
Meeting one fierce lioness

Adam's brain short-circuited in sheer shellshock at the person who was standing in front of him, he really didn't know if he was lucky or unlucky for meeting this person

The person standing in front of Adam is a woman with long, wild orange hair, she has very sharp and angular eyes with red ink beneath her eyes, which are a blueish color

Her face is very angular and sharp looking giving off a very wild charm, especially because of the fangs within her mouth, besides that she is quite tall for a woman 178 cm and has quite a defined bust

It's none other than Mereoleona Vermilion, probably one of the most brutish yet badass women to ever exist, she is the woman who got many an Otaku's panties in a twist

"It isn't nice to sneak up on people." Adam quickly got his head into the game, even if he is surprised by the appearance of one of the strongest characters in Black clover a man must be prepared for everything so Adam quickly calmed himself down

"What the hell king of skinning is that!? You are doing it wrong!" Mereoleona apparently didn't care for Adam's comment instead she was more focused on Adam and the poorly skinned boar behind him

It aggravated her when she saw someone not being able to properly skin, gut and chop up an animal corpse, so much so that she went ahead, forcefully took the bloody knife out of Adam's hand and started to skin the boar herself

"Come over here! Watch! And learn!" She yelled out with a weirdly passionate voice as she shot a glare at Adam's direction practically forcing him to come over to her cause if he doesn't he would be in a world of pain

Adam stared in sheer dumbfoundedness at what was going on before he simply shrugged his shoulders and gave up, he should have given up on trying to understand the logic of some people long ago, especially since this is an anime world

So with that admission of defeat, Adam came next to Mereoleona to watch her skin the boar, he has to admit even though he gave up on understanding her that doesn't mean that he won't gladly learn something from her since she is a more experienced and knowledgeable person than Adam when it comes to stuff like this

For the next 5 minutes, nothing was said as Adam just watched how Mereoleona skinned the boar while Mereoleona slowed down a bit so that Adam could see what she was doing

"There! That's how you do it! You got that?" After finally skinning the boar Mereoleona looked at Adam and asked him if he understood what she had done

If it was any other person they would not have understood jack shit, all she did was skin the boar at a little slower pace, you couldn't really learn much from that, thankfully Adam is a fast learner and somewhat understood what she had to do, although it would have been nice if she offered instructions

"Mhm." Adam just nodded at her before he took his cutlass out and started to chop up the corpse so that he could cook it, although he didn't really know where to chop it so there were some trial and error mixed it came time for the cutting

"So what is someone like you doing here?" While Adam was chopping up the corpse Mereoleona asked him about his situation in a very hostile voice, Adam is honestly surprised at how someone can make even a simple question sound so hostile and toxic

'Call of duty would love her if she was in my old world.' Adam thought as he continued to chop up the corpse, he can already imagine her trash-talking to her teammates and opponents and scaring them into submission, even without interacting with her for long Adam can already tell that she is one scray/aggressive woman

"Passing thru here." But right now was not the time for such thoughts, Adam just simplistically replied to her question and continued to mindlessly chop the corpse up

Mereoleona didn't say anything about that instead she just stood there observing how Adam chopped up the body, it seems that his chopping skill at least satisfied her demands, or it just didn't make her rage as much as his skinning skills

It took some time, some trial and error and some experimentation but Adam had finally chopped up the pig corpse into 11 parts which he then stuck on sticks and lay down on a nearby rock

Adam then put some rocks in a circle formation before he took some dry leaves and sticks from the surrounding and putting them in the middle, creating a fire pit

Next, since he was lazy Adam used his scabbard power/trick, which was supposed to be used for combat, and used it to lite the firs while he collected the sticks with meat on them

His created a very strange sight for Mereoloma to look at, she literately saw how a stream of fire, like a stream of water, came out of Adam's scabbard, defied the laws of gravity and flew into the fire pit creating a fire

"So you use fire magic?" Asked Mereoleona as she looked at Adam lighting the fire, usually people would only be able to use basic magic such as creating a stationary flame on their finger unless they have a fire-related Grimoire, and since she also possesses a fire Grimoire sue got interested in Adam's powers

"No," Adam said as he took the sticks with meat and placed them around the now lit fire making it so that they are just above the fire so that they could get cooked nicely without getting burned

"Then what is your magic?" Asked Mereoleona, now she has become curious, she only knows of one magic that allows someone to use more than one element but that's surely not the magic Adam is using

"Why should I tell you?" Adam asked as he adjusted the height of the sticks and turned the meat a bit, he has never eaten wild animals and from what he has heard they are pretty sinewy so he wants the meat to be nicely cooked, besides that he likes his meat well done

"You brat! Don't get snide with me!" That response of his seemed to tick off Mereoleona as she formed a fire claw with which she punched Adam square in than face, this went as well as you could expect and Adam was sent flying thru the air and crashing thru some trees before finally landing in the dirt where he bounced a bit before finally slowing down

Thankfully Mereoleona seemed to have been holding herself back since Adam didn't suffer any injuries, he knows for a fact that with her physical strength she could have easily broken a bone or two but she didn't do that, although it still hurt like hell

'Note to self: If someone tells you that you punch like a girl, thank him for the compliment.' Adam thought as he opened his eyes and felt his body in pain, there wasn't really anything broken but he would probably be a little bruised

Thankfully the pain was definitely not as strong as when he was interrogating the Grimoire so he easily stood up once again, he wasn't really used to being punched since he had never really gotten into confrontations in his past life so being punched like this definitely made him feel strange, although it wasn't the first time he had gotten punched, it made him feel like he wanted to return that punch and get a sweet taste of revenge

Even though he felt like that while he was returning back to the fire he had calmed himself down, thanks in no small part to the philosophy of Father and Hohenheim, and swore to one day do the same to Mereoleona, in his past life he was a vengeful person so will he be a vengeful person in this life

(Author: Imagine his calming down like how Ainz calms down whenever he has an outburst of emotions.)

