
Fate Cultivation: I Have A Full Level Of Divinatory Skills

Very Fun Novel

NovelLover1423 · Eastern
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Er Divination, Body without Blame and Words

[What goes around comes around, what goes around comes around]

[It's changing the outcome of misfortune]

"Misfortune and Fortune depend on each other, let's just look at it

go to the matchmaker's office, and you'll be instructed to "Fortune".

"Wedding Matchmaking Center?"

Seeing this place, Zhao Huai subconsciously froze.

This Wedding Matchmaking Institute was an organization that represented the ancient government to perform marriages between men and women, and there were many matchmakers in it who specialized in introducing people to marriages, also known as official matchmakers.

In other words, in today's words, it was a place for matchmaking and introduction.

Er divination, body without blame words.

This trigram is from the Book of Songs, the meaning is also very obvious, is to let him prepare for the wedding.

Zhao Huai instantly smiled bitterly.

A hot-blooded young man in his early twenties, he actually had to go on a blind date?

But thinking about it, he let it go, just go, it's not like he's going on a blind date, he's going to avoid trouble, purely as a way to see the world.

At the same time, a blue light disappeared from the coin into Zhao Huai's mind.

This meant that a new fortune had been added.

Filled with anticipation, Zhao Huai checked up on the blue glow, and after the star points dispersed, a line of words emerged.

[Dragon Seeking (Lower Yellow Grade)] : Seek the dragon and split the gold to see the entangled mountains, one entanglement is a barrier, those who obtain this fate will have a mind as clear as a clarified one, it is difficult for ghost walls to enter, and they will never lose their way.

"Hiss, it seems to work and it seems to not work is what's going on."

Zhao Huai muttered in a low voice.

He had divined all the roads, which woe and which blessing, and he ended up divining a fate that was looking for a road?

But what was congratulatory was that the [Hong Luck Dangdao] had really taken effect, in the past, to come up with a yellow character fortune, I'm afraid it wouldn't be that simple.

Taking a look at the streets with very few pedestrians, Zhao Huai didn't linger any longer and grabbed his way to the Wedding Matchmaker's Office.

The location of the Wedding Matchmaker's Office was in the northwest corner of Jinzhou City, situated in the streets of the rich merchants.

There were many rich people in this area, so it was an area where matchmakers were extremely active.

When a marriage is concluded for these rich merchants, the commission they can take will be several times higher than that of the common people.

At the entrance of the wedding matchmaking office, a matchmaker, who was no more than sixty years old and wearing a purple jacket, with a little gray on top of her head, was about to pull on the red lacquered flower door.

Just now the government issued a notice, inexplicably to control a day, business is not good, don't mention how disturbing.

"Today a marriage has not been made, and have to thank the customers, really bad luck!"

Purple jacket matchmaker broken chattering read, a bias head effort, the corner of the eye actually appeared a silhouette.

The silhouette was wearing an ink-colored tunic, although the fabric was not flashy, but it was spotless, with an indescribable nobility.

Accompanied by more and more close, finally can see clearly looks, actually is a handsome gentleman.

Smile on the face of the self with a wisp of diffuse flavor, hands and feet are revealing the four words elegant and easy-going.

This internal but not convergence of the breath, so that the lookout experience is not shallow purple jacket matchmaker heart have a hunch.

This is a big fish.

"This gentleman looks like a talented man, he came to the marriage matchmaking center for his life's work, right?"

The Purple Coat Matchmaker's face was piled with smiles.

Such a handsome gentleman would surely be liked by many of the great ladies, if the negotiation came to fruition, wouldn't he himself be rich, such an opportunity should definitely not be let go.

"Eh there's no rush, I'll take a look first."

Zhao Huai touched his nose and pretended to be calm and cloudy, as if he was an old bird who had been in the battlefield for a long time.

Even if he had been a man for two lifetimes, this blind date thing, that was something he hadn't experienced in two lifetimes!

Besides, he was only here to avoid the wind, how could he really go on a blind date?

He'll just look around and get over it.

Zhao Huai couldn't help but comfort himself like this.


The purple-zipped matchmaker smiled as she invited Zhao Huai into the mansion, and then incidentally closed the door.

