
Far Descendant

Fenrir a descendant or should i say born from the abomination between a Vampire Count and the Vampire Queen and had his lineage killed. "born with two different colored eyes 'Blue and Grey.' Born with the bat tattoo at his back and a yin yang symbol at his left chest. How did he try to find balance when the king found out he was alive. ...... Adult mature contents R18.

Paragon_09 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


" you see that battle ring over there? Why don't you show me the size of your thing there" Fenrir asked brudge while pointing at a high stage that was made for combat training.

"Hmph... I'll make sure i wipe of that smug from your face freak". Brudge replied as he started working upto the stage.

"Is he going to be okay? You said he is from the Silver family but from what i know the last child of the Silver's is the only one who still can't turn into a werewolf" Bryan asked Iris as the also started walking to the stage.

"Fenrir is as strong as his older brother at the 5th year, go do your research well" Vee casually replied. "I actually feel pity for the 4th year student, Fenrir is more strange than you know, he has this characteristics with the legendary night creatures" Alexander chipped in. "What do you mean alex" susan asked. "Hmm? Nothing. Atleast i'm not the one whose gonna watch his mom get fucked in a live video" he replied as he shook his head.

"Darling, are you really going to give your first time to his mom?" Vee whispered as the reached the stage.

"No, Evelyn would kill me before it even happens. But i would like to fuck his mom, well it all depends on the way she swings." He replied casually

" I said it... Womanizer."

"Suit yourself "

After they reached the stage, they told the instructor about the bet and the punishment. You can guess the instructors expression when he heard it.

"Mr Cole, are you sure you want to get Mrs Jennifer involved in this, what if you lose this bet". It turns out Brudge's mom is Mrs Jennifer Cole. She's a 7th year instructor and one of the most senior staffs in the Eternity school.

"It's just her contact, a call and us meeting up, he should be fine unless he's scared of a freak right?" Fenrir tried to provoke Brudge so he would not back down. 'wait when did i start getting interested in women that i'm even pushing to meet one?..maybe sasha was right, i like matured old women. It's just a one-time thing'. Fenrir thought as he kept smiling at brudge.

" Who's scared of you dummy"

"You werewolves don't go back on your words remember...then i will let Mrs Jennifer be aware of this" Mr Jackson then said as he called Mrs Cole.

"Okay you guys can now start. No killing, no serious injury" he said this because he didn't want Fenrir to go answer the principal while looking tattered and injured. He thought Brudge would win as his mother is involved in this.


Brudge transformed into a black huge looking werewolf, then he pounced on Fenrir who was still standing there. He raised his left paw to strike Fenrir who just moved out of his position.

* Bam

The floor were he just left cracked after brudge missed and slammed at the floor.

"Time i get serious" *Tsin* his nails elongated and turned to claws, his fangs grew as he advanced towards the big wolf.

" Shadow jump" he immediately appeared from the wolf's shadow and swiped his claw with speed at his blind spot, he intended to injure his left eye.

Shadow jump is one of his shadow abitliy that he can use to dissapear and appear from one's shadow only if the person has some kind of relationship with him like his family or he can see the person in his view if the person is not related to him. But it has a distance limit and it also requires energy and mental strength but he already has high mental strength because of his psychic ability. It is like a mini teleportation.


Brudge growled as he covered his injured eye.

"Eat" Fenrir said

"Ahhhhh....growl.." Fenrir shouted in pain as his shadow seemed to be dying and reducing. Yes Fenrir used one of his most dangerous techniques 'Devour' where he devours one's shadow after that the person is left crippled or badly damaged. But he just wanted to deal a little with brudge but he also found it difficult to use this ability. The more he devours one's shadow, the more his strength increases rapidly. Fenrir hasn't yet mastered this ability.

After a while he released Brudge from his misery, Brudge returned back to his human form. His body looked pale, his orange eyes looked like the lost colour, he then vomited black blood and said in a low voice "monster". The hall looked very quiet after what the saw that the even forgot to cater a medic for Brudge.

"Disgrace" a cold sexy voice was heard from the back of the crowd.