
Fate/Blank Slate

What happens when Eden finds himself in another universe altogether? Will he rise up and survive this dangerous world or crumble from all the danger. ————————————————————————————————————————- I’m new to writing fan fiction but I just had to do it. I got an amazing idea and had to share it. I’ve seen few fate fan fiction that I like most usually go into having harems and all that stuff. I just want to enjoy the stories and world that owners of these characters have made while integrating my own. Go easy on me on the comments pls I only own my OC the rest of the characters aren’t mine.

Pandapasta · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

Eden couldn't sleep that night. The image of Assassin, who almost killed him, played in his mind every time he closed his eyes.

'If I was a second late to dodge that blade, I would have been dead.' Eden thought to himself.

Eden gets out of his room and decides to take a walk around the church to clear his thoughts.

As Eden walks through the old church, his presence seems to radiate a sense of serene tranquility. Bathed in the gentle embrace of moonlight streaming through the stained glass windows, he moves with a quiet grace, his steps barely making a sound on the polished stone floors. The moon's soft glow illuminates his features, casting a tranquil aura upon his face and highlighting the intricate details of the architecture around him. His contemplative gaze takes in the play of shadows and the silvered outlines of the pews, while a faint, peaceful smile graces his lips. Eden's connection to the hushed reverence of the space and the subtle interplay of moonbeams and darkness creates a moment of deep calm, as if time itself has slowed down in this sacred place.

During his walk, he stumbles upon a bench in the church grounds. He sinks into the bench with a sigh.

"Why?" he murmurs softly to himself, his voice carrying the weight of his newfound burden. "Why was I thrust into this fate, this Grail War?"

Unbeknownst to Eden, a figure stands just outside the ground's partially open door. Lancer, his presence cloaked in an air of quiet observance, watches Eden's inner turmoil play out. His crimson eyes reflect the moonlight, mirroring the flickering uncertainty he sees in Eden's eyes.

The events of the past two days whirl through Eden's thoughts — the hurried explanations, the accounts of previous battles, the summoning of a heroic spirit. It all seems like an overwhelming deluge of information that he's struggling to grasp. He rubs his temples with his fingertips, a gesture born of frustration and weariness.

Lancer leans subtly against the wall, his gaze unwavering as he watches Eden. He can sense the internal struggle, the whirlwind of emotions that question the necessity of his involvement in the Grail War.

"I never asked for this," Eden mutters, his voice tinged with a mixture of resentment and helplessness.

Lancer's eyes narrow slightly, a hint of understanding passing through his gaze. He knows the burden that has been placed upon Eden, for he, too, was once caught in the same intricate web of fate.

As Eden leans back in the chair, his eyes unfocused, his mind replays the conversations and debates he's had since learning of the Grail War. He contemplates the motives behind those who orchestrated this event and the uncertainty of what lies ahead.

The flickering lights seem to dance in response to the turmoil in his mind, casting eerie shadows that mirror his inner turmoil. With a heavy exhale, Eden grips the bench tight, his fingers white against its wooden edges. "Is there truly no other way?" he wonders aloud, his voice a whisper lost in the room's stillness.

Lancer's gaze softens, a fleeting sense of empathy crossing his features. He understands the torment of questioning one's role in the Grail War, the relentless search for a path that aligns with one's values.

Beneath the moon's gentle glow, Eden sits alone on a bench within the church grounds, his gaze lost in the distance. Unseen, Kirei Kotomine watches from a distance, his footsteps soundless on the gravel path as he approaches. With a presence that is both quiet and commanding, he stops a few paces away from Eden and speaks softly.

"Troubled by your thoughts, I see," Kirei's voice carries an air of understanding, a measured tone that doesn't impose but invites conversation.

Startled, Eden looks up to find Kirei standing before him. After a brief pause, he offers a faint smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Yes, it's been quite a whirlwind," Eden replies, his voice a mix of exhaustion and contemplation.

Kirei takes a seat beside Eden, their profiles both illuminated by the moonlight. "Care to share what weighs on your mind?" Kirei inquires gently, his eyes conveying an attentive curiosity.

Eden's gaze returns to the ground, his fingers tracing patterns on his lap. "I was thrust into this Grail War, Kirei. I've only known of its existence for two days, and already I'm supposed to fight, to make choices that will shape the outcome."

Kirei's lips curl slightly, a faint semblance of a smile. "The Grail War has a way of demanding swift decisions. But let me assure you, doubt and uncertainty are not uncommon companions in this endeavor."

