
Fated To The Billionaire Prince

"To onlookers I was a perfect girl, so full of life and worth emulating. But deep down I was broken. I needed fixing but each time I would try to fix myself, I fall in too deep. Everything I ever valued in my life kept disappointing me. The men I loved had turned out to be animals. Beer failed me cause I only managed to be drunk for some hours and the next day I would be sober and still face my mess. Most of my friends are wolves in sheep clothing and I would cry myself to sleep hoping to find peace from this depression. I tried to find something that would make me feel complete, that will fill up my life and make me feel a sense of belonging. I was trapped in a closet that no one knew, drowning and no one seems to be helping me out. And just when I was about to give up, I met HIM. My Royal Prince Charming. My name is Katherine Williams, only daughter of divorced parents and this is my story.

DaoistygFAN0 · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Episode 10

I step into my office and luckily for me, Mira has scheduled appointments with a couple that are about to tie the knot so I am grateful because now, I have something doing to take my mind off the stress of what just happened.

I attend to my clients and fix a fitting with the lady before calling it a day. Next I bury myself into my work and when I was certain my emotions were a bit on check, I open my facebook page an update my status.

It was at this point that a thought occured to me. I know nothing about Trevor, who he is or where he comes from. Okay I know he comes from Florida but that's all there is to it. Nothing else.

And apart from his relatives which he occasionally speaks about, i don't have anything else on him.

So I tap my search icon and typed his name but nothing comes up, just his business page and that's it.

Who is this man? And why is he so mysterious?. I console myself with the thought that maybe he's a private person that doesn't put himself out there but this is the twenty first century and no one likes being mysterious except when necessary.

The more I try to dig into his matter, the more restless and uncomfortable I get. I just hope he doesn't end up being another Gabriel in my life because I am seriously drained.

I knock off late from work and head home but not without calling Trevor. His number is surprisingly switched off. Frustrated, I call an Uber X to drive me home.

When I arrive, I make dinner and serve myself. So much for wanting a boyfriend and having someone to call yours.

Is too much to ask? To be in a stable relationship for once? Everyone is moving on with their lives and I'm just stuck with nothing to call my own.

I clear the dishes after supper and make my way to bedroom but not before checking my phone to see if maybe, he'd sent a text but there was none. Nada, zilch. He hasn't even asked me out yet so I wonder why I'm worried about him. The earlier I admit and stay away, I think the better for me.




I drive straight out of the outskirts of California which takes me approximately two and a half hours to get to my destination.

When I arrive, I slam the car shut and angrily walk towards the door.

I hit it continuously and after few minutes of incessant knocking, the door opens up to reveal Grey, dressed in a provocative lingerie.

This is why I prefer Katherine to her, she doesn't need to do all this to get my attention but Grey on the other hand is a different story altogether.

I push past her walk into the living room and while she takes care of the door. She meets me pacing back and forth in her room.

"Trevor?"She calls as she walks towards me and inch my face closer to hers. I push her away, annoyed that I still have to deal with this mess that mom has written my name all over.

"What's wrong Trev?" She queried despising the fact that she can't get through to me "Is this how to treat your future wife?"

I scoff "Wife? Can you hear yourself? I have told you times without number to stay away from me Grey. I'm not interested in whatever twisted love you have for me" I warn her sternly but she doesn't budge. Grey is one of those many women who tends to get whatever they want, at all cost, no matter the price or troubles they have to go through to get it.

"Listen" she cooed seductively "You don't have to love me back. As a matter of fact, I have enough love to go round for both of us"

"You are sick Grey and I mean literally"

She fakes a shocking expression "And you're only figuring it out now? Trevor, I've made a lot of investments in this twisted little relationship of ours and I won't let it go down the drain"

"I don't love you" I say to her even though I knew deep down that it won't change anything.

"That's not a shock to me Trevor, even to you. Men like you are incapable when it comes to love, women and relationships."

Facing her, I ask "And what's that supposed to mean?"

She enters her mini bar and pours herself a glass of whiskey then walks to the nearest couch and lowers herself on it, deliberately exposing her thighs in the process so I can see all she has underneath. I turn my eyes to the opposite direction.

She angles her head to a side as if lost in thought before staring at me right in the face.

"Whoever she is, does she know?"

The question came like a bomb and I know she's talking about Katherine. I have been very careful so how is it possible that she knows?

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Trevor you and I go a long way back, I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you. I didn't even complain when I knew everything about your secret" she paused and then "Or do you think I'm stupid? That I don't know what you've been hiding? You may have had everyone fooled but not me Trevor. We grew up as best friends, you were the first man I ever slept with and when I thought it was going to end well between us, you betrayed me and now, you're after another innocent woman?"

