
Far Descendant

Fenrir a descendant or should i say born from the abomination between a Vampire Count and the Vampire Queen and had his lineage killed. "born with two different colored eyes 'Blue and Grey.' Born with the bat tattoo at his back and a yin yang symbol at his left chest. How did he try to find balance when the king found out he was alive. ...... Adult mature contents R18.

Paragon_09 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Fenrir would kill me

Everyone in the hall looked towards an Orange hair colored woman who had her hair tied in a bun, and was dressed in a tight black body suit which displayed her curvy body. She looked to be in her thirties but she is actually a 74 year old woman.

"M..om ..i'm...s.or..ry, yo..u don't ha..ve t.o go on..a..da..t.e ..wit. hi..m" Brudge looked ashamed of himself as he said it to his mother who just called him a disgrace.

"Mrs Cole, i hope you honor the bet even though it's stupid. It's all about the reputation of The Cole's" Mr Jackson said to the woman who had been here since the fight between the two occurred. The Cole family is also a prominent family like the Silver's but are more arrogant and too outspoken. While the Silver's try to hide from the media after the birth of Fenrir which brought questions here and there from different people. Only a select few are aware of the kind of existence there son is, they are also good at wrapping it up thanks to there psychic ability. The Cole family is also like the Silver who try to keep the bloodline intact by marrying themselves. Brudge's Father is an example as he married all his sister's including Mrs Jennifer and their ability is the Metal ability, maybe with luck you can also unlock another ability but Mrs Jennifer only has one ability but she is one of the strongest people in the City of God's because of her high mastery of her Metal ability.

'this vampire huh, why does he has the shadow mist thing like the legendary bat house'

This was Mrs Jennifer's thought as she listened to what Mr Jackson said.

'i said it...this boy is an apex predator, Mrs Diana better be serious with him' Mr Jackson shook his head then said to Fenrir.

"You should see her after you meet the principal later. Here is her contact details"

"Thank you" Fenrir replied then walked towards Brudge who was still on the floor and asked "do you want to stream our video life or later?"

"Leave me alone you demon, keep your dick away from my mom" Brudge replied with a growl

"Hahaha...i will see you Mrs Jennifer. I can go see the principal now right?" Fenrir said as he walked past the woman who was just listening quietly.

"He is stronger than i thought.... Just as i like hehehehe" Vee said as she looked at Fenrir's departing back. ' he said he doesn't like weak people. I need to get stronger' Iris said to herself.

' he looks stronger than bryan, ahhh what am i thinking' Susan's head was messed up.

"Looks like the number one position is clear now" Alexander said as he looked at vee.

"Hmm? Of course. He should be stronger so he can protect me hehehe"

"Damn your too sexy" bryan said.

"You want to play with me? Why don't you leave your girlfriend first" vee said while smiling seductively. "Okay" bryan replied without thinking. "What did you say?" An angry Susan asked.

"Fufufuf" vee laughed as she used her mind control ability to manipulate him.

"This woman is dangerous, are you sure you're a human or a demon succubus?" Alexander said while looking at Vee wryly.

"You want to find out darling?" Vee seemed to be having fun.

"No. Fenrir would kill me"

"But his not here, i can make you satisfied, don't you think?" She said as she rubbed his chest seductively.

"Okay" he replied as his mind was messed up. "Fufufufu boys are funny to play with" vee replied as she enjoyed the reaction from controlling them.


"Knock *knock

"Miss, you asked to see me" Fenrir walked in to what looked like an office and saw a beautiful looking woman with gold coloured eyes sitting on the desk in a tight black mini gown with 14 gold coloured tails standing proudly at her back with a chair beside her as she faced Fenrir.

'she's really a 14 gold tailed fox'. Fenrir looked at her tails.

"Sit" Miss Diana said while pointing at the chair that was closer to her.

After he was giving permission, Fenrir sat down on the chair and crossed his legs while waiting for her to say something.

'he really is as handsome as the say, even more handsome than the old bones i've met.' 'lets see if i can get him to look at me and pray he's daring enough... my mating period is approaching and it's getting unbearable for the past 115 years. The Silver's wouldn't mind, the owe me a favor after all' she smiled as she looked at Fenrir like a predator.