
PETA would hate her

It was a nice morning in the forest where Adam and Meleoreoa were in, the birds were joyfully chirping, the greenery was growing and the sunshine was illuminating the land creating a beautiful and peaceful scene

"Wake up!" Unfortunately, that beauty and peace was soon interrupted by a banshee-like yell coming from Adam's room which soon exploded due to Mereoleona creating a giant paw made out of the fire and punching Adam into the sky in an attendant to wake him up, and it sure as hell worked

'Whoever said that having a woman in bed is one of the best feelings ever is wrong!' Adam thought as he found himself tossed out of his carriage by a strangely jolly-looking Mereoleona whom he could see standing in the ruined remains of the carriage

"Could you please, for the love of the Magic Emperor tell me why the hell you have woken me up from my sleep!!?" Adam asked with such fury and rage that it basically created an aura of destruction that could be felt coming off from his body

Sure he may be a calm and collected person, especially after absorbing the philosophies of both Father and Hohenheim but there are a few sacred things that will make him foam at his mouth if they are disturbed, sleep is one of them

"Would you look at that! So you do have emotions! I didn't see that coming after your emotionless performance yesterday." Said Mereolena with a mock shocked face as she passed by the absolutely livid Adam and instead went to some nearby trees

Adam followed her with his eyes and was about to attack her, consequences are damned, but that's when he saw a very, strange, confusing, and unusual sight

There are 7 wild boars tied up with a rope, unable to move and constantly struggling to free themselves from the rope but failing miserably

That sight was so confusing and ridiculous that Adam didn't even know how to respond, the confusion is so great that all of the rages have been forgotten

"Quit staring at these pigs! Are you attracted to them?! You wanna fuck them? Don't you will be killing every single one of them today!" Said Mereoleona as she slaps one of the boars making it squeal in pain

"Excuse me but what the hell is going on?" Adam asked as he just dumbfoundedly stared at Mereoleona, she lost him the moment she walked over to these pigs and he doesn't know what the hell is going on

"As a way for me to repay you for the meat, the sleepover and the fact that I drank all of your booze, I will be teaching you how to live in the forest and your first lesson will be in killing and preparing a pig for cooking!" Said Mereolona in a passionate voice as she points at the pigs

"And you interrupted by sleep because of this shit!?" In an instant Adam's rage returned, she interrupted the time he spent sleeping for this? How could he not be at least a little pissed

"Shut up! You don't have a choice in the matter! You will learn and I will teach you!" Said Mereoleona as a vicious aura surrounded her and she basically ordered Adam to learn what she will teach him

Adam wanted nothing more than to give her a punch to the face but he calmed down once again and returned back to his calm and stoic self, but he will make sure that payback time comes for her one day

So with him now being calm he nodded at her and went next to her in order to listen and to watch what she will be doing and telling him

"Alright lesson one, you need to cut the tendons in order to stop their movements. And then-" That's how Adam's lesson with Mereoleona started, and he must admit he definitely learned a lot thanks to Mereoleonas experience

She used 3 pigs for demonstration and Adam used the other 3 for applying the things that she had taught him, the last one was eventually set free for Adam to track down and kill without the use of his overpowered body which is what he is doing right now

Adam is laying down in a bush observing as the pig searched for food, it is pretty hungry after being captured and put under such psychological stress by Mereoleona, so right now it is searching for food

As it searched it unknowingly came closer and closer to Adam and when it came to a bush just behind Adam he jumped out with his spear in hand

Adam first slashed the pig's tendon making it unable to run well, when the pig noticed that Adam was behind it tried to run but failed

Next Adam slashed open it's other tendons and finally plunged his spear into the neck of the boar killing the animal with more technique than pure brawn

'Huh, finally done.' Adam thought as he put the pig on to his shoulder and went back to his carriage, he has been laying in wait for that pig for 2 hours already it was about damn time he returned

As he was returning back the saw the mutilated corpses of the other pigs, Mereoleona had Adam try again, and again and again until it was all by her standards, and every time he would fail she would punch him to the sky

But in all reality, Adam feels bad for the boars more than himself, Mereoleora kept them alive and conscious as long as possible for Adam to learn as much as possible, that means that they were alive for as long a time as possible even when they were being carved up by various knives

'PETA would not like her.' Adam thought as he passed by the boar corpse, he can still hear their squealing as it rings inside of his head it would honestly give him nightmares if he was a sane human being, thankfully he isn't really sane so he will sleep tight tonight

As Adam was returning to the carriage from the woods he saw Mereoleona relaxing on the roof of his carriage, Adam had repaired it with his alchemy to which she didn't say much once she had seen it

"Huh, you caught it sooner than I expected, well no matter now come over it's time for some fighting lessons!" As Mereoleona saw him coming out of the woods with the boar on his shoulder she jumped to the ground and motioned with her hand for him to follow her

Adam didn't say anything and just dropped the boar on the ground next to the carriage before he took all of his weapons, spear and 2 cutlasses and followed after Mereoleona

"Didn't you tell me that you would teach me about living in the wild? What is this about fighting?" Asked Adam as he caught up with her, she had started ahead of him but when he caught up to her he asked the question that bugged him

"Shut up! Fighting is part of life, learning it would be useful!" Yelled out Mereoleona, she's the type of woman who seems pissed off even when she is in a good mood

Well not that Adam particularly minds that, his own attributed is not any better with him being stoic and cold for 80% of the time and pissed off the other 20 %, so he doesn't really have the right to complain about attitudes

For the rest of the way they just walked in silence neither of them saying a word, it was fine that way, not every human interaction has to be with words, Adam is just fine with silence and it seems that Mereoleona is of the same opinion

Within 10 minutes both of them arrived at a big, open, grassy field which has no trees on it, only some rocks and the grass itself

"Come to me!" Immediately upon arrival Mereoleona said that and stood challengingly in front of Adam with both of her hands folded and a 'come at me' type of exciting smile

"Excuse me what?" Adam asked with a confused voice, this certabtly isn't unexpected as he can see Mereoleona pulling off something like this but he still did not expect this to happen

"I said to come to me! The best fighting training is to actually fight!" Said Mereoleona as she stood there with her arms crossed waiting for Adam to come at her

She respects the strong and someone who can fight well is in her opinion strong, so the best way to become stronger is to fight more

Adam smiled at that, he hoped to someday return all of those punches to her, he never expected for that time to come so early

The next chapter will be a fight between Mereoleona and Adam, I just hoped that in this chapter I showed that even thou Adam has become colder he still has emotions.

The_Zombie_Ladcreators' thoughts