
Fate/Hallowed Spring

A fanfiction of Fate Series... In 2042 disasters after disasters struck earth, it is said that the world is ending within a year or earlier. But, humanity wanted to live. And so they were given a chance, a prophecy came from the church. A Holy Grail...No. A Greater Grail is the prize... But there is something wrong.... In this series different heroic spirits from different countries will be shown...

GrayWB018 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 38: Ruler

Date: 21st of May 2042|5:00 PM

Location: Lumeria, Ybalish

*Kusanagi Ken's Perspective*

Ruler, a special class. The Ruler does not belong to the knight or cavalry class. It is a class on its own right. In a Holy Grail War it can be said that it can defeat all 14 servants…

They have many command spells in a part of their body. As the mediator of the war they will intervene if necessary. There greatest task is governing the rituals of the holy grails.

This was how Lein explained what ruler is.

"So they are strong?"

"Very strong… in fact it would be troubling to be against them" Lein replied with a troubled tone.

"So why the hell are you planning to fight a ruler?" I asked

"Just a precaution"

"A precaution?"

"You said earlier…if he is a 'Ruler'" Emilia worded

"I did said it like that"

"So what is he if not a 'Ruler'"

Lein rubbed his forehead with his thumb and closed his eyes

"A Pretender" he said

"Pretender?" even Emilia has no idea what that is

"A secret class… A class that is on par with a Ruler and is outside of the boundaries of a normal holy grail war"

"I am not surprised anymore" This is crazy…

"Too many absurd things are happening in this war" Emilia replied

"Maybe it was the church…I can't give an answer now"

"So…what the heck is a Pretender?"

"If I were to sum it up… They are servants who does not have a proper role or seat in the throne of heroes… There story itself is a huge joke. In other words, they are not the heroes of their own stories"

"That's more confusing"

Lein sighed "In short, they are heroes who became heroes while feigning another identity"

"So that is what you meant by not the hero of their own story?"

"Yes… Like a certain man wearing a bat costume" he said with a hoarse voice "Just kidding. His identity was long known the world so he cannot qualify as a pretender"

"If he did exist" Emilia added

"We don't know maybe he did have a seat in the throne of heroes" Lein shrugged his shoulders "If you still don't get it. Then, Pretenders just like the name itself. They pretend to be someone who is not them… That's all"

"Is there really a servant class like that?"

"There is…and it might be the one that is in this war"

"If they are on par with a Ruler then they are still a threat" Emilia started nimbling on her thumb but Lein held her hand and removed her thumb from her mouth

"I told you to stop that habit of yours"

"Hehe~ Sorry sorry"

"They aren't on par with a Ruler…. They might be stronger than a Ruler"

"Then we do have a bigger problem than the west"

Lein casually sip from the coffee cup "Just calm down for a moment" he said

"So how are you planning to defeat him?" Emilia asked

"We must first find out who the enemy is of course"

"How would we find that out?"

"Philo, come out" Lein called out to Philo and it appeared immediately with its blue light radiating its surroundings.

"Philo, analyze every servants in this country" Philo made a few beep boop sounds like an old robot from the Star Wars

"Can you ask him something like that?" I asked

"Yes I can, though it will take a hefty amount of mana" he sighed

"That's cheating" I worded

"It is not cheating if it doesn't break the rules" He sighed

Can't deny that one haha

"Oh there it is" he reacted after Philo made a ting sound

"So it is like that huh"

"So what did you got?"

"A really interesting conclusion" He smiled

"What is it?" I asked him

He stood up and stretched "I now have a plan that will let us win this war" he declared

"Aren't you too optimistic?"

"Nope. If anything I hate being optimistic"

"That is true, senpai hates idealistic and optimistic people the most" Emilia added

Lein patted her in the head "We should take a rest now, Ken"

"I guess I should… But when would Haruka come back?"

"She will after an hour? She must be resting now"

"I see… Okay… Then I should eat for now" I stood up

"Later Ken" Emilia bid goodbye

"Yeah, see you later" I replied and left the room

———————————Chapter End————————-

Hello everryone!!! I am very sorry for the late upload haha... I had a lot of things going on in my past week so I can't upload new updates.... Anyways here is a new chapter and I hope everyone willl read it!! Take note that the final battle is nearing so please do enjoy!!!

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