
Fate/Blank Slate

What happens when Eden finds himself in another universe altogether? Will he rise up and survive this dangerous world or crumble from all the danger. ————————————————————————————————————————- I’m new to writing fan fiction but I just had to do it. I got an amazing idea and had to share it. I’ve seen few fate fan fiction that I like most usually go into having harems and all that stuff. I just want to enjoy the stories and world that owners of these characters have made while integrating my own. Go easy on me on the comments pls I only own my OC the rest of the characters aren’t mine.

Pandapasta · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 3 LANCER POV:

Amidst the ancient trees of the forest, Lancer and his master, Eden, pressed forward in their journey. Lancer's gaze, though guarded, held a certain curiosity as he observed Eden's movements. Past encounters with mages had left Lancer cautious, yet a glimmer of intrigue had taken root. Eden, for his part, was aware of the gaps in his own memory, an enigma both he and Lancer shared.

Lancer's memories of betrayal and manipulation by mages colored his perception, making it difficult to lower his guard. He had seen firsthand the darkness magic could wield, and those memories shaped his wariness.

"Eden," Lancer's voice was tinged with caution, breaking the silence between them. "Mages have brought suffering upon many. Why should I believe in your intentions?"

Eden's expression reflected a blend of empathy and determination. He knew that some of his own memories were missing, yet he was confident in his chosen path. "I understand your skepticism, Lancer. I want to prove that magic can be harnessed for good."

Lancer's grip on his weapon eased slightly, his eyes searching Eden's face for any hint of deception. The knight sensed a sincerity in Eden's words, but his past experiences still lingered.

"Words are easy," Lancer replied, his tone cautious. "It's actions that matter. I've seen lives torn apart by mages who craved unchecked power."

Eden nodded, his gaze steady. He was aware of the gaps in his memory and the reasons behind them. "I believe that actions are the true measure of a person. I've walked a different path because of my own experiences."

Lancer's scrutiny caught a flicker of something deeper in Eden's eyes, a vulnerability that mirrored his own. The realization that Eden was grappling with lost memories added a layer of complexity to their interactions.

With a measured nod, Lancer conceded, "I'll give you a chance, Eden. But know that my trust is not easily earned."

Eden's smile held gratitude and understanding. He was aware that his past was a puzzle with missing pieces, and he appreciated Lancer's willingness to extend that chance.

"Thank you, Lancer," Eden replied. "I'll strive to earn that trust with my actions."

As they ventured deeper into the forest, both Lancer and Eden carried their shared secrets—the scars of past betrayals and the missing fragments of Eden's memories. The path ahead was uncertain, yet there was a growing sense that their intertwined destinies held the potential for redemption and understanding.


Lancer and Eden advanced cautiously through the streets of Fuyuki, their destination clear in the distance: the church that housed the elusive supervisor of the Holy Grail War. The air was thick with anticipation, and Eden's heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and unease.

Lancer's watchful presence was a steady reassurance, his sharp eyes scanning for any signs of danger along their path. With each step, his lithe movements guided them through alleyways and side streets, taking advantage of the city's hidden passages.

As they drew closer to the hill that led to the church, Lancer's voice, a quiet murmur, reached Eden's ears, "We're nearing the location, Master. Stay vigilant." Eden nodded, his senses on high alert as they approached the ascent.

The church, perched atop the hill like a sentinel, seemed to beckon to them, its spires reaching for the heavens. The identity of the supervisor remained a puzzle, adding an extra layer of tension to their mission. Lancer's keen instincts were evident, his body poised for any potential confrontation.

Before they began the climb, Eden's attention was drawn to Lancer's information displayed on a holographic panel. The data illuminated Lancer's impressive abilities and hinted at the unique connection they shared – a telepathic link that fascinated Eden and piqued his curiosity.

With a momentary exchange of thoughts, Eden felt Lancer's consciousness brush against his own, their minds connecting in a way that transcended the physical world. Through this connection, Lancer's calm guidance flowed effortlessly, bolstering Eden's confidence.

As they prepared to ascend the hill and approach the church, Eden understood that their journey was only beginning.

As Lancer and Eden made their way up the hill toward the church, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. Eden's gaze shifted toward Lancer, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Lancer, I've been wondering... is there more to your abilities than what's in the information?"

