
Fate/Hallowed Spring

A fanfiction of Fate Series... In 2042 disasters after disasters struck earth, it is said that the world is ending within a year or earlier. But, humanity wanted to live. And so they were given a chance, a prophecy came from the church. A Holy Grail...No. A Greater Grail is the prize... But there is something wrong.... In this series different heroic spirits from different countries will be shown...

GrayWB018 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 11: The Prophets

Date: 16th of May 2042 | 9:00 AM

Location: Fuyuki, Japan

This is the second time… the feeling of being overwhelmed… the feeling of bloodlust… Aikawa Aiko, she looks like an ordinary maid but I can feel that she is very dangerous… about the same level of Lein-san… The other one, the Berserker's of the West Master never came close to them… Is it because she didn't took me seriously or she is just a cat compared to this 2 lions… Either way the two of them is strong not just strong but ridiculously strong….

Lein laughed "Come on now, Aiko-chan don't be rude to the newcomers."

She sighed in response and said "Come in"

With her permission we entered the so called "Airport"

Inside of the fortress is a lot of… soldiers? Mages? I don't know what to call them… They might be both… but all of them are doing different things. Some of them are maintaining the golems, talking or just idling…

The inside of the fortress is very different from the outside… The place came out straight from a sci-fi movies… white floors, ceilings, white doors with very few designs, and white wall with blue stripes as far as the long hallway… It is really not your typical base…

As we walk to this long hallway, Lein keeps talking about magecraft with Haruka, this and that, the origins of magecrafts, theories, etc… there voices filled the hallway… and for a few minutes of walking… we stopped in front of a door…

"We have arrived" Aikawa-san said in a nice tone

"Ah we have arrived" Lein repeated

Aikawa-san stared daggers at Lein

Lein laughed it off "I am just kidding Aiko-chan, if staring kills you would have killed me a dozen times"

"Like you would die easily" she replied

Lein laughed again "HAHAHAHA I guess you are right"

"Come on lets go in"

We entered the room it looks like a typical business office… a guest chair in front, a round table in the middle, a working table near the window, a round mat, and a tall male in formal suit greeted us…

"It is nice to see you again, Lein" he greeted

"Yep yep, nice to see you again, Professor" he greeted back

"I assume these 2 are the lady's guest? Am I correct?" He is speaking in a somewhat butlerish Italian accent.

"Full points for you, Prof." Lein praised him "Then let me introduce them, Kusanagi Ken and Kisaragi Haruka, I guess they are the missing pieces on the lil lady's puzzle"

We bowed in Lein's introduction

Lady? There is another one?

Haruka tugged my shirt "Ken, can that guy be trusted? I trust Lein but.... I don't know about him…." Haruka whispered to me

I see… If Haruka doesn't trust the Prof. then we should be cautious to him for now…Haruka's intuition is too accurate that you can say she can somewhat predict the future…

"Got it… For now watch out for him…" I replied

Haruka nodded

It seems like the Professor and Lein are talking about somethings, Aikawa-san offered us a sit, she gave us snacks and drinks…

"Is this fine for you?" she asked as she offer us desserts

"Cookies?" Haruka asked

"They are cookies with premium chocolate chips" she replied

Haruka took them and ate them, I just told you to be careful.... Well she is a servant right now so I guess she ha some decent protection.

"Do you trust him?" she suddenly asked

Him….. Lein? Or the Prof.?

"Who?" I asked

"Lein" she answered

I don't really trust Lein… just like what I said yesterday… I don't know who the real him is… it feels like I should trust and not trust this guys… Conflicts keep coming as I was thinking of an answer…

"I trust Lein" Haruka answered "He is my little brother after all" she added

Aikawa-san's face didn't change as if she is expecting the answer…

"You are right… You should trust him…" she replied to Haruka's words

Trust him? When the 2 of you are ready to kill each other earlier… no actually when you are ready to kill him earlier… then you say we should trust him?

"You can trust on him but don't rely in him too much… because the only person he will never betray is the Lady" she added

Again with the lady….

When I was about to ask, Lein came walking towards us

"You're done?" Aikawa-san asked

"Yep. Thanks for entertaining them while I was gone"

"No need. I am only doing my job" she replied, she bowed and walked away

She is a true maid...

"Anyways, so how about we go to the city I mentioned earlier?" Lein asked

"Theeeeeee… Ciudad of… Montana Cristo?" Haruka asked while stuffing her mouth with cookies

"How did you even mix all of that up?" I asked

"I don't know where you pulled out that name, Haru-nee"

She drank the remaining tea and replied "The name is really confusing"

"HAHA I know I was also confused at first… Well anyways we should be going there"

"When will we arrive?" I asked

"In a few minutes after the preparation" he answered

"That's quite fast isn't it" I replied


I suddenly realized and stood up "WAIT…. MINUTES….. AS IN MINUTES!!!! NOT HOURS? DAYS? AS IN MINUTES? SIXTY SECONDS?" I shouted

"Ca-calm down, Ken you surprised me" he replied

"Is this for real?" I asked again

"What kind of plane are we talking about" Haruka asked "Jet? No since bullet trains exists does bullet jets exists too? Or are we using a rocket?" She asked with sparkling eyes

"HAHA I don't know how you are able to think such things Haru-nee. But anyways we are going there now"

Haruka and I prepared immediately, we once again walked the long pathway following Aikawa-san and the Prof.

After a few minutes of walking we arrived is a large glass panel, in there we can see different types of golems, mages training, etc… We walked for a few more and arrived in what looks like a….. Submarine? With tank wheels? Wait? What is this?

"Is this a submarine?" Haruka asked

"I guess" I replied

"Well it is indeed a submarine but we are not diving underwater" Lein answered

"A submarine is for underwaters right?" I asked

"Yup, but not this one" He replied "Introducing the MK. I Nautilus, a submarine that can travel through the hidden sides of this world"

"Hidden sides?"

"Yup though I am not sure about the term but I call it hidden sides, anyways we will be riding this submarine to arrive in there in a few minutes"

I can't still believe that we are riding a submarine….

We remained standing there as the other workers were doing somethings… Maybe they are tweaking somethings or something… The workers are busy and Aikawa-san and Lein are just standing near us

"You can go in now" A worker shouted

"Ya'll hear that? Let's go" Lein said in an energetic voice

"GOOOOOO" Haruka followed

This 2 are really siblings…. And it is also confusing who is the older one….

——————Chapter End——————————-

I finally reached the 11th chapter!!! As many of you knows this is a fanfiction for the Fate Series, I am a huge fan of Fate one of the biggest reason for me creating this novel, I just hope that the readers will like the story, Oh and if you have some servant ideas skills, noble phantasm and appearances their nationality can you please comment them? I want to see some servant ideas from the readers and I might add them in the future. Once again thank you for reading!!!

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