
Fate Cultivation: I Have A Full Level Of Divinatory Skills

Very Fun Novel

NovelLover1423 · Eastern
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: A Misconception

At the same time, in a courtyard of the marriage agency.

Only cold light flashed and sword shadows filled the sky.

A woman was wielding a sword inside, her moves were harsh and fierce.

The woman had a white gauze skirt embroidered with plum blossoms, and with the silver dress, it was as if a cold plum in the snow had come to life, with an additional flavor of coldness, described as fragrant mist and cloudy temples with plum shadows moving.

"General, the people tracking down have blocked the entire Jinzhou City."

A beautiful looking maid bowed to the woman in front of her.

The sword-wielding back stopped, and one could see a head of ebony hair smooth and straight down, the side of her face was absolutely beautiful, her skin was like white snow, and her clean collarbones looked as fine and smooth as sheep's fat.

It was only that pair of sharp danfeng eyes that made people look away.

The woman's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, her red lips gently opened, "Who do I think it is, but it's just a Lang General of the Sixth Grade, who dares to look for trouble from this palace."

The beautiful maid thought deeply and was also indignant.

"Yes, although the general has been disarmed to return to the field, but on the surface, at least His Majesty's pro-appointed princess of the first grade, these rotten shrimp how dare to wantonly, if it is not behind someone, afraid to give them ten guts also dare not it."

"Could it be His Highness the King of Qin? But he is Her Highness's brother."

The woman held her sword in silence, her eyelashes fluttered slightly, hearing the words of the maid, as if she remembered something, memories flooded her heart, her eyes dimmed, she put away the sharpness of her body and sighed:

"It's just, father emperor ascended to the throne, the great summer was first established, the heyday has just begun, it's a busy time, I won't add to the chaos for him, try to find out clearly, don't scare the snakes,"

"Also, since I have retired, I don't need to call myself a general anymore."

The woman turned her head and said calmly:

"Also, have you found a suitable candidate?"

The beautiful maid gently nodded: "Found, according to the requirements of Her Highness the Princess, found a Lang Sheng who still looks good, should be here in the afternoon."

The woman put down her sword, sipped the tea on the table, and said to herself, "I will live in seclusion, and find a man of my choice to marry, so I can be accountable to my elder brother and father, although I, Yu Qinghan, don't like to compete, I'm not a person who is at the mercy of others either."

On the other side, Zhao Huai followed the matchmaker to an elegant room and just slowly sat down.

The matchmaker smiled and answered, "Then sir, please wait for a while, where is the girl you want to meet, I have already notified down, their elders, after hearing sir's conditions have also agreed to meet, however, they have to wait for a while, at the moment, every place in the city is sealed off, to come over, it still takes quite a bit of effort."

Although the city was already under control, but with power in the family, it was inevitable that they would be able to take some special passages.

Zhao Huai nodded slightly and also expressed his understanding.

The matchmaker went out after explaining, and Zhao Huai's ears were cleared.

The tactic of meeting in person was always useful, at least one wouldn't hear the marketing chatter of the matchmaker.

But he had to think ahead of time how to reject this girl, after all, he was quite good at cultivating peacefully on his own, how would he have the time to take care of another person?

Anyway, he also had nothing to do, Zhao Huai took out the golden copper coin in his arms and scrutinized it carefully.

The origin of this coin was amazing.

On the first day of his escape, exhausted, he slept for a night in a dilapidated temple in the suburbs.

When he woke up the next day, he found a golden coin in his pocket.

The furnishings in that Taoist temple were still fresh in Zhao Huai's mind.

In the past three years, he had also revisited the same place once, wanting to know what the secret of this coin was, but that old Taoist temple could no longer be found.

After thinking about it, Zhao Huai threw the coin in his hand, wanting to see if things would go as smoothly as imagined if he stayed here.

[Misfortune or fortune, let's just see].

[Trigram 1: My fair lady, gentleman's good martial arts, you have a marriage in front of you, whether or not to say yes, will be married to the door, you get the instructions is "Misfortune".

[Trigram 2: There is no woman in your heart, draw your sword and nature God, make good plans to refuse, the instruction you get is "Fortune"].

