
Fated To The Billionaire Prince

"To onlookers I was a perfect girl, so full of life and worth emulating. But deep down I was broken. I needed fixing but each time I would try to fix myself, I fall in too deep. Everything I ever valued in my life kept disappointing me. The men I loved had turned out to be animals. Beer failed me cause I only managed to be drunk for some hours and the next day I would be sober and still face my mess. Most of my friends are wolves in sheep clothing and I would cry myself to sleep hoping to find peace from this depression. I tried to find something that would make me feel complete, that will fill up my life and make me feel a sense of belonging. I was trapped in a closet that no one knew, drowning and no one seems to be helping me out. And just when I was about to give up, I met HIM. My Royal Prince Charming. My name is Katherine Williams, only daughter of divorced parents and this is my story.

DaoistygFAN0 · Urban
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11 Chs

Episode 8

I walk into my office with my face beaming with smiles. I settle on my chair and make a post on my social media accounts before getting ready for the day's work.

Mira and I discuss about some things needed for the shop and I make a mental note to pre order more supplies for the store.

A little bit past noon, I get a text from Trevor saying that he's outside my store and I text him to enter.

"Good afternoon you" I say, giving him a brief hug which he reciprocates.

"A fine establishment you have here"

"Thank you. I know it's not much compared to what you do but at least I'm making a name for myself right?"

"And that's one thing I admire about you Katherine. You work despite having a rich dad who can afford whatever you want. You're not like other girls. You're special"

I don't know if it's what he said or how he said it that has my insides burning but one thing is for sure. Those words really got to me. I couldn't help but smile. This is the first time that someone else apart from my friends and dad appreciate my works.

"Thank you"

"Would you be free this weekend?" He asks and I shoot him a surprised look


"I want to take you somewhere out of town for a picnic if it's okay with you" he rubs his neck nervously

"I would love to"

"It's a date then".

"Of course" I reply before rounding my desk to my chair. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"There isn't much to do actually. It's pretty much in the planning phase"

"So that means you're free for lunch right?" I ask hopefully and he nods.

"Great. Let me wrap things up so we can head out"I tell him whist arranging the files that are littered on my desk.

"Is there a special occasion?"

"Pretty much"

I finish up and instruct Mira on what to do before we head out. We drive straight to Mia's restaurant and park at a space outside her building.

"Your friend's restaurant?" He gives me a cornered look and I nod.

"The girls want to meet you." I breathe out "Sorry for dragging you out here but it was either this or one month in my apartment and trust me, the latter is much worse."

He chuckles. "That bad?"

"Trust me, those girls are not a force to be reckoned with"

We walk into the restaurant and I spot them sitting expectantly waiting for us. Their eyes lit up immediately they see us and I just pray that they don't act like my dad today.

"Hey guys."

"Katherine, we weren't expecting you" Mia speaks up and I feel the urge to spank her.

"Of course you were. Girls this is Trevor" I utter and he waves at them "Trevor these are my girls, Gina and Mia" I introduce them and sit down while they shake hands to get familiar with themselves.

"Hello" Trevor greets before taking a seat next to mine.

"Katherine told me you were hot but I didn't believe it until now" Gina proclaims while Trevor flushed in utter embarrassment.

"I never said that" I shrieked but was quick to add "I mean it's not that you aren't hot but I never said that"

He pushed his face slightly towards me and whispered "At least I'm not the only one that's going to be shy for the rest of the afternoon" before sitting upright, adjusting his tie

I felt hot when his warm breath fanned my neck earlier. I am not supposed to feel like this but I can't help it. This guy is doing so much to me with less effort and we haven't even kissed yet

"So Trevor we're glad you finally pulled through for our Katherine. Believe me she's a handful but she's the best which brings us to the next thing on the list" Mia snapped edging her face closer to him.

"You hurt her and you'll be answering to us" Gina warns giving him a serious look.

"Gina" I caution with wide eyes.

"Joking" she murmured and we all ended up laughing but I knew that she wasn't.

