
Fate Cultivation: I Have A Full Level Of Divinatory Skills

Very Fun Novel

NovelLover1423 · Eastern
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Chapter 2 Strange Search

Zhao Huai hurriedly checked up on that light in his head.

[The Black Ring is a symbol of great fortune, all things are auspicious, a good start.]

[Good Luck (Top Grade Earth)] : Gaining a large amount of luck to add to your body, the probability of getting a fortune increases, the quality rises, and you can change the outcome of your fortune and misfortune once a day.

"There's actually a new Fate?!"

"This Fate Figure looks unusual, it's actually an orange-colored Earth Grade, this is still unprecedented, the first time an Earth Grade Fate Figure has been brushed out!"

Zhao Huai was quite surprised and said.

Whenever he threw the copper coins to divine misfortune and fortune up to a certain number of times, another function of the coins would be triggered.

Absorbing Fate Frames and changing one's fate against the heavens.

Only this Fate Frames? It was as mysterious as a blind box, each time it came out with a different grade, and the additional effects were also different.

Copper's fate is divided into seven grades: Human, Yellow, Black, Earth, Heaven, Emperor and Immortal with lower, medium, top. The human grade is the lowest, and the immortal grade is the highest.

This [Good Luck] fortune should be the best fortune he had gotten in the past three years.

Zhao Huai had definitely not gotten many Fates since he had gotten the Golden Copper Coin, with very few of them being useful and most of them being useless.

The three Fates he was using were:

[Body as Light as a Swallow (Medium Human Grade): excellent stance, agility rises, your speed is different from normal people].

[Beginner Swordsmanship (Top Yellow Grade): a keen love of swordsmanship, the efficiency of practicing and repairing swords increases by a small margin.]

[Hard Worker (Black Top Grade): hard work and perseverance, plowshares without end, your speed of cultivation is three times that of the average person.]

[Body as Light as a Swallow] and [Beginner Swordsmanship] are good to understand, they are both about martial arts aspects of the destiny, they can increase the small buffs, although it is a drop in the bucket, but it is better than nothing, right?

Inside, Zhao Huai felt that the best one to use had to be this fortune called [Hard Worker].

The Hard Workers, as the saying goes, are people who are tireless and diligent, generally referring to hard-working people

On a snowy night a year ago, Zhao Huai happened to meet a young scholar who was going to the capital to catch the examination, because it was too late in the day, the inns were closed, the other party found the door of the pawnshop, hoping to stay for the night.

He saw that the scholar was not a bad person, and after receiving instructions from Fu, he took him in.

This [Hard Worker] destiny came with it.

It was because of this triple cultivation bonus that Zhao Huai was able to spend three years cultivating all the way up to the ninth level of qi cultivation, which was a long way away from building the foundation.

That was why he was extraordinarily attached to this newly acquired [Good Luck].

[Do you want to absorb the Fate?

Seeing the small words appearing in his mind, Zhao Huai didn't hesitate a bit.

"Absorb it immediately."

Blazing, radiant light blossomed for it in his mind, and orange light instantly filled the entire consciousness.

Suddenly, a strand of invisible potential tugged at Zhao Huai's body, causing him to be jolted.

Zhao Huai felt as if something did increase in his body, but he himself couldn't see exactly.

Because this thing, qi luck, is shadowless and intangible, cannot be seen, cannot be touched, and can only be experienced slowly.

"Good Luck can increase the probability and quality of getting Fates, which means I can get more Fates?"

Zhao Huai frowned and pondered, "It's this change of fortune and misfortune that isn't very clear for now, is it a direct change to the divination results of the copper coins?"

He temporarily suppressed his doubts and checked the contents of the ring.

It turned out that there was nothing else inside except a thick roll of parchment, an ancient sword, and a bottle of elixir.

The words on the parchment were obscure and hard to understand, and it was unknown what kind of medicine was contained inside the potion, only this ancient sword was still sharp and bubbling with ghostly light.

These three things did not look too stunning, really some blow to his excited passion, had thought that there would still be some old grandpa out, and then no matter what amazing feats and treasures.

"For these three things to be called symbols of great fortune, it shouldn't be that simple, right?" Zhao Huai said with a suspicious face.

