
Fated To The Billionaire Prince

"To onlookers I was a perfect girl, so full of life and worth emulating. But deep down I was broken. I needed fixing but each time I would try to fix myself, I fall in too deep. Everything I ever valued in my life kept disappointing me. The men I loved had turned out to be animals. Beer failed me cause I only managed to be drunk for some hours and the next day I would be sober and still face my mess. Most of my friends are wolves in sheep clothing and I would cry myself to sleep hoping to find peace from this depression. I tried to find something that would make me feel complete, that will fill up my life and make me feel a sense of belonging. I was trapped in a closet that no one knew, drowning and no one seems to be helping me out. And just when I was about to give up, I met HIM. My Royal Prince Charming. My name is Katherine Williams, only daughter of divorced parents and this is my story.

DaoistygFAN0 · Urban
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11 Chs

Episode 9

I watch Trevor as he occupied the bed, snoring lightly. He has been off for two good hours and it makes me wonder if he'd had any sleep at all.

I used the opportunity to call Mira and tell her to cover for me that something came up.

After that, I shower and make brunch. It was at this point that Trevor woke up.

"Welcome sleeping beauty"

He rolls his eyes at my statement before giving me a weak smile.

"Why don't you freshen up first, then join me for lunch?" I suggest and he nods.

"I think I have some clothes here" I say and head into my bedroom. When I was dating Gabriel, I bought some clothes that I kept here which he has never worn and I'm pretty sure it'll fit Trevor perfectly.

"Here" I hand him the hoodie and sweatpants and lead him to my bathroom so he could shower while I make the bed.

"I never knew you sell clothes"

"They're gifts from my ex-boyfriend to you. You're lucky it's here otherwise you'd be walking around the house naked"

"Now that's a risk I'm willing to take" he says in a deceptively mocking tone.

"I appreciate your sarcasm" I chirped and exit the bedroom to give him some privacy while I set up the table.

He finishes and joins me a while later and we have lunch together, making small talk here and there. He gives me little details about his journey and how much he missed me. I was smiling through lunch like an idiot.

When we finished, we opted to watch a movie and I made microwave popcorn while he picked out the movie. We settled for comedy and halfway into the movie, I've already laughed out my lungs. Trevor made silly comments that wasn't helping as it only increased my laughter by nanoseconds.

By the time the movie was over, I was already thrashing on the floor while Trevor watched me with a sly grin on his face.

"You are one crazy girl. The movie wasn't even that funny" He comments.

"Of course it was. You're just too serious to get the jokes."

"What's so funny about a clown pranking people in his underwear?

"A whole lot of things. Hater"I sneer trying to get back on my feet but he hovers over me, preventing me from doing so.

Right now I am staring straight into his eyes as the butterflies in my stomach do a somersault.

He inches his face closer to mine and I feel my heart racing. I am in one spot but it feels like I am running for miles. I close my eyes shut when his face gets closer to mine but after a few seconds, I don't hear or feel anything so I open my eyes to see Trevor grinning from ear to ear.

Clearing my throat, I speak up "So this is what it takes to get a smile out of you?"

"At least it was better than the movie"

I hissed and silently hurled insults at him from within myself. So much for watching a movie.

After the movie, Trevor tucks me in bed with a kiss on my forehead because apparently, he has some business to take care of. I won't lie, I was already starting to miss him.

"Thanks for always being there Katherine" he whispered

I smile and as if working on impulse, I inch closer and kiss him softly on his lips. He takes over and deepens the kiss. We pull apart some minutes later, both of us gasping for air. I try to hide my embarrassment but he didn't break eye contact.

"And you said you didn't miss me" He taunts and I hit him playfully.

"Hope you haven't forgotten about our date?" He asks

"I didn't think you'd still want to do that"

"I want to. Everyday, if given the chance" he breathes out.

I am still left pondering on his last statement before he gets up and leaves. I hear him drive out as a smug grin crosses my face.

Trevor likes me?

Am I stating the obvious or am I overthinking more than I should? I mean it's barely a month since we got close and I don't want to read signs that maybe hasn't been in writing yet. Maybe Trevor likes me or maybe he doesn't but that statement isn't something you'd say to someone who's just a friend right?

I fall asleep when I couldn't find answers to my strangled thoughts.


Saturday morning!

I take a shower and pick out an outfit for the picnic.

I settle for ripped jeans and a cropped hoodie and on my feet was a pair of white sneakers. I curl my hair and apply minimal makeup before taking a look at the mirror.

I am almost done applying lipgloss when I get a text from Trevor saying that he's outside waiting for me. I pick up my clutch and take it as my cue to leave. I'm so glad that he hasn't forgotten about our date and wants to make up for those days that he was absent. Very thoughtful of him.

I text the girls that I'll be stuck with Trevor for today as I head outside my apartment.

He looks ravishing just leaning on his car, waiting for me. He is clad in a white tank top and blue pants. Almost like we can both read minds.

