

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

 Chapter 4: Meeting the Red Faction(1)

In the alley of the church, under the moonlight, stood a tanned young man with white hair like silver and dark golden eyes. He was dressed in his priestly robes, with a golden cross around his neck.

- What happened, Master? - A beautiful woman appeared behind the young man, wrapped in a dress "dark as midnight," which exuded a pleasant fragrance.

- I just got a report... The Red Master has already arrived in Romania. The action is about to begin. - Turning to face her, the young man replied.

- The enemy is waiting for his time.

- Yes, there's no more time to wait ... our war, begins now.

They both looked at the blue moon that illuminated, with its light, this bottomless night.

- What?" said the priest in a surprised voice. His eyes widened with surprise and embarrassment.

- What's wrong, master?!

- It's... There's another servant..." The young man's voice was slightly surprised, and he soon calmed down.

- Another servant? But how could he show up, he's not the rudder?

- I don't know... the helmsman has already been drafted into this war, so it can't be him. Still, it's weird... looks like we've got more problems.

The priest turned his gaze to the moon, and seemed to be thinking about who the new servant might be who had responded to the will of the Grail.


"The Return of Jack the Ripper? "

Last night, under cover of night, when nothing seemed to suggest danger. Fifteen people were brutally murdered... All of them were men with previous convictions or on the wanted list. Some of them had committed serious crimes, such as murder, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Others were caught in petty thefts.

Forensic examination showed that all the victims had had their hearts cut out. The murder weapon is considered to be a rather large knife. The law enforcement authorities believe that the reason for the massacre was an internal struggle between criminal gangs.

This morning their bodies were discovered after a call from a man who identified himself as Ciel. The identity of the caller has not yet been established.

- I wonder... how did they figure it out?

In the train carriage a young black-haired man was sitting at the window, with a newspaper in his hand, which seemed to cheer him up. His clothes consisted of black slacks, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. And next to him, leaning her head against his lap lay a white-haired girl who was covered with a gray jacket.

- Mom, is something wrong? - Jack yawned, probably awakened by my words.

- No, it's okay. We'll be arriving in Sigishoara soon. - Wiping the drool from her face, he replied.

Sighisoara is a Romanian provincial town northwest of the capital Bucharest. It is the closest town to Triphas outside the influence of the Iggdmilleni clan.

If the words of that magician were true, the red faction was stationed there. After signing the contract with the assassin, we buried her past master, and set off. Thank goodness the bandits Jack killed had money.

Through the open window a strong, soft wind was blowing in my face. And I could also hear the siren that warned of the approach to the Sighisoara stop.

- Well, it's time to go out... Jack go into spiritual form.

The Assassin switched to her spiritual body and disappeared from view. Ciel took his jacket and stepped out of the carriage.

"Mom, where are we going?"

- Church.

"What? Why? Are you going to pray? "

- No, I'm not praying. I need to talk to the red faction.

As we chatted, the people getting off the train looked at me like I was crazy. I guess it was my own fault, though.

"Mom, can we kill them? "

- No, if you destroy them, they'll know we're here.

I'm not the only one who seems to be pissed off by these flying pigeons. They're probably familiars... we have to be careful, or they'll spot us.

Ciel walked in the direction of the church to meet the red faction. And yet on the way he decided to stop and pick up a few things, viz.

"Gloves? "

- Yes, the gloves...

"But, why do you need them? You look good without them. "

- Thanks for the compliment, but I didn't take them for beauty. I need to hide the command spell underneath them. - There was a black pattern on his hand, the image on it resembling a cross.

"Mom, we're hungry. " As if on cue, I heard Jack's belly rumble.

- Then let's start by going to some diner and get something to eat.

And so we went to the nearest cafe, but ... people still did not stop throwing suspicious glances in my direction.


The church, which was located on the hill, is now used by the red faction as a base. It is a tall church with a famous staircase with a dome, which is said to contain one hundred and seventy-two steps.

With a creak the door opened and a black-haired man, with a slight smile on his face, entered the church. He walked toward the pew looking over the church decorations, and the man that he was wearing was a priest's vestment.

- Hello, you seem to have come a long way. - greeted the priest.

- No, I didn't have a long way to go. - Ciel answered, sitting down on a nearby bench, putting one foot on the other, and resting his hand on the back of the seat.

- So, what brings you here?

- Why else would you come to church, unless it was to pray.

They looked into each other's eyes, not one of them looked away... and yet, the feeling of tension in the air rose with every second.

- Of course..." the priest said with a smile. - My name is Shiro Kotomine. I am, as you have already understood, a priest, and the overseer of this Grail War.

- Well, now that you've introduced yourself, I'll tell you my name, too. My first name is Ciel, no last name. I'm just a regular magician.

- It's a pleasure to meet you, Ciel. So what brings you to Sigishoara?

- The War for the Holy Grail.

- Well, that's a pity... but I think all the servants have already been drafted. That's why you won't be able to take part in this war.

- Really? Too bad... But, I'd be glad if you weren't looking at me so intently.

Kotomine's face did not change, but ... in his eyes there was surprise with apprehension, and probably a decision.

- It looks like I have to go. Bye. - With these words Ciel stood up and went to the door.

This guy's not easy... it's time to get out of here. I've learned everything I need to know. However, whether I can get out of here...

- Nevertheless, I would like to know why you came here... Servant. In an instant, chains came out from all sides and grabbed the black-haired servant. Next to him materialized a servant... who could only be described as an incomparably beautiful woman.

- You came so brazenly, into this place, and you thought you could just walk away without paying for it with your life. - There were tinges of anger in her calm voice.

- Ha-ha-ha! Well, what are you talking about. Me? Thought I could just walk away? - he burst out laughing from the bottom of his heart.

- What's so funny?!

The Assassin of the Reds was infuriated by this behavior of the servant before her. He was shackled, and still he laughed. Even the queen of Assyria herself ran out of patience with this.

- Oh, you...?!

The moment Semiramis wanted to stab the servant in front of her, a little whitehaired girl appeared and fended her off with her butcher knives.

- Of course I knew I couldn't get away with it! - Ciel's face was covered in a big smile

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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