
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 64 – A Decade


More than a month has passed since we were first put under the reign of our new God Freidrich Braun, or simply called Braun and life has never been better.

With my now genius mind and the knowledge he imparted to us, the development of our tiny little kingdom has expanded outwards at a drastic pace.

The kingdom has extended to hundreds of kilometers outwards, procuring new land to cultivate for ourselves. We have grown food with efficiency and quality unimaginable to us before, able to procure new products such as better clothes and so much more that it always makes me heave a sigh of relief that Freidrich Braun was magnanimous enough to help us grow, but I'm still suspicious on what he wants, considering nobody, especially him who presumably came from a Type 3 Civilization, would just help a whole race grow in power without nothing in return.


Half a year has passed since Braun first appeared, and our kingdom has been booming.

From conquering mountains and new lands, fighting back wild beasts using metallic weapons that were previously too expensive to make, making new alloys, better infrastructure, and higher base intelligence for everyone in the kingdom, not only that, Lord Braun also said we would be ready to transition to steam once new year hits.

We have learned the importance of free knowledge and constructed libraries throughout the kingdom and the villages spread around the area, many schools are being built already and many talents are being born now that we have a better place to live in. Teachers are still a problem but I'm more than willing to be a teacher to have my next successor, but I'm still young so I'll deal with that later on.


A year has passed since Braun appeared and he has brought us the power of steam!

Steam, how foolish have I been to not know the potential of steam! After being made sure that I explicitly knew how to harness this power without damaging our home planet by using special filters that were cheap to make, we won't have to worry about producing too much greenhouse gasses and heating the planet up.

The schools were also now built, and more villages were made, we plan to demolish the walls of the kingdom later because the walls are acting as a sort of limit for the kingdom. Paths are paved already, connecting village to village, and routes to transport materials from one place to another are already made by me using my higher intelligence, maximizing its efficiency to the best that I can. Now that we have the potential of steam, then we can discard the usage of animals transporting our carts already and use steam-powered vehicles instead to transport heavier goods at faster and more optimal speeds.


Three years have already passed since the start of this new era, and everything went beyond my wildest dreams from before when I was just a general of Dayvalley under the foolish queen Van Dayvalley.

Nearly a quarter of the whole southern continent is under our domain, countless villages have been constructed and a multitude of fallen kingdoms are now under Demilaxia, the items within the royal treasury have upgraded our troops' power and have allowed us to build better machines, such as cars and boats so we could now travel both land and sea at fast speeds. But the winged Demilaxians are still important for us, for they are the ones who travel the skies.

And the kids are already learning under the new education system, we expect them to be the leading pioneers once they come of age. Perhaps in the late future, one of them would even be my successor, for being King is not a matter of bloodline, but a matter of results.

And I wholly approve of that sentiment, for only the best should lead Demilaxia as a whole.


Four years have now passed, and our progress wasn't stopping anytime soon.

Planes, trains, better vehicles that could transport heavier loads, faster boats, harnessing the power of water, wind, and the power of the hot ground! So much has opened up to us in the past month under the tidbits of knowledge Lord Braun gave us. Food now wasn't a problem, we have truly become the apex predator of this continent, from domesticating wild beasts to be treated as livestock, procuring more nutritional foods, many factors lead to the current Demilaxians getting physically and mentally stronger.

Medicine, knowledge about our bodies, machinery, energy, electricity, so many factors to develop and grow from, I can't wait for the future us Demilaxians are led to.


Five years have passed… and Braun has finally shown his wrath.

Tsk, to think the Noble Family Verila dared to actually attack Lord Braun's floating cube in the sky, by sending multiple planes and winged soldiers to attack him using the greatest weapon we have produced, guns.

But like our myths have said, "One must not defy God, for defying God would bring the end of times." And just as it said, we truly saw the end of times.

A gigantic pillar of red light appeared from the sky, like a strike of thunder, it went to slam down on the Verila family estate and eradicated it, their land that encompasses tens of kilometers is now transformed into nothing but a large, 100-meter hole on the ground.

But I instantly knew what that hole was for when I received the reports of steam coming out of it, and I hastily ordered men to transform it into a gigantic geothermal powerplant.


My plan was a success! The geothermal powerplant made our electricity production explode to the skies. I don't know if Lord Braun intentionally or unintentionally made that hole but I'm truly thankful to him, with this, our advancements would rapidly increase from here on out.


Six years have passed, and we are already expanding to the west and central continent that sits up north from the continent we were currently in. If we are able to extend over there, we would be able to procure more resources for everyone to use.

But we are already starting to terraform the surrounding area around us using technology Lord Braun gifted us from his white cube.

Such as an electricity-powered Mecha Armor that would strengthen our bodies by 10 times! After my new team of researchers examined it, we expect our rise in the technology department in regards to electricity would expand rapidly once more.

From the theories they gave, they expect that we can make machines that could compute complex numerical questions in the size of something like a piece of paper, and from what I theorized, I expect it to be a lot smaller.

There are a ton of new ideas produced from the blueprints Lord Braun gave us and I am excited for the coming years.


