

It wasn't easy for me to lose weight. I mean being part Asian, everyone expects us to be skinny. But that's not the case, you see my name is Adeline Tan Yen. And, I'm a really fat girl. It was hard for me to make friends, who wouldn't judge me for my weight. My mother is American while my father is Asian. They met in Tokyo, fell in love, got married, and had me. I'm their only child since my mother couldn't have any more kids. I could have had a twin sister but, unfortunately, she didn't make it. But enough of this sad story. I'm here to talk about my first day in America. My mother had a new job in America working for this famous company. My father agreed and we decided to move there. At first, I was looking for a new change since I didn't feel right where I lived. But now that's all going to change when my mother was going to send me into a private school. At first, I didn't think of it much. I didn't think anything could go wrong since in America everyone doesn't look the same. But it didn't go as I thought it was going to turn out.

Reapers_Death101 · Teen
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6 Chs

New Friend...?

I ran away, in fear, I don't know why she told me that, I never did anything? So why did she tell me that? I ran upstairs to the second floor. I can't believe how much I was sweating, my shirt was full of sweat. I sit down on this bench next to this locker. I looked up and realized it was the room I was supposed to be in. I was about to go inside but then, I saw myself in the reflection of the small window, on the classroom door. I just couldn't show up like that. All sweating and disgusting looking. Good thing there was a bathroom near the room. I went to the bathroom and tried to fix myself as much as I can. I tried to dry my shirt. By grabbing some paper towels, I started to tap on my shirt as much as possible to absorb the sweat. But it was useless, it wouldn't be possible to do so. I stayed there crying, thinking of the disappointment that my mother and father will have knowing that I didn't show up to class. Until a small skinny girl walked in, she looked at me. And I quickly dry my tears. I didn't want the same thing happening to me again. She came close to me and I looked down on her. 

"Are you alright, what happened? Are you hurt?" She replied. I can't believe that she's telling me this, I thought that she was going to make fun of me? like everyone else here in this school. "I'm ok, I'm just lost and I can't find my class…" she then came closer to me and took my hand. "Is ok to cry..you don't have to hide it….what's your name?" She gave me a warm smile. As she spoke, "My name is Adeline...im new here..." my eyes streamed tears down my cheeks. She entered into one of the stalls, grabbed some toilet paper, and cleaned my tears. "My name is Kehlani...I'm also kinda new here to…" she smiled at me warmly. I felt kinda happy that I wasn't alone. She then helped me clean up, and I felt a little better. Maybe this school wasn't all bad. Once she helped me clean up, she took me to my class. We both had the same class, surprisingly. The teacher looked up and just stared at me, but then turned his head back down onto his book that he was reading. The desks were connected, yet it provided you and your partner enough space to sit down and do your work at peace. She sat down first and then I followed along. She opened her English book and shared the same page with me. She told me where I was supposed to read, and so I followed along.

The teacher continued teaching the class as normal. The bell rang, and it was time for us to leave. Everyone took their bags and left in a hurry out the door. The teacher signaled me to stay. Maybe he was going to talk to me about being late? My new friend Kehlani, went outside into the hallway. She probably was just going to wait for me. I came closer to his desk, as he took off his glasses. "I know you're new here..but why're you late?'' he responded in a calming, yet strict voice. "I-i got lost...and….confused….I didn't know where I was going until….now.." I look down in disappointment. "My apologies sir It won't happen again" I didn't want to tell him the truth. Afraid of those girls, and what they would do to me...if I did. He looked at me and nodded. "I guess..it could make sense...your new..and it's a big building….so...ill let it slide but next time….if you're late I'll have to write you up..alright.." He smiles a little, he kinda reminded me of the strict teacher I had when I was smaller. I nodded and smiled, I waved goodbye and left making my way out into the hallway. Where Kehlani waited for me. With a group of friends that she had. I can only smile at them as I stepped closer to them...maybe being here won't be so bad...right.