Lancer's expression softened, his eyes meeting Eden's. "Indeed, Master. My abilities are not limited to the physical realm alone. I possess the capacity to take on a spiritual form, a form that exists beyond the material world."

Eden's eyebrows raised in surprise. "A spiritual form? What does that mean?"

Lancer's voice held a hint of ethereality as he explained, "In my spiritual form, I can interact with the spiritual and astral planes. It allows me to traverse barriers that the physical world cannot contain. This form is particularly useful for reconnaissance and subtle interventions."

Amazement and realization dawned on Eden. "So that's how you've been able to navigate the city so skillfully, using hidden paths and avoiding detection."

Lancer nodded. "Yes, my spiritual form grants me insights that extend beyond what the physical senses can perceive. It is a gift that I bring to our partnership, one that could prove invaluable in the battles ahead."

As they continued their ascent up the hill, Eden couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of awe and respect for his Servant. The mysteries surrounding Lancer were unraveling, revealing depths of ability that went beyond the surface.

With Lancer's spiritual form as an additional asset, Eden's determination to face the challenges of the Holy Grail War was further strengthened.

As they neard the tip of this hill, a church came to view.

The old church stands as a testament to history, its weathered stone walls, and ornate stained glass windows reflecting a sense of enduring elegance. The towering spire stretches upward, reaching for the sky, while the wooden doors bear intricate carvings that tell stories of faith and devotion. Inside, the air is filled with a solemn tranquillity, as flickering candlelight dances across the timeworn pews and ancient artwork that adorns the walls. The echo of footsteps on the well-worn stone floor adds to the sense of reverence, inviting visitors to reflect on the passage of time and the enduring spirit of worship that has graced these hallowed halls for generations.

Inside the old church, you'll find a serene ambience steeped in history. The high vaulted ceilings create a sense of grandeur, supported by intricately carved wooden beams that showcase the craftsmanship of eras past. Sunlight filters through the stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues of red, blue, and gold upon the stone floors. Rows of aged pews line the aisle, each one polished by countless hands over the years.

The altar, the heart of the space, features an ornate, weathered structure adorned with religious icons and candles. Time-worn frescoes and paintings decorate the walls, depicting scenes from scripture and moments of spiritual significance. The air is heavy with the scent of aged wood and incense, while the gentle murmurs of prayer and hushed conversations add to the ambience of reverence.

Shafts of light from strategically placed windows illuminate the tranquil corners and alcoves, inviting visitors to contemplate and find solace in the stillness. The whispers of history and devotion seem to linger in the air, making the old church a place where the past and present intertwine in a tapestry of faith and tradition.

The priest's eyes held a haunting emptiness, void of the usual warmth and life that one might expect. Instead of a spark of vitality, his gaze seemed distant, as if he were looking through the world rather than engaging with it. The lines etched into his face told tales of weariness and burdens carried, further accentuating the hollow nature of his eyes. Despite his clerical attire and the solemnity of his presence, there was an unsettling vacancy in his gaze that left an eerie impression on those who met his stare.

At the altar of the church , Kirei Kotomine stood, his presence as enigmatic. As Lancer and Eden approached, Kirei's gaze fixed upon them, his smile carrying an unsettling depth.

"Welcome to the heart of the Holy Grail War," Kirei's voice carried a tone of reverence that seemed at odds with the situation. "I am Kirei Kotomine, the supervisor of this grand event."

Lancer's posture remained composed, his eyes meeting Kirei's with a mix of curiosity and caution. "Greetings, Kotomine. I am Lancer, and this is my Master, Eden. We come seeking to understand the purpose and challenges of the Holy Grail War."

Kirei's smile deepened, his demeanor unchanged by Lancer's words. "Lancer, a formidable Servant no doubt. Eden, you've chosen quite the companion. The purpose of the Holy Grail War is simple: it is a contest for the ultimate prize, the Holy Grail, said to grant the wish of its victor."

Lancer's voice held a hint of skepticism. "And what is your role in all of this, Kotomine?"

Kirei's eyes seemed to gleam with an inner fire. "I am the observer, the one who watches as fates intertwine and destinies collide. I bear witness to the struggles and triumphs, the sacrifices made in pursuit of the Grail's power."

Eden's curiosity burned bright, and he couldn't help but ask, "But is there more to the Grail than power? What of its true nature?"

