
February Hearts

with the month of february upon us, cupid is the main factor but what about the supposed anti-cupid? Eros? this month has two weeks- valentines Day week and the anti valentines day- with romance and heartbreak comes drama lust and a roller coaster of emotions to follow

LegendsLostStories · Urban
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23 Chs

Burning Soul

The damage has been done, but it became a feeling you would never expect. After playing all the imaginable scenarios in your head. Just to comfort the impact. " did you really have to be that honest?" or was this all just a joke to you? 

In the quiet aftermath of revelation, Alex sat alone, the echo of the truth still ringing in their ears. The room felt colder, as if the very walls had recoiled from the shock. They had imagined every possible outcome but this—this brutal honesty that cut deeper than any lie.

"Did you really have to be that honest?" Alex murmured to the empty room, the question hanging like a ghost in the air.

Their trust, once given so freely, lay in tatters at their feet. It wasn't just the betrayal that stung; it was the realization that to them, it might have all been a game. A cruel joke at the expense of a heart that loved too openly, trusted too readily.

But as the initial sting faded, a strange warmth began to flicker within Alex's chest. It was a burning, defiant flame, refusing to be extinguished by the cold truth. They had been hurt, yes, betrayed by someone they held dear, but this fire—it was something new, something fierce.

It was the burning soul of someone who survived the unthinkable, who would rise from the ashes of their pain stronger and more resilient. Alex stood up, the ember of resolve glowing brighter within. They wouldn't let this define them. They would write their own story, one where betrayal was just the beginning of a journey to self-discovery and empowerment.

As the days turned into weeks, Alex found solace in the smallest of victories. Each morning brought with it the challenge to rise, to face a world that now seemed so alien. Yet, with every sunrise, they felt a little more like the person they were meant to become. The betrayal had not dulled their capacity to feel; it had simply redirected it towards self-love and cautious optimism.

They started to rebuild, piece by piece. Old hobbies that had been cast aside were now picked up with a new sense of purpose. The canvas that had remained untouched, the guitar that had gathered dust, the journal that had seen no new entries—all beckoned Alex to express what words alone could not.

Friends, the true ones, became pillars of strength. Conversations that once danced around the superficial now delved into the depths of raw emotion and healing. Alex learned the power of vulnerability, the strength in admitting that, yes, they were not okay, but they would be.

Work became more than a distraction, it became a way to block the numbness.