Eden looks at Kirei, his expression a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "You've been through this, then?"

Kirei's gaze drifts to the moonlit sky, as if recalling memories of his own past. "I have. And I've come to realize that the path you tread is a unique one, filled with moral dilemmas and personal revelations. But remember, the capacity to question yourself is a sign of strength, not weakness."

Eden's shoulders relax slightly, a semblance of comfort settling over him. "I appreciate your words, Kirei. It's just... I'm not sure if I'm cut out for this. To fight, to make decisions that could determine someone else's fate."

Kirei's eyes meet Eden's, their gazes locking in a moment of shared understanding. "The Grail War is a trial by fire, but it's also an opportunity for growth. To question your role is to recognize the gravity of the situation, to acknowledge the weight of your choices. It's a reflection of your humanity."

Eden lets out a long breath, as if releasing a burden he's been carrying. "I suppose you're right. I don't have all the answers, but I'll have to find my way, won't I?"

Kirei nods, a sense of approval in his demeanor. "Indeed. Your doubts will shape your decisions as much as your convictions. Embrace them, Eden, and let them guide you."

With the moon's gentle radiance still bathing the church grounds, Eden and Kirei conclude their conversation on the bench. Eden's expression holds a newfound sense of resolve as he stands, his gratitude evident in his eyes.

"Thank you, Kirei," Eden says sincerely, his voice carrying a weight of appreciation. "Your counsel has given me much to consider."

Kirei's response is a simple nod, his gaze steady. "Remember, Eden, your journey has just begun. Embrace the path ahead, and may it lead you to revelations you never thought possible."

Eden acknowledges the wisdom in Kirei's words with a nod of his own before turning to head back inside the church. With each step, his thoughts begin to crystallize, and a sense of purpose emerges from the mists of uncertainty.

Inside his room, lit softly by a single candle, Eden retrieves a chair and places it beside the window. Gazing out at the night sky, he closes his eyes briefly, his thoughts centering on the heroic spirit who has become his ally and confidant in this unusual situation.

"Lancer," he murmurs, the name a quiet invocation.

In response, a faint shimmer in the air heralds Lancer's presence as he materializes in the room. His blue eyes meet Eden's, an unspoken understanding passing between them.

"Seems like you've been doing some thinking," Lancer remarks, his tone a blend of curiosity and encouragement.

Eden smiles, a mixture of determination and appreciation lighting up his features. "Yes, I have. Talking to Kirei helped me see things more clearly."

Lancer leans casually against the wall, his arms crossed. "Kirei's got a way with words, that's for sure. So, what's on your mind now?"

Eden's gaze returns to the moonlit night beyond the window. "I'm starting to realize that doubt and uncertainty are natural. They don't make me weak; they make me human. And this Grail War, as daunting as it is, offers a chance for growth and self-discovery."

Lancer's approving smile mirrors Eden's. "That's the spirit. It's not about having all the answers right away, but about seeking them as you go along."

Eden nods, his determination solidifying. "Exactly. And together, you and I will navigate this journey. I trust your guidance, Lancer."

Lancer pushes away from the wall, standing beside Eden by the window. "Trust goes both ways. I've got your back, Master."

In the heart of the church's grand hall, the air feels heavy with an unspoken tension. Kirei stands near a large stained glass window, his gaze fixed on the moonlit courtyard beyond.

A figure steps out from the shadows, their presence commanding attention. "Kirei," a voice, dripping with confidence, breaks the silence. "What do you make of this young participant in the Grail War?"

Kirei turns to face the newcomer, his expression neutral. "He's burdened by his doubts and uncertainties, Gilgamesh. But beneath that, there's a fire. A determination to rise above his own insecurities."

Gilgamesh, a regal figure in black, steps into the moonlight, revealing his distinctive appearance. His expression is thoughtful as he regards Eden. "Ah, doubt and determination, a most intriguing mix. And what of his potential?"

Kirei's gaze remains focused on Eden. "His potential is unrefined, yet promising. He has the makings of a leader, though whether he fully comprehends the depths of his role remains to be seen."

Gilgamesh's lips curl into a subtle smile. "Leadership, you say? How fascinating. Tell me, Kirei, do you see him as a worthy contender for the Grail?"

Kirei's gaze narrows slightly, his thoughts hidden behind his enigmatic demeanor. "Time will tell. The Grail War is a crucible, after all, and it has a way of revealing one's true character."

Gilgamesh chuckles softly, his eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and intrigue. "Indeed, the Grail War is a stage for human drama, a canvas for ambition and desire."