If he hadn't seen the results of the copper coins, he would have wondered if it was a rollover.

"Hurry up! This way!"

"Check for me!"

Suddenly, the "rustling" sound of a belt colliding with a sword came from outside the pawnshop.

With his cultivation, Zhao Huai's ears were incomparably sharp, and he instantly heard the commotion outside the house.

"It seems that the people from the government office have arrived."

Zhao Huai said gruffly.

The big man had said before that the city was conducting a strict investigation of those who had come to Jinzhou in the past three years, as well as black households, the purpose behind this was unknown for the time being, and if they were really here to hunt him down, then he himself would have to take measures to deal with it in advance.

With the Golden Copper Coin, is it not simple to turn misfortune into good fortune? Moreover, his own cultivation level was at the ninth level of qi cultivation, and he hadn't encountered any opponents in the secular world for the time being.

Between the slightest movement of his mind, Zhao Huai once again threw the golden copper coins in his hand.

"There's a soldiers looking for me outside the house, how should I act at this time?"

"Come on, give a precise message."

[Misfortune and fortune, let's just see it]

[Trigram 1: auspicious day, outside the Peach Blossom Garden, you've been instructed to be "Fortune".]

[Trigram 2: The house is in danger of war, fear of chaos, if you stay at home, you get the instruction "Misfortune".]

"In that case, then go."

After reading the results, Zhao Huai put away the copper coins, closed the warehouse, and decisively left the house.

On the originally lively and bustling streets, there was an extra team of armored soldiers with swords, causing a large number of people to look at them one after another.

The equipment of these soldiers was very elite, fish Lin armor with long swords, driving away the crowd on the street.

There was no one among the populace who was not afraid, and one by one, they could only brush up their sleeves and hurriedly leave.

"Such a big battle? Who is this to arrest?"

"I don't know! Hurry up and leave!"

"I heard through the grapevine that it seems to be investigating new registrations and black households from recent years, could it be that some great thief has escaped to Jinzhou?"

"Hisss, if a murderer escaped here, it would be a disaster!"

Zhao Huai was in the middle of the crowd, listening to the crowd's discussion, and kept thinking in his head.

Are these soldiers with armor here to arrest themselves or not?

Based on previous experience, this is a bit of a mob now, isn't it?

In the first year when he fled south, the passing searches were many and strict, after all, the new dynasty was very concerned about his whereabouts as a remnant of the former dynasty.

But in the later years, the number and quality of people decreased year by year.

The people who were dispatched changed from soldiers to some petty officials who were searching the area, and they didn't care about him as much as they did before.

When Xia was first established, everything was in a state of flux, so naturally there was no effort to care about him, the dispensable crown prince of the old dynasty.

Now, however, the pursuit was once again back to the level of the first year, which seemed strange.

It didn't look like they were arresting themselves.

"No matter what, it's always right to avoid trouble."

Zhao Huai shook his head and stopped thinking about it, since staying in the pawnshop was a curse, there was no way he would gamble on it.

"How am I going to escape this search? There has to be a place to go."

Zhao Huai was in trouble, so he once again picked up a golden copper coin at his waist and tossed it.

[Trigram 1: Go to the marketplace, and you will be instructed to "Misfortune"]

[Trigram 2: Going to the teahouse, your instruction is "Misfortune"]

[Trigram 3: Go to the Drunken Flower House, your instructions are "Misfortune"]

Trigram 10: Go to Wine Alley. Your instructions are "Misfortune."

"Damn it, damn it!"

Zhao Huai had thrown coins ten times, and all of them turned out to be Woe, which meant that Woe could not be avoided.

Dare I say it was not safe for him to go anywhere.

This kind of situation had also occurred before, and one had to make a solution to change the woe by getting the results.

However, he quickly calmed down and suddenly remembered the new fate he had just obtained.

Zhao Huai clenched his fists and said defiantly:

"Hey yo, I still don't believe it, unleash [Good Luck] and changed the outcome of the Misfortune and Fortune once!"

Along with the copper coin, it leapt in mid-air again and flipped over.

A new trigram was displayed in front of him.

(End of chapter)