
Far Descendant

Fenrir a descendant or should i say born from the abomination between a Vampire Count and the Vampire Queen and had his lineage killed. "born with two different colored eyes 'Blue and Grey.' Born with the bat tattoo at his back and a yin yang symbol at his left chest. How did he try to find balance when the king found out he was alive. ...... Adult mature contents R18.

Paragon_09 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

You are my Darling

"what is it?" Bryan asked Susan who looked red in face as she was lost in thought.

" Nothing just don't mind me....so Fenrir what weapons did you guys choose?" She replied so as to change the topic.

"Yh a sword fits you" iris commented.

"More like a scythe...you look and dress like a reaper, if not for your handsome face" Alex said while looking at his looks but avoiding his eyes, maybe because he still felt shivers from the former eye contact.

"Evelyn uses a scythe and hey, i don't swing that way" Fenrir replied casually.

"Darling uses two daggers, though i still don't know what his other ability is."

"You have two ability?" Bryan seemed surprised.

"Yes dummy he has, he is the last child of the Silver family. The ones with the hereditary born psychic abilities" Susan said as she was thinking about something else.

"Wait how did you know about this? Bryan asked suspiciously. "Iris showed me, yes she researched about him." Susan immediately tried to bail herself.

"Hey! Didn't you ask about his info? And you were like' don't tell bryan about it' did you forget?" Iris said as she looked at Susan who was pretending.

*Coughs. "I'm right here you know?....not like i care if iris searched for me. But you, what's your name again" Fenrir said while looking at Susan with a devilish smile. " Are you having thoughts of cheating on your boyfriend?" He asked Susan who looked really embarrassed.

"Alright the 1st and 2nd years should follow the two instructors to the other floor while the 3rd and 4th years remain here with me. We would start by testing your physical strength, speed, and usage in ability. You should get acquainted with group. So you know your abilities... You guys would be trained and sent on tests, only three groups out of you lots would be participating for our school in the 'Battle of Royals'. After a while the First instructor addressed them again. Now in the mix of choosing groups, some were 5, 6, 7.. even some reached 9 in number because the believed number could make up for strength.

The 4th years mixed with the 3rd years too but the tried to show dominance that the were more competent.

"Hey beautiful, do you wanna join my group?" A spiky orange colored hair guy, who looked handsome and full of muscles said to Vee who still had her arms wrapped around Fenrir.

"What? Are you blind? Don't you see i'm with my boyfriend and we already have a group?" Vee looked iritated when she saw someone spoiling her mood. "I'm a 4th year, what power would this freak of the Silver's and this 3rd years give you" he replied as he seemed to laugh at Fenrir and the rest.

"Hey mind you, i'm ranked 4th and Iris is 3rd in the 3rd year power rank." Alexander said as he walked forward. " I'm second and my girlfriend is 5th. Also the Queen is of course 1st" Bryan said as he pointed towards the pink haired vixen hugging Fenrir like he would disappear.

"Heh, so this freak here is not even on the power rank" Brudge the spiky guy sneered as he looked at Fenrir.

"Do you wanna bet? How about you give me you mom's number, i'll call her and take her to my place for a night if you lose, from your muscles and that, i can tell she has a very good body" Fenrir replied with smile on his face. " Maybe i can send you a video of us later" he added as his smile widened.

"Bitch what did you say?"

"I said do you wanna bet?" Fenrir seemed to enjoy his reaction

"My mom is still married, my father could kill you for what you said now"

"Oh, so that means your scared, you can't even do the beating" Fenrir tried to provoke him more.

"I want her....if you lose our bet. I'll take her" Brudge said pointing at Vee after he calmed down.

"Hmm? She's not my girlfriend so you can have her anytime you want" Fenrir replied

"Don't say that again Fenrir" a cold pressured wind seemed to blow as Vee said that with little smile. " You are my darling".