
You disturb my sleep, you deserve death

Adam and Mereoleona just stared at each other for a few seconds before Adam decided to make the first move

He threw his spear at Mereoleona while he bolted straight into her, he knows that a flimsy steel spear wouldn't be able to harm Mereoleona in any significant way so instead, he decided to use it as a distraction in his attack

Mereoleona just scoffed at that and created a fire claw with which she swiped at the spear instantly melting and destroying it because of the heat coming from her flames

Next, she saw Adam coming from her lower right and she made another fire claw on her other arm and swiped at him with that arm

Adam just watched as the claw got closer and closer to him until it came into arms reach and that's when he clapped his hands and connected to the fire with one hand while the other took out a cutlass

Mereoleona was expecting for Adam to get swiped away by her claw but once it came into contact with Adam she saw absolute bullshit happen, she never expected to see such bullshit and such hax

Her own fire made way for Adam, reshaped itself and attacked her from her right-left side creating a pincer attack

This is what Adam was expecting to happen, he used his alchemy to reshape the flame and attack Mereoleona, Adam and Asta are probably the only people who can boast that they are immune to magic, even though they use different methods they are both basically immune to magic

'Interesting!' She thought as she broke out of her momentary shock and dodged Adam's cutlass, which still stabbed into her hip but because of her tough skin and flesh it barely did anything

She decided to dodge into the flames since she used fire magic it basically did zero damage to her besides burning some of her clothes

"Now that's an interesting kid!" She said with a maniac grin on her face, this is the first time she has faced an opponent who can control her magic and the prospect of fighting with this opponent excites her

Adam clicked his tongue seeing that his strategy didn't work, he was trying to stab her in the liver but that didn't work out that well, she jumped as she dodged so he only managed to create a small cut on her him and that seems to have only excited her, fucking battle junky

Adam then saw as Mereoleona used reinforcement magic on herself and summoned more fire, that fire didn't only come from her but it also came from her surrounding making the fire encircle both of them

'Mana zone, what a pain in the ass.' Adam thought as he used alchemy to form all of the fire around him into a fireball, but once he could see again he saw Mereoleona charging at him

Adam threw the fireball at the left side making her dodge while at the right he threw the class since it couldn't inflict any significant damage on her it was basically useless

She ducked under the cutlass and continued to charge at Adam, thankfully his goal was to distract and not attack so he bought himself a second or so, just enough time for him to clap his hands and touch the ground

Suddenly a huge wall with spikes came out of the ground, the wall was at least 10 meters thick and each spike was a meter long, any normal and sane person charging at this would have stopped but unfortunately Mereoleona is neither normal nor sane, both mentally and physically

Adam knew that so at the same time that wall was created a block of rock shot out of the ground and into his legs propelling him backward and away from Mereoleona

Mereoleona didn't see the wall as anything but a distraction, a distraction that worked since once she busts thru it Adam was already 100 meters away and he clapped his hands once again

Suddenly the earth beneath her morphed and fell apart, creating a hole in the ground before closing that hole up, trapping her within the earth, that, of course, had minimal effect on her and she busts thru it running up to Adam from beneath the ground in less than 3 seconds

'Shit, she's a fucking white, female Usain Bolt!' Adam thought as he grabbed his sheath and pointed it at her, clicking a button on the sheet and firing off a fireball, the 3 times the size of a basketball, in her face

It's his Igneel sheath, where via the click of a button a piece of flint and steel would hit each other while the transmutation circle shaped and fired the ball of fire, it would usually be quite useful and dangerous since it fires a very hot fireball at the opponents face, unfortunately, he is facing the strongest fire knight out there, that sheath of his did jack shit to her

She came thru the flames and punched Adam straight into the nose with her fist, breaking his nose and making good come out of it

"Agh," Adam grunted as he was pushed back, fortunately, he was fast enough to see Mereoleona sending another fist his way so he ducked down and dodged only to get surprised by a knee that sent his head back up

Seeing as he had no chance but to engage in hand to hand combat, which wasn't ideal for Adam, Adam decided that it was time to use alchemy in a very bloody way