When he notices my presence, he walks up to me and places a kiss on my cheeks.

"You look breathtaking" he compliments and my cheeks turn red at an instant.

"You don't look so bad yourself" I can't believe that I get to hang out with this hunk for the rest of today. Am I lucky or what?

"You have me for the rest of today. I made sure to handle everything work related so that we could have today to ourselves" he opens up the car door for me and I get inside.

"That's so sweet of you" I tell him and he smiles before rounding up the car to take the wheel. Once settled, he puts his seat belt on and I do the same.

"You still haven't told us where we're headed for today, Mr mysterious"I tease

"It's a surprise" and that was all he told me before we drove away.

When we arrived at our destination, my curiosity and anxiety had died down a bit. I mean we were on the road for nearly two hours. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that he was trying to kidnap me.

He pulled up in what seems like a farmhouse. A huge farmhouse to be precise and got down to open the door for me.

"We're here" he announced excitedly as I stepped down from the car.

"What is this place?" I asked, stunned at the sight before me.

"Let's check it out. Shall we?". He extends his hands to me and I take it as he leads me towards the entrance.

"Welcome to my Farm Winery" he announced proudly. I can see the glint in his eyes as he stares at my face.

"This is where you make wine?"

"No baby, this is the farm where the berries are planted and harvested. You're here for a tour and I promise you'll love it when I'm done"

"I thought you said that it was still in the planning phase?"

"And it still is. Profits from the other site is added to grow the business over here. Come I'll show you"

I excitedly takes his hands as he walks me through the gate and my eyes almost pops out of their sockets. We are approached by a man who I assume is a worker here.

"Welcome boss"

"Hello Philip" he throws his keys at him "Get the stuff from my car and help me set up."

"Sure thing boss" he replies and quickly disappears as he came.

"Your right hand man?"

"Much more than that. Philip is the Vigneron of this place. He cultivates the berries that are used for what we do"

"Gosh Trevor, this place is amazing. I'm thrilled" I twirl like a little girl as I feel the sun on my face. Trevor watches me, both hands shoved deep down his pockets.

"Let's go?" He takes my hands and we run across the berry fields that are planted side by side. He takes his time to carefully explains how it's planted and picked out to before it's processed.

Next we walk pass a group of people stomping the berries. Trevor explains that it's done to bring out the juice from the fruit. I tell him I'd love to try.

He disinfects my feet and I join in the stomping, enjoying every tiny kiss that was being administered on my feet from the action beneath me.

I ask him to join me and he reluctantly agrees. After playing for a few hours with the berries, I bid them goodbye sadly.

Next, he walks me into his personal work space while I trail behind him. Once Inside, he shows me how wine is being tested before bottling. He also mixes a couple of flavours for me to try and I have to admit that it tastes divine.

"So?" He begins after clearing out his table

"So?" I repeat after him.

"Would you like to have lunch with me?" He asks in calm and soothing voice that riles me up instantly.

"Of course I would. Don't tell me you have something else planned out for lunch?"

The smirk on his face answers my question.

"What do you think?"

I don't answer to that question. So he takes my hands and lead me outside. We follow a narrow path and the next thing I know, we have arrived at a small lake that has been fully decorated. Trevor went all out with this picnic stuff.

In front of the lake, is a wooden table with food and flowers. The sight is beautiful that it almost made me shed a tear.

"Oh my goodness Trevor"

"You like?"

I smile "This is beautiful. No one has ever done something like this for me" I reply truthfully.

"Then I'm glad that I'm the first"

We walk to the table and he pulls out a chair for me to sit before taking his.

We eat lunch, chatting our hearts away. I notice him touch my fingers from time to time. He places feathered kisses on my fingers and doesn't stop to compliment or tell me how beautiful I looked.

Halfway through the dinner, his phone vibrates and he pulls it out from his pockets to stare at the screen. The moment he did so, his facial expression changed.

"Are you okay?" I worriedly ask

"Yes I'm fine"

"Are you sure" I ask again when I notice that his eyes are still glued to the screen. He switches off the phone and smiles at me.

"Yes I'm sure"

"Who called you though cause it looks like you weren't expecting that call" I pressed on.

"No, it's from home."

"Really? Is it about your uncle? How is he now?"

"Everything is fine Kathie. I promise" he reassures me, squeezing my hand gently.

"If you say so" I comment and focused on the meal.

After having lunch, Trevor decides that we should call it a day and head back home. I didn't want to argue with him cause I noticed that, that phone call has put him in an upset mood throughout lunch so I simply obliged.

After bidding the workers farewell, we drive back home. I request Trevor to drop me off at work since the day is still young so I could get some things done.

He apologizes when we arrive at my store and explains that he'll make it up to me.

In as much as I'm pissed right now, I do not show it. I just tell him that I'd see him some other time.

He drives off immediately I step down and as I watch him speed off, somewhere deep down in my hearts of hearts, I know that something is not right and that today is far from over.