Zhao Huai himself didn't even know how he was invited to the table in the living room and then flipped through the portraits on the album page by page.

Before looking at it, the matchmaker even made a point of asking about the conditions of Zhao Huai's family.

"What are the conditions at your son's home so I can explain."

Zhao Huai thought for a moment and said a small amount.

"Three hundred square meters of houses, one hundred acres of fields, carriages and frames, and a pawnshop business, the family's wealth should be more than enough for a thousand, not to mention over ten thousand."

Although the words are so, but Zhao Huai in the secular money, should be only more than less, alone his warehouse of gold and silver jewelry, can be compared to a two rivers basin of rich merchants.

Mainly, it was useless to have too much money in the secular world, just enough to get by, his purpose was mainly cultivation, so he wasn't interested in messing around with money.

"It seems that the conditions of the male son are still good."

The purple jacketed matchmaker was secretly pleased after hearing this, she really had a discerning eye, this male in front of her was really a big fish.

Only then did she feel relieved as she pointed to the album and introduced it page by page.

"Sir, look, this first one, a famous artisan's family lineage, wide femur, full-bodied, the child raised this way will definitely be smart!"

"Eh forget it, a little too plump."

Zhao Huai looked at the rounded cheeks on the drawing and revealed an apologetic smile.

"What about this one, with big breasts and a full waist, her family is prominent, she's a great lady, she has a rich businessman father, but she has many suitors."

Zhao Huai's finger rested on his chin, pondering, "This one looks too old."

"She definitely meets your requirements, her age is similar to you she has long legs and a curvy butt, her father had passed the examination as a official, and now she is an official."

An official? That's bad! Marrying into the family, isn't this tripping yourself up?

If he really wanted to choose, he wouldn't be able to choose this, not to mention that he was just taking a look.

Zhao Huai directly shook his head and gave his answer.

"Can't afford it."

Next, the matchmaker introduced over a dozen women of different styles and family backgrounds, including their conditions, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.

But they were all rejected by Zhao Huai for various reasons.

When encountering a guest like Zhao Huai, a normal person should have gotten discouraged and then flung their face at him.

However, this matchmaker wasn't discouraged at all, and instead looked energized as she once again pulled out a large stack of pamphlets and slammed them in front of Zhao Huai with a "snap".

"There are actually so many?"

Zhao Huai said in dismay.

After a while of seeing so many women and being dazzled, Zhao Huai was also considered to have gotten a better understanding.

It turned out that there were so many girls who couldn't get married and were waiting for matchmaking.

It was said that in ancient times, the words of matchmakers and the orders of parents were the main thing, but from his point of view, this marriage matchmaking center could be much better than the introduction of parents.

The purple jacket matchmaker smiled and explained, "Your Excellency doesn't come here often, it's normal that you don't know about it, besides women, men we also have corresponding picture albums here, they are all brought here by the elders in their families, and they all want to find the best one, so the marriage matchmaking institute has collected the directories of unmarried men and women in Jinzhou included, as well as the nearby states and counties, in order to let the lovers to be happy together, and to find the best another one. one."

"There are also often women or gentlemen who squat here looking through the albums for no reason, just waiting for a person of destiny, and when the time is right, the Wedding Matchmaking Center will send a matchmaker to notify them of the marriage proposal, and everything will come to fruition."

Hearing this, Zhao Huai nodded slightly, and had a deeper understanding of this profession.

"Then what exactly does the gentleman like, so that I can look for the gentleman na."

Seeing that after so many introductions, this gentleman was still indifferent, the matchmaker was also a bit helpless.

But Zhao Huai was clearly here to pass the time and avoid the evil, and with such a warm recommendation from the matchmaker, he was also embarrassed.

He was like one of those white whore watchers who only looked but didn't buy.

Zhao Huai thought, why don't we just pick one to talk to and pass the afternoon, and then we can use the unsuitable excuse to pass.

So he hardened his head, pointed at a woman who was still quite presentable, and softly said:

"How about this one?"

The matchmaker's gaze was quite surprised and said, "This one, although her looks are more agreeable, a small family girl, but in terms of conditions and character, they are not as good as the ones before, she's average."

That would be great, it's not good to reject it if it's too good.

Zhao Huai secretly said.

"This one then."

(End of chapter)