Adam raised his hands up and guarded with them while at the same time clapping his hands as another one of Mareoleona's punches hit him, he ignored it and instead focused on her other hand which is going to punch him next

Adam watched as the hand was cocked, then fired off with incredible speed and force towards his head, and he was prepared exactly for this moment

As the fist neared his head Adam grabbed the arm with his hand, unfortunately, nothing happened and the punch followed thru hitting Adam in the face once again

Before the punch his face though Adam subconsciously coked his head a little making his head go along with the punch reducing the force and energy that hit him

As Adam recovered from the punch and he saw another punch going at him and this time he decided to observe the arm much more carefully

When the punch came into contact with Adam he noticed that the fist didn't actually connect with his face, instead, Adam was hit by the mana around the arm

'Shit, so she reinforced and protected herself with the mana!' Adam thought as he received the full brunt of the attack, he had to look at the arm to figure out what was going on so he stared straight at it and it cost him a punch to the face

The good thing is Adam figured out that there was basically no way for his plan to work, his plan was relatively simple, use alchemy to disassemble Mereoleona thus killing her, she told him to come at her and this was his form of revenge for all those punches and for meeting up his sleep, r/Entiteledpeople would love him, you punch me and disturb my sleep and in return, I will end your life, seems like a fair trade

But this plan couldn't work for 3 reasons, first using alchemy to manipulate mana is hard, sure mana is a form of energy just like fire, but the problem is that mana is completely different from mana, it's like Mustang trying to use alchemy on light, sure both fire and light are forms of energy but Mustang sure as hell wouldn't be able to use his alchemy on light

Second is the fact that Adam has to specifically target that mana, it's like when Scar and Edward had a fight, Scar tried to kill Edward by disassembling his flesh but because Edward gave him his metal arm instead of his flesh the alchemy did nothing to Edward

Third Adam has no idea about mana, sure he might have over 800 years of alchemical knowledge and his own knowledge of physics from his past world but in both of those world mana didn't exist so Adam didn't know it's properties or composition very well which was crucial to an alchemist

With figuring that out Adam decided that he needed a new plan, unfortunately, he couldn't form one since he was constantly getting pummeled by Mereoleona so Adam decided to just get away from her

With another punch incoming this one being an uppercut saw the perfect opportunity to get away, Adam set out an overhand punch at her head while the uppercut approached him

Adam was slower than Mereoleona but he had more reach and less distance to cover than Mereoleona's hand so they hit right at the same time

When the hit landed on him Adam also jumped up making it so that his jump, plus the power behind Mereoleona's punch and the power from his own punch sent him flying backward like a rocket and he successfully ran away from Mereoleona

In contrast to her punch which sent Adam flying, Mereoleona barely felt anything from Adam's punch and she was more annoyed with Adam managing to run away than anything else

As he was flying Adam clapped his hand and rotated his body mid-air so that once he finally landed he landed on all 4 of his limbs

His hands touched the ground on the moment he stopped flying, by this point Adam was more than 50 meters away from Mereoleona, her strength was just ridiculous

Almost immediately when Adam's hands touched the ground a rock pillar, very similar to the one that helped his getaway in the beginning just upright, sprouted out of the ground making Adam's body go higher and higher into the air

Mereoleona was a mele fighter so the best escape from here would be to the skies, even though she would eventually break that pillar since he was so high the time it took him to travel to the ground would be a few seconds, and that's all the time that Adam needed

"You running away?! Not so fast!" Said Mereoleona as she punched the pillar and made it come crashing down within a second, it was as if she punched a thin sheet of cardboard, absolutely no obstacle could physically stop her

As he came close enough to Mereoleona fire burst around Adam as she jumped up and outstretched her hand, making her resemble a certain Italian plumber, intent on meeting him mid-air

'Just my luck!' Adam thought as he grinned, if she had just jumped then he might have been in big trouble but since she provided this fire her punch wasn't a big deal, Adam just clapped his hands and made the fire propel him to the side so that Mereoleona missed him by just a centimeter or two