Kirei's smile turned enigmatic. "Ah, a thoughtful question indeed. The Grail's true nature is a mystery, one that unravels differently for each participant. As for its purpose, that is for you to discover, Eden."

Lancer's voice cut through the conversation. "We'll participate in this war, but know that we shall not be pawns in a game. We fight for our own reasons, not merely for a prize."

Kirei's eyes gleamed with a spark of admiration. "A noble sentiment, Lancer. The Holy Grail War is a stage upon which each individual's desires and convictions play out."

As the conversation concluded, Kirei motioned for them to follow. "Your accommodations have been prepared," he stated, his tone matter-of-fact.

Lancer's demeanor remained vigilant, though he nodded in acknowledgment. "We appreciate your hospitality."

Eden's eyes narrowed as he watched Kirei from across the dimly lit room. There was something about the way Kirei carried himself that set off alarm bells in Eden's mind. He had always been a good judge of character, and right now, his instincts were screaming that Kirei couldn't be trusted.

Feeling a knot of unease in his stomach, Eden turned to Lancer, who was leaning casually against the wall nearby. Lancer's easy confidence and sharp wit had earned Eden's respect since they first met.

"Hey, Lancer," Eden began, his voice low and cautious. "I can't shake this feeling that Kirei is hiding something. I don't know if we can rely on him."

Lancer's gaze shifted from the shadows to Eden, his expression thoughtful. "You've got a keen sense, Master. Trusting your gut's important in our line of work."

Eden nodded, his fingers drumming unconsciously on the hilt of his sword. "I just don't want our mission to go south because we let the wrong person in."

Lancer pushed off the wall and stood next to Eden, his voice dropping to match the secrecy of their conversation. "If you sense a snake in the grass, keep an eye on 'em, but don't let it consume you. We'll find a way to uncover the truth without compromising our objective."

Eden's tension eased slightly, reassured by Lancer's words. "Thanks, Lancer. I knew I could count on you for some level-headed advice."

Lancer clapped Eden on the back, a half-smile on his lips. "No worries, Master. We're a team, and we'll navigate this together. Just remember, things aren't always what they seem."

As they exchanged determined glances, Eden felt a renewed sense of purpose. With Lancer by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, even if it meant uncovering the truth about Kirei and the dangerous game he seemed to be playing.

As Eden and Lancer walked through the ornate halls of the church, guided by Kirei, the dim candlelight cast eerie shadows on the stone walls. Their steps echoed softly, the anticipation of the coming events palpable in the air. Suddenly, Eden's sharp gaze caught a glint of gold and crimson in the corner of the chamber they were passing through.

He tugged on Lancer's sleeve and whispered, "Hey, who's that over there?"

Lancer followed Eden's gaze and squinted. "Not sure. Looks like someone important. Let's ask Kirei once we're settled."

Curiosity gnawed at Eden as they continued walking, his mind racing to identify the mysterious figure. "I wonder if they're another Master."

Kirei's voice broke into their conversation, his tone calm and enigmatic. "This way, please. Your accommodations are just down this corridor. Rest is crucial before the Holy Grail War begins."

As they moved forward, Eden found it hard to tear his eyes away from the distant presence. "Lancer, something about that person seems... off. Can you feel it?"

Lancer nodded, his grip on his weapon subtly tightening. "Aye, there's definitely something strange. But let's trust Kirei's guidance for now."

Their footsteps brought them closer to their assigned room, but Eden's curiosity remained unabated. "I'll have to keep an eye on them. It's odd that they're here without anyone else around."

Finally arriving at their room, Kirei turned to address them. "Rest well. Tomorrow's events will require your strength."

After Kirei left, Eden let out a sigh, his thoughts still consumed by the enigmatic figure. "Lancer, I can't shake the feeling that we've stumbled onto something bigger than we expected."

Lancer nodded in agreement, his gaze lingering on the closed door. "Agreed, Master. We'll need to stay vigilant and figure out who that person is before they become a problem."

As the night settled in around them, Eden couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries hidden within the church's walls, the upcoming battle, and the identity of the golden-clad figure that had captured his attention. Sleep would be a struggle, but his determination to uncover the truth burned brighter than ever.

Tried something new for this tell me what you guys think

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