Seven years have now passed. Technological advancements have just been exciting, from electrical lights illuminating the whole world, to new electric grids to transfer energy all around the three continents we currently have control over, we are also starting to develop a way to send info from one place to another without using wired phones and the such, we want something wireless.


Eight years have passed, and the western and central continents are now fully ours. The mecha suits have been a large help for a multitude of developments, like Demilaxians being able to move heavier objects that allow us to produce new infrastructures at a rapid pace, hurling large pillars of stone at one another like mere pebbles, we have also learned how to create better fertilizers, make new medicine, learn chemistry, the elements, and so much more.

I suspect that there's something waiting for us once a decade has passed, but that I do not know. It's just a gut feeling, but I feel like it would allow us to develop at absurd speeds once we gain that thing from Lord Braun.

But for now, the Northern and Eastern continents are getting colonized by us. The existence of Noble Families has also been eradicated fully and a new system was made to govern the five continents.

I also moved from the Southern Continent to the Central Continent and we have already mapped the Southern, Central, and Western continents without any problems using our winged men and planes.

Also, the people have also become more relaxed, and the division between the two factions of strong (Demilaxians like tigers and lions) and smart (Demilaxians like cats and bunnies)) was now more lenient with one another. With the right education, and with me acting as a role model, I hope that the racism between my people would be resolved in the coming years, it's already a miracle that no civil war has brewed.


Nine years have now passed, and electricity, oh electricity, the value of energy was now prevalent to everyone within this world. Electric cars, boats, factories rely on electricity, everything almost relies on electricity.

From radios to wireless telephones, we can talk to people all around the world with the click of a few buttons on the devices that is free to use for everyone in the public.

The general health of the Demilaxians has also been continuously improving, from bigger muscles to less sickness, and the kids in the schools are already in high education. Education is divided into 3 stages, primary, high, and advance education. Primary is one where the people are thought to read, write, etc. In high, one is thought a higher level of education, such as high physics, high algebra, etc. And finally, Advance is when we finally gathered enough data for the student's talent and what they are weak and strong at, and give them the appropriate course to take to get to their fullest potential.

In a few years from now, those first kids who joined the first schools are now going to join society and develop the Demilaxian Empire as a whole.


"S-sir! The cube is opening up once more!" a voice shouts into his room as Zurik sits up instantly, his muscular and toned body illuminated by the yellow star high above them as Zurik opens his eyes wide.

"What did you say?" Zurik said, standing up from his bed and walking towards his closet to grab a suit to put on.

"The cube where Lord Braun resides is opening once more this new year!" The man barges into the room, a messenger of sorts as Zurik nods his head.

"Announce it to the whole world, whether it be night or day, we must pay our respects to our Lord," Zurik said, opening the large wooden door of his room and rushing towards the rooftop of the building he was on, with the current advancements of the world, castles and kingdoms were just too impractical.

"My Lord," Zurik kneeled with his right knee, bowing his head as he saw the gigantic large cube suddenly floating right on the edge of the rooftop and shrinking down to a smaller size, about the size of a 10-meter cube on all sides.

As Zurik watches the wall light up with white light, he calms himself down and saw Braun's body appearing through the gateway of white light, hastily paying his respects to his benefactor.

"Stand up, Zurik. I have another blessing to give to all of you, and this one… would shape the future of the Demilaxia Empire," Braun said, his eyes abyssal black and his hair now reaching below his waist, his aura vastly different from the moment they first met. The aura of a God now truly belongs to Braun.

Standing up, he watches Braun walks up to him, his gigantic body towering over Braun but Zurik felt like he was a mere ant toward Braun.

"Do you still remember the acts the Otsutsuki have brought to the people of this world?" Braun said, his voice seemed both male and female at the same time while Zurik's heart skipped a beat, traumatic memories resurfacing into his mind.

After a long pause, Zurik exhales out of his nose and answered, "Yes, my Lord. I remember those events quite clearly with the gift you have bestowed upon me."

"Then, have you ever wondered what was the power those Otsutsukis wielded that allowed them to control the five elements? To control the world around them with a mere thought?" Braun said as Zurik nods his head.

"Yes, my Lord. But I have not come to an answer even when a decade has already passed," Zurik said, his head drooping low in disappointment for himself.

"No need to be disappointed in yourselves, you have done the actions to try and answer it and that's more than enough. But just like always, I always have the answer," Braun said, his hands suddenly plunging into Zurik's chest, and Zurik's eyes rolls to the back of his head.

"C-chakra?" Zurik muttered, his eyes returning back to normal and they widened in shock.

"Chakra, the combination of one's Physical and Spiritual Energy that allows anyone to wield it to produce supernatural effects," Braun said, a black box manifesting within the grasp of his right hand which Zurik looks at, interested in its function.

"This is a device that would allow you to train your chakra at what I consider optimal speed. Within it is an assortment of items that trains your chakra manipulation. I have listed out some examples of what you can do with chakra, but I'll leave the rest to the innovation of Demilaxia," Braun said, a beam of blue light suddenly erupting from the black box that shoots to the sky, and at that moment, Zurik knew that Demilixia is entering another era, the era of Chakra.

AN: This is 2314 words, you're welcome.

Writing is hard, so send me some powerstones.

(June 22, 2022 – 210th day of writing)