Now Adam had to plan something for his attack plan and he had an idea, Adam took out some smoke bombs from within his outfit and threw them to the ground

Once he landed Adam used his alchemy and hid beneath the ground, that's what the smoke bombs were used for so that Mereoleona wouldn't see what he was doing

As expected Mereoleona came crashing down a second after Adam crashed and the first thing she tried to do was searching for his mana, unfortunately for her Adam had no mana so couldn't find him that way, next she tried to listen for his breathing or heartbeat but he was underground and holding his breath so his heart was beating slower so she didn't hear him, finally she tried to smell him out but that only made her nose hurt, Adam read enough manga and novels to plan beforehand about a situation like this so he made the smoke smell absolutely horrible but since he was an introverted otaku in his past life to him that smoke smelled like a bed of roses in comparison to his old room

By this point Mereoleona was annoyed at the fact that she couldn't find Adam so instead, she used Mana zone to baptized the surrounding in holy fire and cleansed the air from the smell of the filthy heretic

But even after there was no more smoke Adam was nowhere to be found so she became confused for a second, it's exactly this second that Adam used to his advantage

Adam suddenly burst out of the ground, or his hands and head at least burst out, and he tries to catch Mereoleona at her ankles, maybe her reinforcement magic was weaker there so Adam could still somehow win

Unfortunately, Adam's assumption was wrong and her mana reinforcement was just as strong on her legs as it is on her arms so his strategy worked against him as Mereoleona used her leg strength to pull Adam out of the ground

By the sheer force of her pull, Adam was sent flying into the air by around 10 meters and he came crashing back down pretty quickly

But that can be both a good thing and a bad thing, the good side is now he wasn't airborne anymore the bad thing is that Mereoleona has once again started to punch Adam into oblivion

'Guss that's my only bet!' Adam thought as he was getting punched, sure his plan to grab her ankles didn't work but while he was in that position Adam did see something interesting, he saw his only opportunity at victory, and if Mereoleona was wearing a skirt he would have seen that she wasn't wearing panties but that is beside the point

Adam barely observed her fists as the pain kept getting worse and worse, this battle had already lasted too long and so this was Adam's final shot at victory

Adam watched as another one of her fists came towards him and he ducked, clapping his hands in the process

As he ducked Adam saw a knee headed his way, it's the exact same thing that had happened during their initial fistfight, and this is what Adam has been waiting for

Adam put his hand in-between the knee and his face and pushed himself off with her momentum and rushed up towards her face

Adam grinned and used up all of his remaining willpower and all of his accumulated knowledge on his hand which was connected to her leg and with it he managed to disrupt her magical reinforcement and her Mana zone, even if he doesn't know anything about mana over 800 years of alchemical knowledge can't be underestimated

With his other hand, Adam reached out to grab Mereoleona's face, which he had noticed had a thinner layer of mana when he was coming up from the ground

Adam was just about to reach her when her other fist connected with the side of his head making his hurt even more but he just grits his teeth and continued onwards with his action

Then, finally, Adam manages to touch Mereoleona's face, he had managed to come into contact with her unprotected skin

However nothing happened, Mereoleona didn't die in a bloody rain or anything like that but instead, Adam collapsed from his injuries and exhaustion leaving a bloody hand streak down Mereoleona's face

On this day, Mereoleona Vermilion for the first time in her life 'lost' to someone other than Acier Silva

(Author: Now for anyone that is pissed about the fight and it's the conclusion, don't leave nasty comments just leave instead. If you ask me this is the expected outcome, Mereoleona is one of the strongest characters in Black Clover. Let's not mention her experience in fighting, she easily beats Vetto one of the strongest Elves and survives in a battle against 5 Elves at once. You all know how strong Yami is? Well, she is apparently even stronger than him, she is someone you don't mess around with. So I think that the MC, who knows jack shit about both mana and fighting has gotten a pretty damn good result.)

I'm tired so I'm probably going to sleep. Also, I love Mereoleona, hands down one of my favorite characters.

The_Zombie_Ladcreators' thoughts