

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

 Chapter 5: Meeting the Red Faction(2)

- Could it be that the black faction only sent two of its servants here. - A smirk appeared on her face. - Perhaps your masters are fools.

- Don't you dare insult my mother!

- Mom? - Semiramis was a little embarrassed. - You won't get out of here alive anyway.

Magic circles appeared near Semiramis, and the chains broke out of the circle and rushed toward us. Jack dodged them easily, simultaneously reducing the distance between them. She moved nimbly across the space, flinging her knives.

- The speed of the red assassin seems to be inferior to hers. Doesn't it?

- You're right... but not all assassins need to be fast.

- I agree, but are you sure you can fight me one-on-one, Father? - Ciel's words had a touch of mockery in them.

- Of course. - the moment he finished speaking, black keys flew at the tuxedoed servant.

After dodging them, Ciel immediately went into a counterattack. But, again the keys flew at him, dodging each of them, he again wanted to shorten the distance between them...

- "Set," Shiro cast a spell.

At the same moment, all the keys that Ciel dodged stopped in midair and a magic circle appeared beneath them, shooting it back at Ciel at high speed.

- Shit!" The surprise factor took its toll, and two black keys plunged into his left hand.

Quickly shortening the distance, Shiro kicked the servant in front of him into flight, throwing the keys after him. As he landed on his feet, Ciel quickly dodged them.

- "Set," the spell cast again worked and the keys again rushed to pierce the servant.

- I won't fall for it a second time..." he took the keys out of his hand and fended off the rest.

- "Sigh," you know, I'm sick of it already. - was the only thing Shiro had time to hear.

For immediately the words were followed by black keys, which the servant threw with all his might. The priest managed to dodge it, but it left a cut on his cheek. But what happened next was much more surprising...

- "Set," Ciel cast the spell, and the keys stopped in place and darted toward Semiramis.

- Wha...?! - at high speed the keys slammed into her, and she fell to her knees.

Taking advantage of the moment, Jack pounced on her, and when she was ready to plunge her knife into her heart... "Clang" Jack's knife was brushed aside by Shiro's black wrench. Realizing she'd missed her chance, she immediately increased the distance between them.

He's very dangerous, this Kotomine Shiro. Even after I used his spell, he quickly calmed down and managed to save his servant. Should we... kill him right now? No. It's dangerous, we're in their territory now, who knows when another servant will arrive. We've been here too long, we have to leave...

- Jack, the master commands you to go back.

- Okay. - She said something unhappy.

We had already turned around and were ready to leave as...

- Where are you going... running away from the battlefield. - out of the queen's last pride, said Semiramis with blood in her mouth.

- "Sigh" just in case... hag, what makes you think we're running away if you can't even stop us?

In an instant, the entire building was covered in a suffocating aura of hatred and bloodlust. The red assassin was in utter confusion... wondering if she could defeat this servant in such a state.

- Really, I don't think we can stop you if you decide to leave here. - Unlike the assassin, Kotomine's voice, as well as his appearance, didn't even waver.

Seriously... this guy seems more dangerous and dangerous to me. I've let out so much bloodlust, and he hasn't even moved. But there's something I need to know...

- Kotomine Shiro... my master wants to know what you desire? - Ciel's cold voice inspired danger.

- What am I wishing for? - He looked at Ciel in surprise and quickly returned his soft smile. - I, wish for salvation... the salvation of all mankind. And what does your master wish for?

His words were filled with determination, and his eyes burned with faith in his convictions.

- I think he wishes the same thing.

- Then...?!

- "Horse, horse! My kingdom for a horse! " Interrupting Shiro's words, a man dressed in fine medieval clothing came through the door.

- Huh? Master, is the queen all right with you?

- And you can't see the caster, we're in the middle of a battle right now.

Finally he noticed us and turned his gaze to us in surprise.

- Looks like we have to go. - turning around to the entrance, Ciel was leaving.

- Where are you going...? - Before Semiramis could finish, Shiro stopped her.

- I hope we meet again. - with a smile, the priest escorted the servant away.


A black-haired young man was walking in the woods, and a little girl was walking beside him. They looked like father and daughter, or so it was supposed to be...

- Mommy, where are we going?

- We're going towards the black faction. We need to talk to them, too, and gather information. Speaking of information, did you get their names?

- That poisonous woman with the chains is called Semiramis, and the red saber didn't give her name... but, I remembered his master's name, his name is Shishigou Kairi.

- Well done, good job. - Ciel stroked Jack's head, praising her efforts. It is a pity, of course, that we did not learn the name of the Saber, but we did learn the name of the Red Assassin. The Wise Queen of Assyria, Semiramis, the oldest killer of venom. "Sigh" is a serious adversary.

- Mom, we have a question.

- Forward.

- Why did you come to church? We could have done it ourselves, couldn't we?

- Ha-ha, of course she could. - stroking her head again, I burst out laughing. - Jack,

I know you're strong... but I didn't go there because I didn't believe in you. But because I was curious to talk to him.

- With him? You mean the priest? - she had a look of incomprehension. - You were on guard with him.

- This Kotomine Shiro is dangerous... he's hardly an ordinary man.

- What are you implying, Mother?

- He's definitely a servant, or on the same level. And also the feeling when he looked at us, his gaze... he probably used some kind of skill. Jack looked at me, not understanding what was going on... though no, I don't think she cared.

Nevertheless, he used the skill, and I am sure of it. Since no outside influence has happened to me...

- Jack, are you all right? Don't you feel sick?

- No. We're fine, because we have our mother with us. - Smiling childishly, she snuggled against my leg.

So she's fine, then all I can think of is a skill that doesn't cause direct harm. He looked at us like he was learning something... The skill of revealing the true name comes to mind. Although... It may be any other skill, but intuition tells me it's most likely the skill of revealing the true name. I think too much about it, I have very little information... I don't think we should rule that out.

And if that's the case, then either the skill is his personal... but more likely, it's his class skill. «Sigh» there is a high probability that he is a ruler. And also, the caster of the Reds, called him a master... He's got two servants, maybe he's got all the red faction's command spells except for the saber... «sigh» the probability of such an outcome is of course small, but you still need to be prepared for everything.