

It wasn't easy for me to lose weight. I mean being part Asian, everyone expects us to be skinny. But that's not the case, you see my name is Adeline Tan Yen. And, I'm a really fat girl. It was hard for me to make friends, who wouldn't judge me for my weight. My mother is American while my father is Asian. They met in Tokyo, fell in love, got married, and had me. I'm their only child since my mother couldn't have any more kids. I could have had a twin sister but, unfortunately, she didn't make it. But enough of this sad story. I'm here to talk about my first day in America. My mother had a new job in America working for this famous company. My father agreed and we decided to move there. At first, I was looking for a new change since I didn't feel right where I lived. But now that's all going to change when my mother was going to send me into a private school. At first, I didn't think of it much. I didn't think anything could go wrong since in America everyone doesn't look the same. But it didn't go as I thought it was going to turn out.

Reapers_Death101 · Teen
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6 Chs

Group of friends

We all headed into the cafeteria "what are we doing here is not lunch yet?" I told Kehlani, she giggled "no, silly is breakfast time, our school gives us breakfast so if any one of the students missed breakfast at home they can get breakfast here" she smiled. I smiled back, this school was so different from my school. I guess I did miss a little bit of my school, but I proceeded to continue to line up in line as the rest of the students. We all got our meal, but one of the popular girls looked at me, and whispered to one of her friends. Then they all started to whisper and giggle,  they started to point in my direction. I ignored them, as to not cause any more problems with them. But I did start to feel kinda bad. I guess me looking upset got the attention of Kehlani, because she looked at me and then looked at the girls. She grabbed my shoulder and whispered "hey is ok, don't listen to them, they are just spoiled brats with nothing to accomplish in life...don't let them get to you..besides I think you're pretty" she smiled at me. And her saying that made me feel...kinda better. But still...I guess she was right I shouldn't let them get to me. But it's kinda hard not too when they are laughing almost next to you. I followed Kehlani with her friends. We all sat down on an empty table and Kehlani said hi to her fellow other friends that were waiting for her to arrive. Kehlani sat down, and patted the set indicating me to sit next to her. I sat down as she began to introduce her friends. "Ok, say hi to the newest member of our group" she smiled as they all welcomed me. It was kinda strange for me since I never had nice people ever treat me this kind. "Now, she is new here, her name is Adeline she's so kind and friendly, she a little shy, but I hope that we can all get along...now this here is Mia, but we prefer to call her steak" I looked at the girl, she seemed a little shy, she had short brown hair, her skin was a light peach and had these honey eyes, she smiled and waved at me. "This is Ethan but we also prefer to call him Hollow" He looked at me and gave me a warm smile. He had brown eyes, black hair, and white skin. "Nice to meet you Adeline.." he responded, "hello…" I shyly said back. "This is Brian aka known as the crackhead of the group" He had black hair on one side and white hair on the other side, he had emerald green eyes, and light brown skin, he also had piercings on his ears. He stood up and bowed down as he revived my hand and kissed it "it's a pleasure to meet you malady", I giggled a little, but I was surprised at the same time that he would do that. "Ok Brian you can let her go now" Kehlani smiles and laughs a little. He sits back down, "sorry Kehlani, you know when I see beauty I just gotta make the effort on making my introduction" he slides his hand through his hair making this kind of funny cringe face at the same time. Everyone starts to laugh, and so do I. "Ok we get it brian, trying to copy that popular boy" I look at this girl who had her hair dyed into a dark purple, she had dark skin, and had brown eyes. "This is Eva also known as the mother hen of our group" she made a peace sign and responded "yo". I looked at them individually, I couldn't believe that I actually made friends. I almost felt like crying, until…