
Fate/Blank Slate

What happens when Eden finds himself in another universe altogether? Will he rise up and survive this dangerous world or crumble from all the danger. ————————————————————————————————————————- I’m new to writing fan fiction but I just had to do it. I got an amazing idea and had to share it. I’ve seen few fate fan fiction that I like most usually go into having harems and all that stuff. I just want to enjoy the stories and world that owners of these characters have made while integrating my own. Go easy on me on the comments pls I only own my OC the rest of the characters aren’t mine.

Pandapasta · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

The first light of dawn began to filter through the windows of the room, casting a gentle glow on the walls. Lancer, ever vigilant, stood by the window, his gaze fixed on the growing light outside. As determined as he can be, he turned to his master, Eden.

"Eden," Lancer's voice was gentle but persistent as he approached the bed, "time to wake up, Master."

Eden stirred from his slumber, rubbing his eyes and yawning."Lancer? What's going on?"

A hint of amusement could be seen dancing in his eyes as he replied,"I thought we could go for a walk in the city this morning. Get a good view of the place before everything gets intense."

Eden blinked as he looked outside and back at Lancer. "A walk? Now?"

Lancer nodded his red eyes earnest. "Yeah. The city's quiet now, and it'll be a chance to unwind a bit before things go south with the Holy Grail War right around the corner."

As Eden sat up, the weariness from his sleep began to fade upon mention of the Grail war. "You're right. A walk isn't such a bad idea."

Lancer offered a small grin and handed Eden his clothes. "Get dressed. I'll meet you outside."

Within a short while, Eden was ready and headed to the front door to meet up with Lancer. On the way, he caught a glimpse of Kirei praying but paid it no mind, he was a priest after all.

As he stepped out, the sun's rays illuminated the surroundings, painting quite a serene image. The city, usually bustling with activity, was serene at this hour.

Lancer materialised before him and led the way, guiding Eden down the hill and through the winding streets of Fuyuki. They walked past quaint shops and historical landmarks, with Lancer offering occasional pieces of information about the city's history. As they reached a slight elevation, the city's panorama unfolded before them, stretching out towards the horizon.

Eden's gaze swept over the cityscape, a mixture of awe and contemplation in his eyes. "It's hard to believe that all this will soon become a battlefield."

Lancer's expression turned somber as he nodded. "War changes things. But for now, let's savour this moment. Take in the view and the peacefulness."

They stood in silence, the city's heartbeat gradually becoming more palpable. The distant sound of birdsong mingled with the soft rustling of leaves, creating a symphony of tranquillity.

After a while, Eden turned to Lancer with a grateful smile. "Thanks for suggesting this Lancer. It's good to have a moment of calm before the storm."

Lancer clapped Eden on the shoulder, his voice carrying a touch of reassurance."You're welcome. We'll, face whatever comes together. But for now, let's enjoy the peace."

After a day of sightseeing, Lancer and Eden made their way towards the church. The air was tinged with a sense of impending dusk, and the tranquil atmosphere they had enjoyed earlier in the day began to shift. As they walked, Eden's gaze wandered to a nearby inn, its warm light spilling onto the streets.

"Lancer," Eden began," what if we consider finding other accommodations for the nights ahead? Staying in the church is practical, but something tells me we might need to be more discreet."

Lancer nodded in understanding, considering Eden's suggestion. "You have a point. It might be safer to avoid drawing unnecessary attention."

Their conversation was suddenly shattered by a swift and stealthy movement from the shadows. Before Eden could react, a figure clad in Japanese attire materialised before him. A gleaming blade in his hand, the intruder lunged, aiming a deadly strike directly at Eden.

Instincts kicked in, and Eden barely managed to sidestep the attack. Lancer's weapon already in his hand, his eyes locked on the intruder. "Who are you?"

The attacker, who bore the visage of a fierce and enigmatic warrior, " No time for pleasantries I am Assassin, and I've come to claim you're life."

Lancer seeing no point in continuing his interrogation parried assassin's strikes as he was attacked with astonishing precision and speed. Lancer's spear clashed against Assassin's blade, the clash of metal reverberating through the air. Eden, unarmed but resourceful, dodged and weaved the attacks aimed at him, his heart pounding in his chest.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Lancer's voice rang out, "Eden, find cover!"

Edne spotted a nearby alleyway and darted toward it, seeking refuge behind a stack of crates. He knew he needed to think fast, assess the situation, and come up with a plan to not only counter but survive Assassin's assault.

Lancer continued to engage Assassin, the two Servants locked in a fierce exchange of blows. "Eden when I give a signal, make a run for it!"

As the battle raged on, Eden's mind raced. He remembered the teachings Lancer had given him, the strategies and tactics for facing different opponent's. The moment Lancer's battle cry rang out, Eden burst from his hiding spot, sprinting down the alleyway toward the safety of the main street.

But Assassin was quick to react, pursing Eden with uncanny speed. Just as it seemed that all hope was lost, a bright flash of crimson light erupted from the shadows, temporarily blinding Assassin. It was Lancer, utilising his noble Phantasm to strike down Assassin creating an opportunity for Eden to escape.

Seating the chance, Eden ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding with adrenaline. He sprinted back to the main street, where the church loomed in the distance. With each step he could feel the presence of Lancer behind him, protecting his retreat.

Finally reaching the safety of the church's entrance, Eden turned to look back, his breathing heavy. Lancer emerged from the darkness, his eyes locked in the direction where Assassin had been a mere moments ago.

"That was too close," Eden panted, his voice a mixture of relief and lingering tension.

Lancer nodded, his gaze serious. " He survived my Noble Phantasm. We'll meet him again, we need to be more vigilant."

As the two of them stood there, the fading light casting a somber hue over the scene, Eden couldn't shake the realisation that the Holy Grail had taken a darker turn.The encounter with Assassin had been a clear reminder that danger lurked around every corner, even as the city was bathed in the dying light of day.

Unknown to both of them. A man dressed in a black tracksuit with golden blond hair and crimson eyes stood imposing in the distance. His eyes surveying the scene before him. His regal presence seemed almost out of place amidst the somber surroundings.

His eyes landed on Eden as he was engaged in conversation with his servant. Eden's demeanor was focused, his expression determined as he discussed their strategy. His lips curled into a knowing smile. Eden's presence intrigued him, a curiosity that beckoned exploration. And as quickly as he appeared he was gone.