
February Hearts

with the month of february upon us, cupid is the main factor but what about the supposed anti-cupid? Eros? this month has two weeks- valentines Day week and the anti valentines day- with romance and heartbreak comes drama lust and a roller coaster of emotions to follow

LegendsLostStories · Urban
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23 Chs

Stolen Sweetheart

Xavier's POV:

I told myself I was over it, over her. But who was I kidding? Every time I saw Emilia, it was like a punch to the gut, a reminder of everything we were—and everything we lost. We said no strings, but here I am, tangled up all over again. It's like I'm drawn to her, like she's gravity, and I'm just helplessly orbiting around her. I know it's a disaster waiting to happen, but part of me wonders, what if it's worth the crash?

Emilia's POV:

Oh, Xavier. He really thought he could just switch off his feelings like flipping a switch. Cute. I saw the way he looked at me, that familiar spark in his eyes. It's almost endearing, watching him grapple with his emotions, pretending he's got it all under control. When he said we should make it our "pretty little disaster," I couldn't help but smirk. Because let's be real, there's nothing pretty about a disaster, but if we're going to crash and burn, at least we'll do it together. Let the games begin.

Third Person POV:

In the dance of denial and desire, Xavier and Emilia moved to a rhythm only they could hear. The pact they made hung over them like a fragile truce, ready to shatter with the slightest misstep. Xavier, with his heart on his sleeve and hope in his eyes, couldn't shake the feelings that clung to him like shadows. Emilia, with her sharp wit and teasing smile, watched him struggle, a mix of amusement and a flicker of old affection warming her. They were both playing with fire, each step drawing them closer to the inevitable blaze that would either reignite their passion or consume them entirely.

Xavier's POV:

It's almost comical, how we dance around each other, Emilia & I. We're like stars caught in each other's gravity, destined to collide, yet we keep spinning in this maddening ballet of near misses. I remember the way her laughter used to light up the darkest corners of my mind, how her touch could set my skin ablaze. I told myself that I could handle this, that I could keep it casual. But every stolen glance, every "accidental" brush of our hands, it's like a jolt of electricity, a call back to a time when we were reckless, wild, and undeniably us. I see the challenge in her eyes, the silent dare to come closer, to remember, to feel. And it's getting harder to resist.

Emilia's POV:

Xavier thinks he's so tough, so in control. But I know better. I see the cracks in his armor, the way he hesitates when our eyes meet, the slight falter in his voice when he says my name. It's almost sweet, this game of cat and mouse we're playing. We agreed to no strings, but the threads of our past wrap around us, binding us in ways we didn't anticipate. I can't deny the pull, the history that whispers in the space between us, tempting me to lean in, to rekindle the fire we once had. There's a part of me that wants to revel in the chaos, to surrender to the storm of emotions he stirs within me. But I tread carefully, because with Xavier, it's not just a fire—it's an inferno.

Third Person POV:

As days turned into weeks, the tension between Xavier and Emilia grew thicker, a tangible force that seemed to charge the air around them. They were masters of disguise, hiding their true feelings behind smirks and nonchalance, but their façades were cracking. Their friends noticed the lingering looks, the way their banter had an edge of something deeper, more intimate. It was a dangerous game they played, each push and pull laced with the memory of their once fervent love.

The city of New York carried on around them, oblivious to the silent storm brewing in the hearts of these two lost souls. They found themselves in their old haunts, the coffee shop where they had their first date, the park where they shared their first kiss under the autumn leaves.