"So are you guys ready for my kitchen party?"

"Yup. Would you like to come?" I ask looking at Trevor "You can be my plus one" I add when he doesn't say anything else.

"If it's okay with the girls"

"It's more than okay" they both chorus and he gave a light chuckle.

His phone chooses that exact minute to ring and he excuses himself to answer, leaving me with the girls.

"Girl, you just hit the jackpot" Mia comments.

"You won the lottery" Gina admits

"We're not dating or anything guys so stop" I roll my eyes at them and they laugh at me making funny noises.

"He likes you and you don't even know it yet. So clueless"

"I don't want to rush into anything. Look at how things ended up with Gabriel? I don't want to repeat the process again" I stated sadly

"Not all Guys are Gabriel. Allow yourself to enjoy the moment. Just go with the flow. Let everything happen naturally and if after everything, he's still not good for you then you can dump his ass but don't be so quick to judge" Gina advises me and I nod

"Since when did you become a relationship expert?"

"Since I fell in love" Gina boasts and I giggle.

"But I thought coaches don't play"

"Doesn't apply to me" she shrugs with a smile.

Trevor walks in and we order our food and have lunch. After lunch, we bid the girls goodbye while Trevor offers to drive me back to work even when I insisted I could call a cab or use an Uber X.

We arrive at work and he drops me off. He leaves after exchanging goodbyes.

I enter my office with a happy and satisfied spirit.




"The number you dialled is currently unavailable."

That's the twentieth time I've called in three days but it doesn't seem to go through.

After Trevor dropped me off at work after lunch, he just somehow disappeared or should I say vanished into thin air. None of his numbers are going through and it's pissing me off.

I'm very annoyed, distressed and worried.

He should've at least called if he wasn't going to be around. I know I don't have any right to him but I thought we were friends. Or was I just imagining everything that happened these past few weeks?

I thought of calling the girls but decided against it. Maybe he's busy.

I brushed off all the wild thoughts and decided to take a shower.

I make myself breakfast after that and get dressed up for work but when I arrived, I couldn't get anything done.

My heart was pounding deep inside my chest and it was almost impossible to ignore. What if he was involved in an accident or something?

And I don't know any of his friends or maybe I never cared to ask. How can I be so reckless about not knowing anything about him, like where he works or contacts of people he's involved with.

I knock off a little late from work. I had to lock up myself for a while before retreating to my house.

When I arrived, I tried his number some more but nothing so I decide to call it a night.

I wake up the next morning to continuous knocking on my front door.

I slide my feet into my flops and head outside to open the door coming face to face with Trevor looking as dashing and breathtaking as ever but that's not helping cause I am as angry as a seagull that woke up on the wrong side of the coral this morning.

"Katherine I..."

I didn't let him finish as I slammed the door on his face.

He pushes it open and walks into my living room making it smaller in size cause it felt like he dominated every inch of this space.

With folded arms, I give him my full attention while he stands there staring at me.

"I got an urgent call from home. My uncle was involved in an accident"

I felt my resolve weaken the moment he said that.

"Is he okay?" I worriedly ask "Are you okay?"

"He's stable and would probably be discharged in a weeks time" he breathes out before settling down on one of the couch.

I sat down next to him and pulled him in for a hug.

"I got really worried" I whisper on his shoulders "Your numbers weren't going through and I thought that something bad had happened to you"

"After dropping you off, I arrived home and that's when I got the news. I took the next available flight. I'm really sorry I had you in knots"

"You could've at least called" I said softly

"I wanted to but I was very occupied to even think straight. I'm very sorry" he apologized and that's when we disengaged from the hug.

"I'm glad everything is fine now"

"Yeah. Me too"

"I'll make you coffee. Looks like you haven't slept at all" I stand up to make my way to the kitchen when he spoke up.

"Thank you Katherine. It feels good to know that someone cares about you"

I felt my cheek heat up "I've got your back Trevor" was all I said before I proceeded Into the kitchen to make him his coffee.