"Stay away from her Grey" I warn, trying to cover up the fear in my voice. There's no telling what this woman is capable of.

"Not a problem. I'll be more than happy to do as you ask if only you do something for me as well" she gave a sly grin as she walked in circles around me.

"And what could that be?" I ask with furrowed brows

"I want to have a baby with you"

I was utterly speechless. I've known Grey to be desperate all my life but not to this extent.

"A child? With you? Are you insane Grey?"

She touches my chest and trails her fingers down but I stop her before she goes down further.

"A child Trev. That's all I ask"

"Get a life Grey. You're beautiful. And any man will be insanely lucky to have you but I'm sorry it's not going to be me"

"And what about that girl you're leading on? Do you think she'll still be with you after she finds out everything about you? Don't be stupid Trevor" she said with anger laced in her voice.

"My mother may be of the opinion that you're the best decision that she has ever made for me but you're not and never going to be. Don't make me repeat myself. Are we clear?" I bark at her, then turn to make a swift getaway from her apartment but the next sentence shocks me.

"I can't guarantee that I'll keep my mouth shut. So for your sake, I hope this woman is ready for whatever happens"

I open the door nonetheless and make my way to my car.

Speechless, I take the wheels and drive out from her house. My thoughts are scattered and I don't know what I should be scared of right now. Is it about Grey spilling the beans or Katherine finding out my secret?

I don't know where I was heading to but after three hours of continuous driving, I find myself in Katherine's apartment. I step down and knock on her door.

She opens the door rubbing her eyes and I know that I just disrupted her sleep.

"Trevor?" She sleepily calls out. I can see that she's surprised to see me but that's the least of my worries. Her state of dress isn't even helping matters right now.

"What are you doing here? It's late" she stresses out

"I'm sorry for standing you up today, it wasn't intentional and I promise to make it up to you"

She breathes out tiredly "No more promises Trevor. You're just going to end up breaking them and plus our relationship means nothing so you don't have to feel like you owe me something all the time"

"I owe you Kathie. Believe me I do and I love what we both share as well."

"You drove all the way here to say that?" She asks with folded arms.

"No Katherine. I drove all the way here to tell you that I just can't stop thinking about you and also if you would love to be my girlfriend. Let's start there"

She opens her mouth as if to say something but shuts them instead.

"You don't have to say anything right now but I just wanted you to know that I have feelings for you Katherine and I want us to nurture it together"

She gasps "Wow. That's a lot coming from you too"

I smile "I know"

She had this dreamy look in her eyes, and more than anything, I wanted to grab her and kiss her. I've thought about those lips a thousand and one times, and how they would feel, what they would taste like. How it would feel to run my hands through her hair and hold her close to me, her body pressed against mine. I opened my mouth to say something but she grabbed me and kissed me. She took me by surprise, but I melted into it, pulling her closer and kissing her passionately. Her lips were so soft, it sent a need like fire down my body. This moment right here, I'd been longing for.

"I always knew that you felt something for me" I say with pride filled voice.

"Don't get ahead of yourself" she cautions dreamily.

"Yes ma'am" I stare at my watch before saying "I guess I'll be going now"

She thinks for a while before saying "It's late. Do you want to stay here for tonight?"

I didn't think she'd ask me to spend the night with her. This night was suddenly looking promising.

"Are you sure you won't be affected by my presence here?" I asked with raised brows "I can be very annoying if I want to"

"I'm sure I can handle that Trevor"

She walks inside with a smile and I follow suite. After shutting the doors, I make my way to her bedroom.

"Sorry Elle, Trevor will be spending the night here with us"

I wanted to ask who she was talking to but then I follow her eyes and it was fixed on her goldfish. I burst into a fit of laughter.

The goldfish swims into his hideout.

"I guess she's feeling shy"

"Who wouldn't." I take off my clothes and lie down next to her on the bed. She scoots closer into my arms and buries her face in my neck. A guy could get used to this.

"Trevor, are you on social media?"

"No really, why?"

She snuggles closer "No reason. I just wanted to see if maybe you're a private person. Cause I was stunned to find out that you own such a big business and yet you're not on social media. Is that even possible?"

"Well I have a business page so whatever anyone wants to know about me is there"

"I'm glad that you're in my life Trevor. Thank you" she plants a soft kiss on my lips and before I knew it, her breaths became even which meant that she was already fast asleep.

I don't know what I was thinking asking Katherine out but I've come to like her very existence in my life. Somehow I want her close to me even though I know that it's wrong for me to do so. I just hope that she doesn't find out anything and that Grey wouldn't reach out to her because if Katherine finds out about me then everything I've worked so hard to build will be ruined.