"Looks like I made the right choice."

Zhao Huai saw the result in front of him and revealed a smug smile.

Almost at the same time, a blue glow vanished into his mind.

"Ever since I had [Hong Luck], the chances of this bursting out a Fate are really high."

Zhao Huai couldn't help but lament.

This fate was the trigram that he sat on his hands and chose not to marry, so it popped out, right?

[Taoist Mind(Black Grade Top Class)] : The mind remains lucid and clear, unable to harbor heart demons, and the cultivation speed of the Yuan Spirit and Spiritual Energy is slightly increased.

 [Do you want to absorb the Fate?]

"Absorb it for me."

As soon as Zhao Huai's words left his mouth, a ray of coolness immediately vanished into his brain, causing his mind, sea of consciousness, and bright platform to become very clear.

He also became more sensitive to the grass and trees around him, as well as various silent scents.

This was because his mind perception was augmented by the [Dao Mind Quite Fixed].

"This is a destiny that maintains the Dao Mind, enhances mental strength, and can also get rid of the interference of heart demons, not bad, not bad, just right for my current situation."

At this, Zhao Huai was very satisfied.

The Qi Practicing Realm was the level where one absorbed the spiritual qi of the heavens and earth, strengthened one's spiritual power, and improved one's physique by cleansing one's marrow and changing one's meridians.

Although with his current cultivation, he was still a step away from the Foundation Establishment Realm, and was far from encountering a Heart Demon, with this destiny, he was considered to be prepared.

Together with the [Taoist Mind], now he was considered to have five practical Fates.

Zhao Huai divided himself into three categories according to the types of Fates.

The first category was martial arts, such as [Light as a Swallow] [Beginner Swordsmanship] [Taoist Mind], all of which were considered to be cultivation.

The second category is the chi type, this [Good Luck] counts as one, is considered a newly developed type.

The third category was the backup type, and the type that Zhao Huai had the most headaches with, this type of destiny usually looked very ribald, but you didn't know when it would work.

Just like [Dragon Seeking], you really don't know what it's good for other than finding the way.

But it was a shame to break it down.

  The Fates on Zhao Huai's body in his mind could be decomposed, and the purpose of decomposition was naturally to use it to upgrade other Fates, like the [Beginner Swordsmanship ], a Yellow Grade Fate, which was upgraded from [Good Use of Swordsmanship].

"Knock knock."

At this time, a knock came from outside the house.


Zhao Huai said in a loud voice.

A young boy in short brown pushed the door in and reported with an arched hand, "My lord, Granny told me to inform you that the person you're waiting for has arrived."

Zhao Huai nodded and asked one more question, "Where is she then?"

A helpless look appeared on the young boy's face as he explained, "The officials came and wanted to search the mansion, Granny stopped them and is theorizing."

"I see."

Zhao Huai suddenly dawned on him and understood what the matchmaker was doing, if they let the imperial guards in, wouldn't the business of the marriage matchmaking office go down the drain?

Marriage Matchmaking Offices like this are also organizations set up by the government, it's fine if they implode, if it's a commoner they wouldn't dare to stop them.

Soon, Zhao Huai followed the boy through a courtyard full of peach blossoms, straight into a corridor, both sides of the closed door of the room.

Three big words were written on the plaque in the corridor - "Peach Blossom Garden".

"My lord, this is the place."

The young boy reached out his hand to indicate.

"Walk straight through and turn the corner to the third room, Gongzi don't get it wrong."

"Got it."

The young boy finished his explanation and then left.

Zhao Huai walked to the end of the corridor, two more columns of rooms appeared in front of him, and his gaze went to the third wooden door.

Zhao Huai pushed open the door on the right and stepped into the compartment, lifting the beaded curtain in front of him with his hand, and what came into his eyes was a screen printed with a picture of a cold plum and snow scene.

Before the screen, there was a pair of brocade soft chairs with a square wooden red table, and on the table there was a set of glazed tealights that flickered.

Inside the house, there is a wisp of white smoke that is not pungent, Zhao Huai looked down and saw that it was a burst of fragrance from the incense burner.

The plum shadow on the wall was moving, and it was actually a beautiful woman coming.

(End of chapter)