

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

 Chapter 6: Meeting the Red Faction(3)

- Master, who were these servants? - asked the question, a man dressed in exquisite medieval clothing.

A priest was standing in front of the iconostasis, praying with his hands together. Probably to clear his thoughts.

- The assassin, his name is Jack the Ripper. And the other servant... I don't know.

- Is he really the same as Saber?

- Yes. I did not recognize his true name. - said Shiro briefly. - He is an anomaly in this war... the seventeenth servant who should not have been here. We need to find out who his master is.

- I'll send my pigeons to check the whole town. If he is in Sighisoara, they will surely find him. - With these words Semiramis summoned her familiars.


At night in the woods near Yggdmillennia Castle, a young man dressed in a tuxedo walks.

- The battle has stopped, it seems the berserker reds have been defeated. - Ciel said, yawning. - Jack, start gathering information, don't attack anyone without my orders.

"Got it," she said through the mental link and dashed off toward the battlefield.

It's funny, the Reds lost their berserker, and now the scales have changed a bit. Now I just need to gather information about the black faction, and that's the end of my work here.

The young man, stopped where he was, and looked at the trees...or rather, at the one running in his direction.

A girl dressed in beautiful green clothing, with cold sharp eyes that contained a beastly glint. And also green-golden hair, with cat ears and a ponytail.

She doesn't look like she wants to fight me... is it more like she's leaving the battlefield? Well, then, I'd like to talk to her.

- Let's talk. - he said in an instant as he stood in front of her.

- No." She answered briefly, jumping back with three arrows from her bow.

Ciel dodged them easily, and with a jerk reached her and struck her in the stomach, which she defended herself against with her bow... but, the blow was too strong, and unable to withstand such force, she flew into a tree. As she slammed into it, she lost all the air in her lungs. Laughing, the servant in front of her said:

- Ha-ha, you blew me off so fast, you know it hurts.

Archer red quickly regained her breath, and stood up, pulling out her arrows ready to fire her bow at any moment. Her eyes were cold, indicating that she was ready for battle.

- Attack, servant!

- Attack? What for? I thought I said I wanted to talk. Or don't you understand human speech? - Ciel's face lit up with a smirk. - I'm sorry, but I don't know how to translate that into animal language.

- I am not an animal! - In anger, Archer shouted and released her arrows.

He dodged them easily, and when he was ready to counterattack the archer, a chariot with a man with green spiky hair walked beside him. And stopped beside the archer.

- I see the black faction wants to be destroyed immediately.

- Is that what you think? Unfortunately, I just came here to talk.

- We have nothing to talk to you about. - I'm not sure we have anything to talk to you about.

- As you heard, we have nothing to talk about. - The red rider seconded her words.

Archer looked like he was going to attack me right now, but the rider on the other side...is he having fun?

- Ha ha, you're funny. And yet let me ask the rider.

- If you can beat me, then ask me. - He came at me with his spear. Before the encounter, Ciel's clothes changed to his combat clothes. Instead of a tuxedo, he wore his tunic, and thigh-length armored boots.

Ciel dodged the spear attacks and kicked the rider away with a leg kick. But it didn't have much effect.

- Sister, leave him to me. - He turned to the girl with the cat ears. She, unhappily ticking her tongue, agreed to his request. - Hey servant, where are your weapons?

- Oh, my gun? What do you need it for?

- You will die now if you do not draw your weapon. Though I don't care... For you will fall, at my hands, whether you have it or not! His words were saturated with pride. He didn't doubt his victory for a second. The smile that showed his self-confidence spread across his face.

- As you wish.

After a short answer, a black sword appeared in his hands, he was already ready for battle. And it didn't take him that long. The red rider jerked in front of the black servant and the battle began. The forest filled with the sound of cracking and clanking iron. Neither was inferior in dexterity.


- Sister, leave him to me.

How many times I told him not to call me that, and yet I responded with a nod. This servant in black is very agile. Perhaps even faster than me. What's not normal is that his fighting style is strange. He doesn't have the right posture at all, and the way he holds his sword... It's like he's playing around. That's what makes me sick, and he called me an animal. I'm going to kill him for sure.

The fight between Achilles and the servant in black had been going on for a minute, but it felt like an hour. Neither one yielded to the other, one attacking the other blocking. Time after time.

"Atalanta, you need to leave. " said the priest through the mental link.

- Got it.

It's time to go, this servant has held us up too long.

- Ryder, we have to go.

- All right, sister. I'll see you later, black servant.

- Sure, but before I go, I want to ask one question.

- All right, but then I'll ask you a question, too. - Achilles answered him.

The servant in black in front of us hesitated for a moment and nodded his agreement.

- What class are you from? We've already met your Seiber. So you can't be him.

This question worried not only the rider, but also the servants of the red that met with him.

- Ha...ha...Ha-HA-HA! - he started laughing out loud, as if he'd heard something very silly. - Of course I'm a saber!

His smile, said it all for him. He thought we were fools, not understanding even such a simple thing. And yet, he was very strange... It was as if he didn't look like himself.

- Okay, now it's time for my questions, isn't it...

He held back a short pause; his smile was gone, replaced by the face of a coldblooded man. The aura around him changed from playful to very cold.

- Have you seen your masters?

- Of course. - Achilles answered.

- Really? Then why does your caster as well as your assassin call him a master?

Suddenly he began to press on, his eyes seeming to distinguish the lie from the truth. And there was only one thought left in my head. "Can we lie to him at all," there was only one answer in my head... an absolute no.

- Strange, you must agree, you haven't seen your masters. Strange indeed.

After all, all mages are selfish, greedy, and ruthless. Their pride, their... their vanity corrodes their whole being! So they cannot, therefore, not meet with something like... a servant.

Every word he said was filled with a different emotion. He did not allow us to comprehend everything, he pressed on more and more, not allowing us to control the course of the conversation.

- Do they really just not want to see you? We didn't think about it

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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