the trio argued with one another for hours on end to entertain each other, they all looked outside the window with hitched breaths as Demiaxia-2 nears closer and closer.

"Einhard!" Ivy shouts.

"On it!" Einhard shouts, his body turning translucent and the duo watches a gigantic hand made of blue energy grab their space shuttle and descend it slowly towards the searing red ground, the surrounding area being filled with toxic fumes and searing hot air, but the seals on their shuttle and body kept them safe from nearly anything.

With a swish, Einhard appeared on his seat once more with stars in his eyes.

"You guys gotta see the outside! It was like a landscape of fire! It's like hell!" Einhard shouts as the duo nods their head, and as Ivy mentally activated the shuttle's door to open, they all watch a translucent blue barrier cover the opened hatch to protect the inside of the space shuttle.

Walking outside, the trio looks around the relatively flat landscape with eyes of wonder.

"So this will be our home for a few years huh," Ivy muttered, her eyes darting everywhere trying to find a place to set up camp, a place safer than the current flat landscape they were on, preferably something with natural defense and a place to start creating production lines.

But without any warning, they felt tiny tremors on the ground and with their experience, they instantly knew something was coming up to them from the ground below.

"Ambrose!" both shout while their body flickers away with a mere thought.

"On it!" Ambrose shouts, his eyes flaring red and chakra gathers at his right fist to form a red gauntlet of fire, the pressure his body emitted caused the surrounding dust particles on the ground to fly away in circles.

"TAKE THIS!" Ambrose shouts, his right fist slamming down to the ground and the roar of a dragon erupts upon making contact with the ground, a grand explosion erupting from the point of contact and a bright beam of orange light in the form of a pillar appear with Ambrose in the middle.

As the smoke recedes around them, Ambrose, Einhard, and Ivy walk up to the large hole on the ground that formed and they saw the charred flesh of the tunneling Fire Worm below them, a small section of its body now dead which in turn caused the Fire Worm to die fully.

"Well that's our first sample of the day," Ivy said, waving her right arm as the body of the worm slowly floats out of the hole in front of them, the charred section of its body got enveloped by a soft, green light and the trio watched it heal without any problem.

"So that's one Fire Worm, I really hope there are only a few species of this bastard because worms would probably be a pain in the ass to gather considering they probably live underground," Ivy groans as Einhard waves his hand, and the Fire Worm enters a subdimension.

"Don't whine so much, Ivy. It's not good for your health, we'll just cross that bridge when we'll have to cross it," Einhard said with a teasing smile.

"Sigh, you're right," Ivy responds, ruffling her hair as Ambrose looks around the place with intrigued eyes.

"There's a mountain up ahead, why don't we go over there and see what's on there," Ambrose said, pointing towards a massive mountain in the distance a few kilometers away.

"Why not," both respond, their muscles then bulge in tandem, and the trio shot forward at faster than sound speeds, leaving behind afterimages and a sonic boom in their wakes.

Arriving at the peak of the mountain with no sweat on their foreheads, their eyes suddenly widens at the grand scenery that greeted them.

Flowing lava, a fiery landscape of death where monsters born in this hellish landscape resides, countless volcanoes spewing out lava from their open peak like rain, a scenery that probably belongs to hell.

"Huh, I didn't expect to see hell while alive," Ivy muttered, their eyes filled with stars at their future prospects.

"I guess this is it! The story of the grand trio who conquered a planet!" Ambrose shouts as the trio raised their heads to the sky.

"Our grand adventure shall finally begin!" Einhard shouts, a wide smile appearing on their faces as excitement thrummed in their very core.

(Braun POV)

Within a void white room with nothing in sight, a singular person could be seen floating in midair wearing nothing but a white cloak to cover his whole body, his eyes closed and his long black hair that reaches below his waist as calm as a peaceful lake.

"Ivy, Einhard, and Ambrose. Three aspiring Demilaxians that would clearly define the course of history for the race, one of the first colonizers of planets and heroes for generations to come," Braun mutters, his eyes opening slightly showing a boundless cosmos within.

"A grand adventure it truly is, recorded for future generations to watch and admire. But in the wakes of time, mere years are nothing but fleeting grains of sand," Braun mutters, his eyes closing back once more and the room went back into full silence, where the drop of a needle could be as loud as a world-ending explosion.

"But even as grains of sand, with enough accumulation, it could form a large island," Braun mutters for the last time, the room returning to what seems to be eternal silence.

AN: This is 2023 words, you're welcome.

In the grand scheme of the universe, thousands of years could pass in a flash, perhaps in later volumes there would be timeskips that ranges to millions of years!

Writing is super duper hard, so send me some powerstones.

(June 23, 2022 – 211th day of writing)