

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 7: Meeting the Black Faction

There were three servants standing in the woods, not a single sound ... such silence lasted for almost a minute. Until it was ended by the red rider.

- Don't talk nonsense. - He said in a calm voice, turned around and called his chariot with a whistle.

- Whatever you say. - Ciel said with the same unchanging smile.

- We'll meet again, Saber!

After shouting to me, he flew away with the archer.

Still, I learned what I wanted to learn. I was very lucky that their rider wasn't the only one here. He's too calm... it's hard to get information out of him. Which is more than I can say for this cat-girl. Thanks to her, I confirmed my hunch...

Kotomine Shiro, indeed, is the master of almost all servants of the red faction. Also, this red rider is very strong. A little more, and I would have had to reveal my phantasm. Now...

- It's time for me to go to my meeting with the black faction.


- Ruler, shouldn't we join forces? - The servant on the horse asked.

His face was pale and his eyes were as cold as ice, with dark bags beneath them. He was dressed in dark royal robes. His whole appearance said he was a king. His cold gaze, made anyone he looked at shudder.

- I refuse. I am a ruler, and I have already said that I will simply watch the battle of the holy grail war being waged.

Lancer of the blacks merely hummed in response, and was about to leave when the black archer raised his bow and drew the bowstring and shot it into the tree, where it whistled through it. Lancer was about to ask why he did it...

- Uh-oh, did you see me? - The young man standing on the tree trunk said in a playful tone.

With an easy leap, Ciel went downstairs. And began to slowly study every servant here, and their masters.

The archer's bow was pointed at the servant in front of him, ready to fire at any moment. The rest of the servants also had their weapons ready, watching the young man's actions.

- So, why did you come here?

Lancer radiated an overwhelming presence, and his gaze was as cold as ice. But the young man in front of him didn't waver, only a hum in response, he said...

- Why, can't I come meet with my faction?

- So you, our assassin... I see.

- Exactly. I am an assassin of the black faction, Jack the Ripper.

After the words of the servant, who introduced himself as Jack the Ripper, there was a short silence. Which was ended by the lancer on the armored horse.

- I'm glad you came. Let's go to my castle and talk things over there.

Lancer's words were not a suggestion, but rather sounded like an order.

- Thank you for the invitation, but I will, alas, decline.

And once again there was silence, and it was obvious that some of the masters were surprised and the servants were wary. No one said a word, only the cold gaze of the servant, in royal attire, studied the assassin before him.

- Hey, what took you guys so long? А? Who's that? - A girl with pink hair appeared.

She was dressed, in a light armor. There were black bows on her head, and her hands were in the stone, like handcuffs... All the heavy atmosphere, disappeared somewhere.

- He's our assassin, Jack the Ripper, - the Archer's master answered her.

- Ryder, get back to the castle at once! - suddenly cried out a woman with glasses. Who seemed to be her master.

She quickly shortened the distance, and found herself in front of Ciel.

- Are you really Jack the Ripper? My name is Astolfo, one of Charlemagne's paladins. Pleased to meet you.

Suddenly approaching Ciel, she began to introduce herself to him, seemingly missing her master's words.

- Oh, yes... me too. - Ciel replied in confusion.

It was extremely unexpected, what was wrong with her? She just showed up and revealed her true name? That's ridiculous...

- Ryder, get away from him.

- Huh? Why?

One glance from the lancer was enough to make Astolfo quickly return to her seat.

- So, why don't you want to follow us to the castle? - he followed the assassin closely, to get some information.

- Don't get me wrong. - Ciel spread his arms in dramatic fashion, and continued. - As you know, I killed my old master, and now another man is my master...

Every servant and master listened attentively to his explanations.

- And my new master, like myself, wishes to cooperate with you to achieve a common goal. The destruction of the Red Faction.

- I see, so you and your master agree to fight with us side by side. But where is your master? - The mage next to the lancer asked.

- I can't say that.

- Then why should we believe you? - With a frown, Darnick answered sharply.

The atmosphere of the conversation heated up again. Everyone once again waited for the young man's answer.

- *Sigh*... You all want to cut your throats. - The eyes of the assassin glistened with cold. - If you are so smart, then, and you answer me... Why should we trust you? Did you kill a Berserker and force a contract with him. How do I know you won't do the same with us?

The conversation was not going the way Darnick had expected. There was a suffocating feeling in the air... That a battle was about to begin. Sweat trickled down the masters' faces, no one expected that a servant in the minority could exert such pressure.

- We're not going to force you into a contract. - Lancer answered the question.

Unlike the masters, not surprisingly, none of their servants even flinched.

- And still, my master will not meet with you.

- Then, what kind of alliance are we talking about? - Lancer took over the negotiations. Since, Darniсk was unable to resist the pressure of the assassin.

- It's simple. We have a common goal, we must destroy the red faction before we start a war for the possession of the Grail itself. - In an instant, all the pressure in the air disappeared. - Therefore, my master suggests, unite only to fight the red faction.

- That is, you want to act separately. But in the event of a battle against the Reds, we will be on the same side. - Lancer quickly understood what the servant in front of him meant, and closed his eyes and immersed himself in his thoughts.

The lancer's contemplation was short-lived, as he opened his icy eyes again. He turned his gaze briefly to the assassin, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

- I agree.

- I think at this point our negotiations can be considered successful.

They exchanged a slight nod of agreement, and the black faction left for their castle. And Ciel headed for the exit of the forest.

Yes, so this Lancer is Vlad III himself. Vlad III Tepes, the legendary Prince of Wallachia, also known as Dracula... The bloodthirsty vampire.

In this war, he is definitely one of the strongest servants. Because of his legend, he should have been drafted as a berserker. But it seems that the fact that he was drafted in Romania played a part in his being called as a lancer... as king of these lands.

"Is he that strong?" - Jack asked me through the mental link.

"Yes. Called to his native land, a servant becomes much stronger."

"Mom, how much longer are you going to go along with them?"

For a moment I looked at the two people with whom I was walking together toward the exit of this forest. A teenage boy who is a homunculus with the heart of a heroic spirit. And... A blond girl dressed in armor. Her eyes were an amethyst color that was absolutely pure. Not to mention her beauty, which hardly seemed real.

"Mom, are you listening to me?" - Jack said to me as I thought about my companions.

"I think it will be soon."

- Excuse me, but I would like to ask you a question. - said the blond girl.

- Yes, of course. How can I help you?

- Who are you?

- I've already introduced myself, I'm a black assassin, Jack the Ripper.

- No. You're not him... I'm asking who you really are.

At her words, Ciel stopped. In an instant, there was a deadly silence in the air...

What did she say? Could it be that she saw my servant status... No. If she really saw it, she wouldn't ask me... Then how?

Ciel could not understand how the ruler knew that he was not who he claimed to be. He tried to understand, but nothing came out. His eyes took on a cold gleam.

- How did you know? - his voice was commanding, and his countenance became stern.

The maiden saint, sensing the threat, raised her standard and was ready for battle. But the battle, never began. The pressure coming from the tuxedo-clad servant quickly disappeared, but his face was still serious.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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