"That wasn't nice, now I'm even dirtier," Adam said as he came out of the bushed now with his clothes stained with blood and dirt sticking to that blood, while other parts of his body, like his head which was previously clean now, also got dirty

"It's your fault for pissing me off." Said Mereoleona as she huffed and crossed her arms while looking at Adam with suspicious eyes

Usually, unless someone has had proper or was decently strong they wouldn't be able to come walking out of being punched by her just like nothing happened, that's why seeing Adam just walking off her punch confused her, either she is losing her touch or Adam is somewhat strong

Adam ignored her glare or rather he didn't even notice it instead he focused on cooking the meat, he wouldn't want it to get burned which was something really easy to do if you are cooking directly on the fire

After about X amount of time, the meat was finally up to Adam's standard, 11 well-done slabs of well-done boar meat were finally ready

(Author: I didn't know how long it would take for the meat to cook so since I didn't want to misinform you I just put X in there instead of the number.)

Adam went around the fire and collected the sticks with meat on them, some of the meat has gotten burned and charred but it should still be good to eat

"Here." As Adam was looking at his 11 sticks with meat he took 3 of those sticks and handed them to Mereoleora before he sat down and dug in, it was his way of thanking her for the lesson and for not killing him with that punch of hers

Mereoleona was at first dumbfounded before she shrugged her shoulder and also sat down and dug into the meat, she ate it in a very savage way that would definitely not be associated with a noblewoman, grabbing the meat with her bare hands and tearing off chunks of flesh with her teeth

They devoured the food pretty quickly, taking less than 10 minutes to eat all of the meat and the bones, the both of them ate the whole pig, besides the skin and organs that was going to be used later

Problem is Adam wasn't really full, sure he ate over 70% of the boar meat but his body is still not satisfied and craves for more food, it's one of the things Adam finds annoying about his new and improved body

"Huh, that was good. So, where do you live?" Said Mereoleona as she picked her teeth with an impromptu toothpick she made out of a twig, it was starting to get dark and she was wondering if Adam had anywhere to stay at, if he didn't as a repayment for his hospitality she would let him sleep at her cave

"Over there," As Adam heard her question he remembered that he still has food in the carriage so going over there and eating some food would be great, and he doesn't really see the point in not telling Mereoleona where he lives

So as it was getting dark and Adam was hungry he decided to go towards the carriage, or at least towards the place where he hopes the carriage is located

Mereoleona looked at the direction he was heading at and decided to follow him, she will lose nothing by following him and she might as well check out his residence

Within 15 minutes they had arrived at the carriage, the original journey would probably have taken about 30 to 40 minutes but in Adam's absence the horses wandered off and drifted closer to Adam, besides that Adam didn't wander that far off when he was chasing the pig, it mostly went in zigzag patters and curves, so it basically made a huge circle and almost came back to the place where the chase began

"Nice place." Commented Mereoleona as she looked at the carriage being pulled by horses, it really was a nice looking carriage, it's basically a wooden square reinforced with steel bars and plates for maximum security, he also has windows but they are just holes in the wood with metal bars

"Thank you for the compliment, wanna sleep inside?" Adam asked as he hopped onto the carriage, in this world people sleep more or less immediately when night comes and Adam has no problem with that, his sleep is one of the most sacred things in the world for him

Mereoleona just boarded the carriage without answering and also entered into the carriage, it was a nice change of pace for her after being in the woods for months, slamming the door shut behind herself

Now Adam and Mereoleona were alone, in the woods, in a carrige, and if course nothing will happen, Adam sure as hell isn't going to commit suicide by trying to force himself on Mereoleona and Mereoleona sure as hell won't be doing it with a total stranger she met an hour ago, with that being said she has no shame and wouldn't mind if Adam wanted to see her naked

Once the door closed Adam went ahead and opened up a barrel full of fruit that he has stashed in the carriage while Mereoleona inspects the place for a few moments before a sweet smell drew he nose towards it

'This is prime liquor!' She came up to a barrel and sniffed around it, only to find out that it was some of the best smelling liquor she ever smelt, she is definitely going to taste it just not right now

After a few minutes of Mereoleona sniffing the barrel and Adam earing his fill with apples, it was time to sleep, Adam steipped naked and changed his clothes whic didn't bother Mereoleona in the slightens and he decided to sleep on the sole bed in the carriage while Mereoleona made herself comftorable on the floor and slept next to Adam's bed, feminism be damned, the scene would remind someone of a man and his pet dog sleeping beneath his bed

For that night the both of them slept in the carriage with nothing extraordinary happening